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Werewolf's Eternal Love

Werewolf's Eternal Love

Author: ajengfelix



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Brandon Calvin Dharmendra is not used to the fateful life of his werewolf. The average they want is power, lots of partners and meat. Brandon hides his identity from humans, seeks the best match of all races and boasts to the Dharmendra family. It's typical Brandon doesn't like the ancestral business to pair Brandon with a fellow werewolf race. Every full moon, Brandon wanders off to find his woman before his heyday ends. Around the Bar, there is a woman named Vinaya Klarika who is always available to accompany private customers, fulfill VIP requirements and order them during an empty schedule. Brandon was attracted to the woman and immediately captivated him mercilessly. Like a stalker to know the man a Vinaya likes. Is Brandon's eternal love the Vinaya? What problems do they face apart from the affairs of the two worlds?
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Chapter 1

“I hope you get his heart. He's a rare breed, Brandon Calvin Dharmendra, " said Dad sipping a red drink. Brandon's on guard. The problem with Brandon is that men are not women who resign themselves to their destiny. Her mother and two sisters watched the dining room scene with great solemnity. No one defended Brandon this time. “I don't want to, Dad. Brandon hasn't liked this since childhood.”

"Yes, I know. You don't want to eat game. Moreover, raw meat that has been stored far away for our people. You're ungrateful!"Brandon raised one eyebrow, folded his arms and put his feet on the table. At least this father and son protest has never stopped. Mom shook her head softly. “Of course I want to eat meat cooked and the marinade is delicious.”

Brandon's face was disgusted over the dish being removed. Don't they know that raw meat can make the body's immunity decrease and get sick easily? Brandon's intelligence in reading a lot of books always knew compared to werewolves his age. That's Why Brandon got rid of all the traditions that bind from head to toe. Do not want to curb.

Now Brandon's identity is denied. If Brandon could choose to be born an ordinary human being then Brandon would gladly accept even the most dangerous rules. That's because Brandon has long been a long-distance observer and studies the history of their people. Brandon went against his father.

“I don't like women I don't know. Not to mention he had to match my personality during his hdup. I'd rather take the punishment for your werewolf offenders.” Brandon's body came out. Night food is not touched at all. Brandon's stomach was made to suffer.

Mom's yelling and Dad's cursing ignored Brandon. Her two sisters followed her brother on the attic. “Is it okay to fight Dad? Father's descendants recognized many other werewolf races. Many dominate rather than being subjugated by force.” One of the comments of two twin sisters managed to give the facts. Brandon sat back and looked at the crescent moon.

Every full moon, Brandon goes wandering. This fatal activity was carried out from the age of five to the place of humans. I don't know if there's a perfect match for Brandon. After all, Brandon has gone to great lengths to resist the tradition. “I know Dad was a good leader but that was his heyday. In my family's eyes, I don't think so.”

Brandon's answer repeatedly silenced the persuasion of his two twin brothers and then chose to sit on the right and left. Brandon closed his eyes. The warmth of this brother felt understood this is what Brandon wants. What's wrong with breaking? Do not get hung up on the past, traditions and get rid of the decision to choose.

“I'm an adult. My father and mother still see me as a child in their eyes. On the next full moon I promise to take my partner to Dharmendra's residence. But not my people. You agree, don't you?” His two twin sisters looked at each other. Only this time there was a positive Brandon expression. Events cannot be obtained once this is immediately considered.

Then Brando turned into a huge brown wolf. This change in shape can be easily controlled. Legs full of sharp claws, barking growls and piercing eyes. Brandon's Aura at first glance was immediately made into a nightmare. “We want you to be happy. Don't be long. Drag it if you can, " said Yunika inhaling Brandon's masculine scent while Yunaka rubbed the soft fur of an adult wolf.

Brandon nodded slightly. Run over the rooftops. Long nights of searching for a partner could not stop. Every human activity is viewed from above. Small jumps, passing long creeks and spreading his strength. At least one in a billion people could fit in. Brandon smiled slyly. His stomach wants the alarm to go off.

One daily did not eat his food because his family always did not use raw meat. Then go to the corresponding location. Smells good. It is undeniable that Brandon's original side is reluctant to care about the origin of the meat in front of him. Changes back to normal. As per the terms of the peace of the two species not far from the human crowd remains enforced. The big hospital is waiting for Brandon.

This hospital is working with my family. Argh! I hate my stomach starts begging for fresh stuff!'Brandon's inner self was looking for a space that held a lot of meat that could be obtained for free. It's up to the attending physician and surgeon to comply with Brandon's request.

"Why? You don't want to use my meat around here?"ask the surgeon to see Brandon drooling for a few hours. It shouldn't be like this! It's just the same Brandon recognizes its origins and family traditions.

The Dharmendra family really has a lot of power to resolve the fearsome feelings within them. Brandon snuggled into the room. The day that was discovered by humans was none other than one of the workers who worked on the Dharmendra family legacy. “You're from them, aren't you? Take it easy, I'm giving it away for free as long as you meet the requirements.”

Brandon's neck went up and down. There is meat and organs that are not required to be in Mr. Smith's hands. The Master smiled slyly. As if knowing Brandon's predicament makes not being able to refuse so easily. “You work for my family. I Mark men receive the mark of every descendant who serves us. Can't escape that curse.”

The man laughed broadly. Brandon controls his stickiness in the doorway. Brandon was played because his body wanted all that meat. “'I do work with your family but I don't understand that you would give it up for your principles.”

Then the man in the white coat held out for the last time. “Are you still following your ego?” After that Brandonn brushed off a lump of irregular flesh right in his face. Brandon's self-esteem is higher despite his stomach thrashing filled with anything. This is because Brandon does not want to follow the tradition used. Age is ripe for making offspring.

But Brandon gritted his sharp fangs and said, " I can take and meet the requirements but not here. I feel like you humiliated me in public."Brandon's eyes were agitated. Not far from the operating room there is a human group entered here. Just look at the activity of Zayn Smith - the surgeon worked ten years genius fund-for the sake of attracting the attention of new children.

“Then I think that's fair. Even you ran away in the residence you got here. Here! There's a special meat dump for you. When I'm done with this, I'll tell you everything."Then Brandon was forced to accept plastic cantonns filled with fresh meat, go far and avoid all humans with his power.

As bright as a shadow and as fast as the wind. Moving towards the empty room and no cctv around. Brandon looked around again. A room marked mayaat room is a great place to hide. Then he ate the food that Zayn had given him. Not too bad, thought Brandon was chewing, soaking up the taste and swallowing slowly. Empty, lonely and silent.