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Wanton Flames

Wanton Flames

Author: Kayh


Steamy Stories

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Hot and Sizzling, you just might get burned. Alexandra gets hit by Devin, some months later, she ends up interning in his company unknown to her what she deemed mere coincidence was actually her best friend playing cupid and matchmaker in the background. Having a huge crush on him, Devin also eventually falls in love with her and the couple fights through all the barriers to be together. Makaylah on the other hand is ready to risk it all for an adventure of a lifetime, a risk that would either mar her or make her as she decides to pursue a man that is forbidden. Love, friendship, risks, and sex!!! This story explores the lives and love stories of two best friends. While Makaylah is loud and outgoing, Alexandra is shy and reserved.
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Chapter 1

“I really do not want to go.” Alexandra whined to her roommate as she brushed her eyelashes with a mascara brush.

Makaylah rolled her eyes, dropping the mascara and picking up a lip-gloss. “We are going. Geez Alexandra, live a little. I am not asking you to follow me to the club or to a party. We are just going to the food bank to queue for our daily bread for today.”

Both girls were in their third year in the university and life wasn’t all that rosy for them financially. Alexandra got into the school through a scholarship, while Makaylah’s parents were able to afford her fees until they died in a terrible car crash in her first year second semester. She had applied for a scholarship after the accident, after so many trial and attempt, she finally got it. Alexandra’s father was also late and she had just her mother, but her mother was already working three jobs and it still could not take care of them. There were days like today when Makaylah would go to the food bank in their area or the next area to talk her way into getting free food for them.

“I have never done this before. I do not even know what to do when we get there.” Alexandra continued whining.

“Well my friend, you are going to learn. We will queue for the food packs and they hand it to us. Finish. Going alone these days does not favour me anymore. They give me food so small it is barely enough for one person, not to talk of two. Besides, I’m already registered at one centre, you need to register too. I know you hate this but there is nothing we can do. We have to survive one way or another.”

“I know, Kaylah and I appreciate you so much. How about I find a job since you cannot get one, so we can stop doing this.”

Makaylah glared at her. “You know that isn’t an option. Working and schooling won’t work for us because all our focus has to be on studying and maintaining our scholarship.”

“Fine, we can go. I just pray we don’t run into people we know.”

When the rest of the students in college were having fun with their lives partying and not having to worry about not starving to death, Alexandra and Makaylah were caught up in this web of being an adult. Makaylah on occasion will go to parties because she was an outspoken people’s person, simply put it an extrovert and so got invited to parties a lot. But Alexandra always has her nose stuck in a book. She was an introverted introvert if there is even such a thing as that.

“You know me, I do not care about that.” Makaylah shrugged. “I’ve met a few guys from school before and on one occasion they helped me get free food. How do you think I thought of the idea of you joining me?” an evil smirk appeared on her face.

“Oh shit, Kaylah. You didn’t mention that earlier.”

She laughed. “Chill. You have a very innocent and likable face, who wouldn’t want to feed you? We got to, babes before there’s a lot of people crowded there.”

At that very moment, Alexandra wished a miracle would happen and she wouldn’t have to go to the food bank with her roommate. But she also knew wishes never came through, otherwise she’d have been a millionaire by now. She had no other option than to carry her jacket and follow her friend out of the house.

The food bank seemed a little empty as the girls joined the short line to queue for the free food packs that were being handed out. Alexandra hated doing that, she hated the feeling of having to do this before they could eat, but she couldn’t complain. Makaylah had been doing it for a long time and never grumbled about it, so she couldn’t. Looking around the food bank, she noticed the people on the queue, including the ones just hanging around all looked decent, compared to her initial assumption of the people who visited the food banks. She prayed secretly that someday, she would also be able to feed people who couldn’t afford daily meals. Not just feed them, but also clothe them and if possible, provide shelter for them.

When it was their turn to receive the package, the staff handing them out asked her for her ID. She glanced nervously at her friend, who nodded in encouragement for her to present her ID. It truly wasn’t something she wanted to experience ever again. After examining her identification card, they handed her the pack of food and she left the left the line to wait for Makaylah. Makaylah was a regular so she didn’t take up much time.

