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His Iris

His Iris

Author: Blessing_



His Iris PDF Free Download


Moving to a new town with her only family, after a haunting incident seemed like a good idea to Iris. Iris is a black girl with a sad past. She's your average book nerd and can be nice when she wants to be. She doesn't believe in true love or happy endings but is a sucker for some good ol' romcoms. She hates badboys and finds them completely clichè. Here Luca comes into the picture. Luca is not your everyday bad boy. He is broken and is considered the town's brute or beast rather. With tattoos, piercings and a glare that wards people off. Unfortunately, Iris becomes drawn to him like a moth to a flame. And almost immediately, Luca is pulled to her quirky, sassy and stubborn self. (Although the list could go on.) With his possessive and overprotective behaviour, Luca isn't one to let go of what makes him happy. And Iris makes him happy. What happens when their pasts comes to haunt them? Will these two broken souls fight their way through every barrier just to be with each other? This is the story of two broken souls trying to find solace within themselves.
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Chapter 1

I looked in the full length mirror, watching as the red top I wore clung tightly to my upper half. My jeans were a bit bigger than the average.

As kids we all had that perfect future planned out in our heads. Having the supermodel body, tall, flawless skin, but things really didn't go as planned for some of us while others got the future they always dreamed of.

I was merely 190 pounds yet people were already on my neck for it.

Moving from Georgia to a small town 6 months ago wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I attend a public school,Greenwood High, and I made two friends during my first week at school and after 6 months, you could call us best friends.

I applied a little makeup and after a few tries I tamed and styled my curls, taming my curls was never easy. Like they say "The fro can never be tamed."

Putting on my black heeled boots,I decided I looked good enough. For the night that is.

My brother, Bryson, decided to take my friends and I to this party after a lot of bribing and begging from my side.

Bryson's older than me with 3 years. I'm 16 and he's 19 this year, and in his second year in college and the captain of his school basketball team. Bryson is a tall muscular guy with beautiful dark skin like me too. He has a few tattoos running down his arms and full hair that was braided into cornrows by yours truly.

While I was anxiety riddled and a shadow of myself, Bryson was confident and could stand for himself.

And I was a shy 16 year old, who had trouble being social. That was the main reason why I was invisible to everyone in school except my tiny group of friends. People kissed the ground he walked on.

While I'd probably kiss the ground they walk on. We really are complete opposites.

Hearing a knock on my door made me snap out of the daydream I was in. My brother puts his head through the door, looks around my room for a few seconds before his eyes meet mine by the vanity, about finishing off my edges.

"Hey Ri, are you done yet? Natasha and Jackson are downstairs already." he says while looking at me from my head to my toes to make sure I wasn't wearing something inappropriate.

*Like I had the confidence for that. Ha! Jokes on him.*

"Give me a few minutes." I replied, smiling brightly at him.

He rolled his eyes and smiled also at my giddiness, immediately he shut the door. I decided to give myself a 5 minutes pep talk about being confident tonight.

*Okay Iris you can do this, you're gonna go to the party, get drunk like a normal teenager would and have an awesome night, maybe even find a guy to make out with.*

Finally putting on my big girl panties and going downstairs. I heard a horn honking crazily outside and I figured Bryson was probably fed up. I smiled, grabbing my phone and darting towards the door.

I opened the car door and got in, immediately seeing Natasha at the front seat and Jackson sitting at the back.

"Hey, girlie." Tasha said while reapplying her makeup.

I responded with a light laugh while shaking my head at her attempt to fix her hair with the way Bryson was driving.

Tasha is a ginger haired girl with slight freckles scattered from cheek to cheek. She is also a junior like me. Natasha is a tall girl, with a model like body I would kill for. Tonight she was putting on a pink tight top, a short leather skirt and heeled boots like me too, which made her taller than she already is.

"Hey, my little Groot." Jackson said while poking my ribs.

