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His Luna, Her King

His Luna, Her King

Author: Chels



His Luna, Her King PDF Free Download


Alexander (Lex) grow up not knowing where she belonged. She works hard everyday trying to improve her life wanting more until one day on her birthday she finds out everything is a lie. Blake is an alpha of the Black Moon Pack and he is ruthless when it comes to hois family but when he finds his mate and she has no idea what is this world she walked into and she is his queen. Can Lex become the Queen she needs to be and save her mate all at the same time because someone wants whats hers.
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Chapter 1



Waking up day in and day out wanting to know if this is it or are you made for more. I really want to be meant for more but I really don't know anymore. My name is Alexandra but everyone calls me Lex. I will be eighteen in a few hours and I can't wait to figure out my life from there. I have been at this orphanage since I was two years old, and yes the orphanage that kicks you out at eighteen atleast they are allowing me to graduate before then. School sucks, I can't wait to graduate in a few months.

"Lex time to get up for school," Ms. Mary yells.

Ms. Mary has been raising me since I was dropped off by the parents that did not want me. She is amazing and I feel like she actually loves me.

"Yes, Ms. Mary" I roll out of bed wanting to stay covered up in the blankets until tomorrow. I hate birthdays anymore when I was young I was the typical kid blowing out the candles wanting my momma and poppa but no one came for me so now being eighteen I just want to walk away from here on graduation day and become someone I need to be, I just have no idea who that is.

I start the shower and look at my self in the mirror wishing I was the pretty girl in school so I would stop being picked on. It wasn't only because they knew my parents didn't want me but I had purple eyes and according to everyone at my high school I am a FREAK. When I turned fifteen Ms. Mary allowed me to start dye my hair because what normal child has white hair, so right now I look at my black shoulder length straight hair. While looking, I noticed I would have to dye my hair again soon for some reason my hair would turn completely white every other day which was odd in its self. It started about a month ago and a few changes here and there but if don't get ready for school I'm going to be late.

Showered and dressed, I walk down to eat a quick breakfast before walking to school.

"Well hello soon to be birthday girl"

"Ms. Mary I turn eighteen tonight its not a big deal not like I going to get anything I really wanted" I always knew I would not get a family when I was younger but I always wanted one.

"You are my family, Lex and don't you forget that" Ms. Mary always wanted to remind me of that.

"Until graduation when the orphanage requires you to kick me out" I simplely stated walking out the kitchen to the fresh morning air not allowing her to give me the b.s she always tries to give me.

Walking to school, I realized I should have grabbed an umbrella because of course it would rain on my birthday maybe I would get lucky and a tunderstorm would come and hit school and we could go home early, well only one can hope. Finally reaching the front door of the school I take a deep breath and pull the hood up from my hoodie, less chances of anyone seeing my eyes or hair. Ms. Mary always tells me I am beautiful but I think she is biases but after being picked on and sometimes hit because of my look I stop thinking I was anything special. My first class which was English was the first room once you walk in which I was greatful for so no one saw me enter. As soon as I walk into the classroom I get pushed into the wall, making me lose my breath for a minute. I slowly look up realizing it was the stupid jock that always bothered me.

"What do you want Kyle?" knowing he is going to say something about me being a freak and then walk away.

"Hey Freak, watch who you run into or do you need to get those freaky eyes checked" he spat at me and then he released me and walked out of the classroom. Yay let the day begin, as you can tell this happens a lot but lucky I put down my head and just walk to the back of the classroom. I remind myself only a few more months.

The day ticks by slowly, only getting bullied this morning and then once at lunch in the cafeteria. Where preppy girl Karen decided to dump her milk on my head laughing about how it will wash away my bad hair dye. Showing no emotion I get up and walk away from her going to my locker and changing into a different hoodie and throwing the hood up so I don't have to look around at the staring eyes. The last bell finally rang for the day and I could not wait to get back to the orphanage.

Reaching the orphanage, I simple walk up the two steps on the porch and push the side door open. In the kitchen, I grab a banana from the counter and head to my bedroom. Starting on my math homework which was easiest for me, I always enjoyed looking at numbers, solving all mathmatic equations. Finally, finishing math I lower my head a start drifting off.


"Mommy" a little white hair girl walks up to a lady wearing a beautiful floor length gown. The child looks so familiar she looks just like me. I think this is a memory before they gave me away. The lady turns around and I notice the lady is a older version of me. She is actually my mom. She bends down grabbing the child, hugging her, looking over I notice a white hair man coming towards my mom and me.

"Daddy" the smaller version of me said. Looking at his face I feel like I am home. I want to run up and hug them and asked them why they didn't want me, was I not a good kid?

My father bends down talking to the smaller me. "Alexandra, you are our princess and we will love you forever and know we will never leave you."

I reach up to my cheek and notice a tear going down my face. They promised me as a child they would not leave me but I have been alone for sixteen years. I start walking towards my parents and the small girl. She turns and looks at me saying "wake up".


I jump out of bed. This is my first dream about my parents and I remember when they lie to me. I look at the clock and it says 10:00, just great I slept 4 hours. Changing my clothes, putting on some leggings, a simple tee, and my old tennis shoes, I start walking out of the house.

The only way I survived this long in the orphange was I found a hiding place when I was ten and it allows me to have a space to not feel like everything has fallen apart. I have been going to my hideout ever since then. Walking past our local park into the woods about a mile in there is a small waterfall that flows into the river. Hiding a blanket, flashlight, and a book in a backpack over by the rock wall of the waterfall, I retriving it and set my self up for some light reading.

Checking my cell phone I notice it is almost 11:30, when I start feeling extremely hot. I feel like my bones are on fire. What is happening to me.

"You are going to be fine just listen to me and we will survive our change"

"Who's there?" I look around seeing no one. Great now Im going insane.

"I am Alessia and I am your wolf and no you are not going insane" the voice says.

I am don't say a word, I don't know if Im in shock that I have a voice in my head or the pain in my body is getting worse by the moment.

"Lex, this is going to hurt but we will get through this and he will come and help us figure out who you are." Alessia says in my head and then extreme pain hits again.

My bones start to snap and crack into different places while I scream knowing my body can not take much more of this. My teeth feel like they are growing, I want it to end now. Please lord let this end. All of a sudden the pain stops and open my eyes and notice everything looks clearer and sharper, what is going on.

Looking down I see paws and white fur. What has happen to me? I have enough energy to scoot my body towards the river and look down in the water.

My purple eyes stare back at me but instead of my face it is a wolf with white fur. I feel the darkness seeping when the voice in my head speaks again.

"Lex, you are a werewolf and one of a kind. Rest and we will talk when you wake up."

That's when the darkness takes me and Im alone by the river.