Alexandra was determined to become someone and not have to life that life forever. She had to do it for herself, for her best friend who had no one else in life besides her, and she had to do it for her mother who was slaving day and night to make sure all three of them were okay. She also had to do it for many out there who had no one too and were feeling as hopeless she was.

Opposite the food bank, as the girls came out from the building, Alexandra saw her course mate and decided to crossover to say hello and exchange a few words with her regarding their pending assignment. Just as she was crossing the road at the red light, a car came from nowhere and lifted her from the ground. Makaylah screamed as she watched her friend get thrown to the floor, blood gushing from her head. The driver of the car rushes out as she ran to the scene. Passers-by were already starting to gather.

“What did you fucking do?” she yelled at the man. “You’ve killed her. You’ve fucking killed her.” It wasn’t the time to sob but she couldn’t help it.

“She is not dead. Please pull yourself together and call an ambulance.” The man said to her. Makaylah just stood there frozen, staring at her friend who laid lifeless on the ground. The man sighed and bent to pick up Alexandra and put her into his car. He was going to take her to the hospital himself. “You coming?” he paused to ask Makaylah. She hurriedly picked up Alexandra’s things and got into the car. Her heart was beating so fast, she didn’t want to lose her friend. She knew that if anything happened to Alexandra it would be her fault because she never wanted to come out but she forced her to do so and see what happened.

They waited at the hospital for any news on Alexandra. Makaylah couldn’t handle the wait. She was about to have a panic attack thinking how she would tell Alexandra’s mom that her only child was dead. She shook her head vigorously wanting to wake up from whatever nightmare she was in. Also, she knew they didn’t have any money to pay for the hospital bills so that was another cause for worry.

The doctor walked out two hours later and they immediately rushed over to him. “She is doing alright.” He told them. “She suffered a major concussion, and lost a lot of blood but everything is under control now.”

Makaylah sighed in relief. “Thank you so much, Doc. Can I go see her now?”

“Sure, you can. But, you cannot stay for long and you cannot engage her in conversations as she is weak and needs all the rest she can get.” she nodded and left for her friend’s room but not before seeing the man follow the doctor.

Alexandra’s head was wrapped up in a bandage, Makaylah had to swallow a whimper upon setting her eyes on her friend. Her face had some bruises and her right arm and leg was also bandaged. She hated herself for forcing her friend to go to the food bank with her. If she had known, she would have gone alone. How could she call her mother and tell her there was more expenses now added to the previous bills and the reason was because her daughter had been admitted in the hospital with a fractured arm and leg. Her mother would flip and almost have a heart attack if she heard that.

No, she would keep it to herself, she decided.

Now, she had to worry about paying the bills. Any moment, the nurses would enter the room and demand she paid a deposit. What will she do then? What lies or excuses will she come up with? She tried racking her brain for a solution but nothing was coming to mind. Should she carry her friend and escape from the hospital? She laughed at that. That was silly, she thought. They will get caught instantly. Besides, Alexandra wasn’t strong enough to leave the hospital. She needed to stay admitted to get treated.

The reason why Alexandra was in pain, and admitted in the hospital entered the room. A sober look appeared on his face as soon as he saw Alexandra wrapped up in bandages on the bed.

Makaylah charged at him. “Why are you still here, sir? Haven’t you caused enough damage already?”

“I truly am sorry. I cannot recall how I lost focus from the road. My deepest, sincerest apologies. I just came to check on her and also to tell you not to worry about the bills because I have settled it.”

Makaylah stared at him in shock. He really paid the bill? That was a cause for joy, but she wasn’t about to let that show, she had too much pride for that so she shrugged nonchalantly. “That is the least you could do. After all, you are the reason she is here in this condition right now.” Yes girl, do not make him think you girls are beggars.

“I know, and I am so sorry. Please take my card,” he brought out his card from his jacket pocket and handed it to her. “Call me if anything comes up or if you need anything at all. Again, my deepest sincerest apologies.” Then he walked away.

She stared at the card in her hand. He seemed like a true gentleman even though she didn’t really pay attention to him because of the scary situation they were facing. The name on the card read ‘CEO Devin Russo’ of Russo Construction. She almost screamed. That was the owner of Russo Construction? That was the fucking owner? They got hit by a fucking billionaire? She smacked her head hard. She could have collected so much money as damages from him if she had known from the on-set. That was a major regret she would never forget.