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Lunas Young Alpha

Lunas Young Alpha

Author: Erika002



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“I can never be with you. I am your teacher and your elder!”What happens when the moon goddess decides to play a dirty matchmaker game and pairs up a teacher and a student as soul mates?Meet Xena Michael, a 23-year-old teacher at Cold Zone College. She had been single for 23 years, feeling like she may never find her mate. But guess what? Fate has a surprise in store for her. It turns out, her mate is none other than the Alpha's son, who is also her most brilliant student. He had just turned 18 and became the Alpha of the Silver Dominion pack. Will Xena really accept a junior and her student as her mate?
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Chapter 1

Xena's POV:

I stood by the window, a deep frown etched on my face, as I watched the rain cascade down in torrents outside my house.

It was supposed to be the middle of June, the heart of summer, yet the weather had taken an unexpected turn.

The rain had started abruptly when I was in the middle of breakfast, drenching the streets and casting a gloomy atmosphere over the entire neighborhood.

But there was a peculiar feeling in the air, as if something auspicious was about to happen today.

Perhaps it was a sign of an eventful day ahead, or maybe just another mischievous twist of fate.

Time seemed to be slipping away, and I glanced at the time, realizing that I had less than 40 minutes to make it to college.

But the thought of driving through the rain to school seemed nearly impossible. The raindrops pounded against the windowpane, as if mocking my sudden predicament.

I clicked my tongue in annoyance and took out my phone to check the time again.

"Such bad luck today" I muttered under my breath and my wolf giggled.

"Maybe you should just stay home today and relax. I mean you're always going to college wether sick or not, it's a perfect time to relax" Layla, my wolf said.

Well it was the truth that I was never relaxed and never took much care of myself, because I didn't deem it necessary.

I had no mate that I had to take care of myself for. At 23, I was a teacher at the Cold Zone College, which I actually felt so happy about. I had always wanted to be a teacher because I loved teaching.

It was a dream I didn't ever let go of, at a young age.

Now I got a chance to fufill that dream, so I took this chance to heart.

Even if I found my mate or not, I would never give up my profession.

"There's no time for relaxation, Layla. Everytime wasted is a time to shape someone out there into a responsible person. If I relax, those students wouldn't gain more knowledge and im_"

"Alright, Alright that's enough. Teach all you want and please just stop the preaching already, It's annoying."

I chuckled at how easily she could be pissed off.

Thankfully, the moon goddess seemed to be on my side this time because the rain seized a bit and I sighed thankfully.

Without wasting much time to avoid waiting for the end of another heavy downpour, I picked up my hand bag and left to my car that was packed in the drive way.

Once I got in, I started off the car and zoomed out of my neighborhood.

The road looked very wet and the weather, very cold.

I shook my head at the scene of the entire place looking so dull and devoid of people, like the normal day when the sun was high up in the sky.

"But why would it rain in the middle of June for goodness sake?" I asked myself as I drove through the wet streets.

Layla hurriedly gave an answer. "It's simple, the moon goddess is crazy"

I chuckled at her words and asked her to keep quiet immediately.

She could really get us in trouble and I would have to bear the consequences.


30 minutes later, we arrived in college and I walked into the familiar building when I parked my car just by the school's gate.

The entire hall was buzzing with students and everyone of them greeted me respectfully, even though most of them were much older than I was.

I walked into my history class, feeling excited to dive into the fascinating world of the past as usual.

As I stepped in, the students greeted me as well with warm smiles and friendly hellos.

I always loved the energy in the room.

Even though the name of our college was Cold Zone, the college looked nothing like it's name.

I made my way to the front of the class, feeling a mix of nerves and enthusiasm. Taking a deep breath, I addressed the students, "Good morning, everyone. I hope you're all ready for another exciting day of exploring the wonders of history. Today, we'll be diving into the ancient civilizations of lore and our own kind."

The students listened attentively, their eyes filled with curiosity.

I couldn't help but feel a surge of joy knowing that I had the opportunity to share my passion for history with these young minds. With a smile, I continued, "We'll be discussing the cultural, political, and architectural achievements of these ancient societies. So, listen attentively as we I begin"

As I finish speaking, the classroom was filled with a buzz of excitement. It was moments like these that reminded me why I became a history teacher - to ignite that spark of curiosity and inspire a love for learning in each and every one of my students.

Just as I opened my mouth to read the words from my Textbook, a sudden sweet scent wafted into my nostrils and Layla purred all of a sudden.

My eyes went wide in realization.

Tears pulled up in my eyes as I asked Layla to confirm my suspicions, "is this real? Our mate came to the school? We found our mate?"

Layla answered almost immediately,'Yes! Our mate is around! Hurry up and let's go find him!' She jeered and I complied.

"Excuse me class" I said to the curious students and walked hastily out of the class, following the sweet scent of Ylang-ylang flowers that my mate smelled like.

23 years, 23years and I finally found my mate!

I was so excited! Finally!

Valkyrie would definitely be awed at this. I was finally going to be mated.

I walked along the hallways of the school, following the scent happily as it got stronger and intoxicated my senses.

Layla was even more impatient as she encouraged me to even run in my heels.

We walked further and I expected the scent to move further maybe to the school's official office, thinking maybe my mate came to visit one of the teachers there.

But the scent led me directly to Lunar Den, the boys section.

I frowned in confusion.

What was my mate doing in the boys section?

Just as I took a right turn, I was met with the source of the scent.

The very last person I had expected to see.

He was also hurrying towards the direction I came from, and he froze when he saw me.

My lips trembled in shock.

Ry__Ryder? The Alpha's son?

My student?

Ryder suddenly mouthed the words, "Mate" and I felt my whole world shut down.