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Money And Love

Money And Love

Author: Ades



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A modern love story between a billionaire and a sweet poor girl.a love story beginning from misunderstanding and hate.The main characters could never imagine they could fall in love with each other .Melissa is a beautiful girl who is studying foreign languages.Her parents are dead and she lives with her aunt who has a daughter.
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Chapter 1

It was Sunday.Melissa decided to sleep longer. Suddenly the door of her bedroom opened and her brother ran to her bed.

"Mel, wake up, "

"Come on , Alex, let me sleep"

"No, hurry, you promised to take me to play football.

Melissa had forgotten about her promise.She had really promised her little brother to take to a football stadium where boys at his age came and played football.Alex, her brother, was 7.He just adored football and everything about that sport. In spite of the young age he knew all the football clubs and players.Alex was a sweet and clever boy. ..It was 5 years since their parents died, Alex didn't remember them, so Mel took care of her little brother.

Melissa opened her eyes reluctantly.She stretched her body and went to the bathroom. Then she looked in the mirror and saw her swollen eyes.She was ugly.But this was only her opinion.Melissa wasn't born with a golden spoon, so she had no time to think about her beauty.She couldn't be considered a lucky girl.When her parents died she was 16, still at school.After them the world changed for her. She began working as a waitress in a restaurant.She knew all the difficulties of life. When she was 18, she entered the university and started studying foreign languages.She always got excellent marks.Her friends always got surprised how she managed to work and study at the same time. She always worked hard in order to study free. She didn't want to work as a waitress all her life.

"Mel, Arman is waiting for us, please hurry,", said Alex, looking at his sister.

Melissa wore her casual clothes , brushed her silky hair and went outside with her brother.Arman, their neighbor, was waiting for them.His parents weren't at home, so Melissa took both of them to the playground. When they were waiting for the green light to cross the street, she watched at the exited face of her brother and smiled.Two dimples appeared on her both cheeks.They gave her a special cuteness.Then they Crossed the street. At that moment Melissa could not imagine that her smile warmed someone's heart...

Edwards, the richest and most powerful bachelor in A city was looking out of the car when he saw a girl.She was in her 20s. She was not tall, but had a perfect figure.Her skin was surprisingly white.She had silky brown long hair. Edwards was someone who had seen all kinds of beauties, but this girl was somehow different.There was something pure about her.She was not wearing makeup.She was a natural beauty.Edwarda was an arrogant man.He never paid attention to women.They threw themselves under his feet. He himself was surprised , how could he, Edwards Thomson pay attention to a simple girl.When he was thinking of this, he noticed those dimples...He felt something strange deep in his heart.Damn, how can someone be so cute, so charming...for a moment he thought he could give everything to see that smile every day...

At that moment the lights turned green and Melissa crossed the street with the two boys. Edwards was still looking at her when his phone rang.

"Edwards, please come to the hospital, your grandfather had a heart attack" said his mother.

Edwards didn't say anything. He told his driver to go the the hospital.Then he remembered about the girl with georgous dimples...she had disappeared...How did he lose her.

With strange feelings he hurried to his grandfather's ward.