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Her Lone Alpha

Her Lone Alpha

Author: Shenzi01



Her Lone Alpha PDF Free Download


Being an Alpha can be stressing especially when you are a lady. Such is the fate of Gaia, 21 year old Alpha. She barely has time for herself and even missed her 18th Birthday celebration, the time when she could find her mate. She only wishes for the one thing that seems so far from her, a normal life and a mate like every other mated member of her pack. When Aldrich, a lone and abandoned wolf sets foot on her terrain, she feels the instant connection with him? He is her mate. But what is his story? Will she be able to handle the pressure of rule and a mate. What will happen when she finds out that her mate isn’t just any kind of wolf but an Alpha who is on a mission to kill her? What will Aldrich do when he finds out that the Alpha he is to kill is not just a woman but his mate? Can he handle the pain of his mate dying by his hands?
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Chapter 1


My huge wolf ran through the woods, breaking the dry leaves underneath with it’s strong clawed paws, till I could smell the pack house just a few meters away from me. I shifted back to my human form and lucky me, my clothes were exactly where I left them.

I quickly changed into the white translucent gown and trapped the loose strands of my long blonde hair in a bun. It was night time and my pack members will be worried sick about me by now.

“Alpha!” I heard a voice call my name and I hissed. “Alpha.” It came again, closer and the owner of the voice, stood in front of me.

“What is it, Loren?” I asked, taking a stroll to the pack house, then turning away and moving behind to the Alpha's house.

“Where have you being? Your pack is worried about your safety. The old wolf won’t stop howling at us as if we are young pups. Not just that, he’s saying lots of crap about you and I think you need to shut him off.”

I knew what he meant about shutting someone off and in anger, my hands went straight for his neck, jerking him from the floor and pinning him on the tree.

“Do you know what you are implying by telling me to kill him?” I asked in a growl and he hissed, taking my hands off his neck with incredible strength.

“You know your uncle will stop at nothing to shut you down just so he can be the Alpha. He has the very abilities as you but the moon chose you.”

He is right. When I was 16, the alpha, my dad, died in a fight against Zombies. Zombies is the name of a pack. More of rogues than civilized weres like us. Although they were defeated, he lost his life on the battlefield. As for my mom, the Luna, she lives with me in the Alpha's house.

She can’t be the Alpha because she is a Luna. Well, was a Luna before dad died. She had to step down and the only two contestants were uncle Dabhill and I. Dabhill was hell bent on being the Alpha but… I won him in a duel and became the next Alpha, not him.

Loren's hand brushes up against mind, cold but chilling. However, I know that kind of a thing, so I take my hand off. He stops and bows his head while I look up to him with a little smile on my face.

“You will find your mate someday.” I tell him and he nods. I feel his frustration because, even I am unmated. But unlike him, I can’t roam around picking girls or men to see which of them will be my mate. I don’t even have the time for it. But as for my beta, he always has the time to have some fun.

Maybe he thought I was his mate. I mean we are both unmated wolves and we’ve been together for like an eternity now, knowing each other's likes and dislikes.

I took the back door and entered the pack house, followed by Loren. The smell of pancakes hit my nose and I hissed. Why did they have to prepare such a meal? Oh God I hate pancakes. I hurried out to the sitting room, to avoid throwing the food I ate during the day.

“…she is nothing but a stupid wretch who is going to ruin our lives. Which Alpha abandons his pack for a stroll and doesn’t return home? What if she has resigned duties as your alpha and abandoned you people.”

“The one that is so sure her pack is safe.” I walked in and saw some faces of unhappy people. For 4 years that I ruled as Alpha, a few people hated it. Mom and Loren suggested I kick them out but I can’t. They know a lot of pack secrets and it’s possible they want me to kick them out but I’m sorry to disappoint you guys. I’m your alpha.

“How can you be that reckless and abandon your pack to fend for themselves, worrying for nothing?”

“Now I am back. You should be happy that I didn’t send rogues to attack the pack. Now retire to your beds, everyone.” I tell them and walk out of the pack house. I stop and then turn to see Loren behind me.

“Loren what are you doing now?” I asked and he drew closer.

“Ensuring my Alpha gets home safely.” He smiles and I can’t help but take note of his handsome features. His smile is a creepy one but it makes him more handsome. His Lavender blue hair sparkles under the moonlight and his head just slightly above mine.