"You little shit, I hate it when you do that." I grumbled while caressing my fragile ribs with a pout on my lips.

"Awwnn, my baby's finally breaking her party virginity." Jackson cooed.

"Fuck you Jay, really." I narrowed my eyes on him.

"You ready to get drunk and maybe snatch a cutie and finally get on tonight?" Tasha asked while smirking at me.

She was doing this on purpose, really, because Bryson was right in the car with us.

"She's not getting "on" with anyone tonight Natasha." Bryson answered sternly before I could even reply to her.

After a few minutes in awkward silence, Bryson finally parks in front of a really huge house and I swear I audibly gulped at the amount of people pooling around the building due to overcrowding.

"Alright, I want you to stay by Jackson's side tonight Iris, since he's the only reasonable one." Bryson ordered while slightly glaring at Natasha who looked eager to bolt out of the car and get on the groove any minute from now.

"And if you eventually lose Jackson, which won't happen, I want you to call me and I'll come get you okay?" He asked, more like ordered.

Rolling my eyes, I leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek

"Got it dude, I love you." I replied while saluting to him, which he chuckled at because my fat self still hasn't learnt how to salute properly.

"Love you too, Ri." He said.

Tasha and Jackson both laughed at my silliness and we all got down.

Walking towards the house my anxiety started nagging at my chest as I got closer to the huge doors filled up with teenagers making out, smoking while others were puking at the cute yard with flowers trimmed and arranged neatly.

*Poor flowers.*

"It's okay." Natasha said from beside me, before she grabbed my hands and led me inside.

The inside was completely packed with dozens of drunk and sweaty teens and college students. The strong stench of alcohol hit my nostrils and loud music blasted through the entire house and I swear I could feel the floor booming too.

Natasha led me to what looked like a kitchen filled with alcohol and punch, seriously who keeps punch at a crazy teenage party.

"I'll take the punch Tasha." I said when she brought out two bottles of alcohol.

She just ignored me and poured the alcohol into a red Solo cup, she stretched her hand towards me, but I shook my head at her, until she sighed and added a bit of the punch into the alcohol.

Taking it from her stretched hand I bring the cup to my nose and sniff it a little.

"Smells like shit ." I say while scrunching my face up.

Tasha laughed while sipping hers straight from the bottle.

"Pussy." She said while smiling.

"Fuck off." I reply while taking little sips of the smelling thing.


"I'll be right back babe, Luke's here." She says while smiling sweetly.

Tasha has been with Luke even before we moved here. Luke's a dark haired boy, he's a senior and he's 17, turning 18 this year from what Tasha said.

Jackson's a senior also but he's 18 already, while I'm 16 and a junior, with Tasha being 17 and a junior like me too, although we are both taking a few Ap classes.

With a few tattoos running down his arms like Bryson, except he had a piercing in his left eyebrow.

I watched her as she walked to him, swaying her hips a little, she finally reached him and he grabbed her by the waist and gave her a deep kiss, ignoring everyone else around them.

He finally released her and dragged her upstairs. She turned back and gave me a sly smile and wink.

I laughed and shook my head.

Turning around and looking at my surroundings, a song I liked started playing,I smiled slightly and bopped my head to the beat.

I began to feel myself loosening up and eventually I'm done with two bottles of the alcohol. I started singing and dancing to the music playing from the speakers.

I went to the middle of the dance floor and started dancing and wiggling while shouting and singing as loud as I could.

After dancing, with a few drops of sweat plastered on my forehead. I felt a hard body come behind mine, slowly grinding into my butt. Slightly drunk from the excess alcohol, I giggle and grind back into the guy.

"Wanna get out of here?" A deep voice whispers into my ear while still holding onto my waist and grinding into me.

I finally turned around and was gazing into the light blue eyes of a blonde guy. He was tall, I'd give him that, and he looked like I'd seen him somewhere around at school.

I wasn't even given the chance to reply him and he was already pulling me out of the dance floor.