Tall, blue haired, although I couldn’t see them well as of now but he has blue eyes like his hair, just a little greenish. His broad shoulders that were outed by the tight polo white shirt he was putting on. His strong arms were open like wanting to get something in them and soon were wrapped round my body, pulling me in a hug, strange, yet comforting.

“I know we both have mates that we are yet to see. And I wished the moon blessed you and I to be mates.” He said and I couldn’t help but agree. I missed a chance to find a mate and the one man that was always with me, unmated, wasn’t even my mate.

I feel frustrated, because it’s been three years. I’ve searched around the world but I haven’t.

I felt something cold on my lips and once I opened my eyes, snapping out of my thoughts, Loren kissed me. Should it be happening? Should we be doing this?

In a second, he pulls away slowly. “I hope this comforts you. If we never have mates, I am always there for you.” He says and then opens the door for me to enter the Alpha house. Normally, the packhouse is for all the members of the pack but I as the alpha stay in the Alpha house, same as Loren. His house is just next to mine but I prefer he stays in the pack house especially with me not around.

“Good night, Gaia.” He breathes on my skin and I shiver a little.

“Good night, Loren.” I close the door behind me and climb up to my mother's room. She is fast asleep already, so I close the door carefully and enter my own room, the room opposite. I fall on the bed and then look up the dim lights.

If Loren is right, then I am glad someone is willing to stand by me forever. But I believe my mate will come, and this belief this time around is kind of reassuring. As if the moon goddess is telling me that one of these days, I will find my mate.

Oh man!

If that happens, then I will be the happiest person in the world. Probably Loren and I should find our mates at the same time. I will be really happy for him if he finds who his mate is. We won’t be lonely again and will never be lonely.

Slowly, a wind of slumber carried me into the land of sleep.


I woke up a little very happy today, took my bath and went out of the room to the dining. Mom was seated on the table and eating eggs and bacon. I smiled and walked up to where she was seated, pecking her on the jaw.

“Morning glory, mom.” I greeted and she smiled.

“I thought your alpha duties decided to keep you away from us and the pack for what seems like forever?” mom asked sarcastically and then it dawned on me. My pack was worried, yes. But I had been away for an entire week. I thought it was just 3 days maximum. Didn’t know I was away for a long time.

“I’m sorry mom. I didn’t think that I was away that long.” I almost cried in my meal. Maybe uncle Dabhill is right. I can’t handle a pack as wisely as my dad did.

“Listen honey. You were chosen. You didn’t just get up one morning and become Alpha. You were chosen for a reason. But some acts by the chosen ones might need punishment, divine punishment. Remember that you were just chosen but whatsoever you decide to do is not the goddess's plan but yours.”

I nod and then smile after mom pats my hand. I should hold a pack meeting and apologize to them. They are my family.

A pack is a family. Not a kingdom. Mom and dad thought me well. ‘Treasure your family.’ They will tell me.

Just then, someone knocked and almost immediately rushed in. “Loren!” I called excitedly and ushering him to sit by me.

“Hey I was just thinking about last night and I want us to-

“I found my mate!” He exclaimed, making me to stop talking abruptly. Wait, what?

“Look, I found my mate. But she is a stranger. They are not members of this pack.”



“How is that possible? “ I stood up. Mom became uneasy and stiffened. I could see it in her eyes. The last time our wall was breached and strangers came in our pack, we were attacked. My dad fought at the cost of his life against them.

“Mom, stay here. Lock all the doors, windows everything. Don’t open until I or Loren come over.” I say and pick my black leather jacket as I rush out of the house.

Loren is also disturbed. Why shouldn’t he? His mate is a creature that successfully breached our wall. We don’t know if they have ill intentions or not but we have to handle it with caution.

“What are we going to do?” He asked and I sighed.

“You know what. We torture the truth out of them.” I growled and he nodded plainly.

Once we got there, all the members of the pack were out, standing in a circle as if watching a spectacle. It’s the intruders! My wolf howls within me, rather happily.

What a weird feeling? I should be weary, not happy.

Once we push the crowd aside and step in the circle, I see why my wolf is happy.

“Mate!” She growls within me as I look at the creature that was on the floor unconscious. The lady that is with him cries out a one word statement and then she passes out.

I look at Loren and he looks back at me. We are both confused.

He met his mate.

And I met mine.

I finally have a mate!