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Come Into My World

Come Into My World

Author: Accident



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What can a vampire get from surrendering his body to a Lycan? People killed and easier investments, that's what. Cas Ellery is a modern vampire trying to amass wealth but the humans and other supernaturals are a thorn in his side. So he does what any ambitious rich man would, turn to illegal ways of getting rid of competition.
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Chapter 1

Cas slapped his files off his desk, his body seething with anger. His secretary and the unfortunate employee are terrified and they hung their heads, too scared to look into his dark eyes.

"I gave you one job! YOU were to ensure that those pigs don't get anymore of the Dammington shares yet they now have 69 percent!" Cas wasn't one for shouting but he was pissed and rightfully so. After all this investment in the project, he wasn't the main shareholder.

The man was sweating out his soul. "I, I, Mr. Ellery I'm sorry but the, the boards of the other companies seemed to have made some deal." The nervous man managed to stutter out. The loud bang from Cas's fist hitting his metal desk made the employee jump.

Poor boy, the secretary thought, clutching her notepad. "Uhm, excuse me Sir," she started, "You have a dinner meeting in 10 minutes." An exaggeration, but she couldn't stand there and do nothing.

He kept his eyes on, Mr. Smith, the employee and through gritted teeth he spoke, "You're dismissed." The man all but runs out of the office, closing the door behind him carefully. Cas sighed and sat down in his chair. Pinching the bridge of his nose he cursed under his breath. "Thank you, Ms. Penn. If it weren't for you I'd fire the best of the morons in this place. What's the meeting for?" Ms. Penn thanked him and began reading the note as he takes a drink from the bottle of water on his desk.

"You said that it was with a friend at King's Dome. That is all Sir."

"I don't remember that. When did I tell you?"

"Over the weekend Sir."


The tall man eased himself out of his chair, his shoulder-length raven hair resting on his shoulders. In Ms. Penn's eyes, and surely both male and female employees', he was a heartthrob but way too young for her. "Tell Ben to bring the car around." He said as he walked out with his jacket thrown over his arm.

A ten minute drive later with his old driver, Ben, Mr. Ellery stepped out of his sleek car and onto the beautiful compound of the King's Dome. He scowled as the putrid scent of wolves assaulted his nose. He stepped pass the guards with authority and they don't bother trying to stop him. Everyone knew who he was after all. He pushed open the unnecessarily heavy doors to reveal people in gorgeous suits and dresses. He fit right in apart from the fact they were smiling and he was obviously not wanting to be here.

There was a mix of humans among the beasts. You could spot them from the size difference and the raw cockiness that all wolves inherited. He walked through the crowd to the centre table of the room where beefy, large men were chatting and laughing with each other and a single woman sat quietly, playing something on her phone. When they spotted Cas approaching, they got up leaving the woman. A beautiful woman she was. Her red and flame themed outfit was gorgeous.

"As beautiful as ever, Margaret."

"I could say the same about you Casius."

She replied, looking up from her phone and smiling.

Margaret was the only lycan that Cas respected. She was not like those other animals.

"So where is he?"

"Who my dear?"

"Your brother. I'm supposed to meet him today."

"Hmm. Outback, but he's doing... business."

'Business', that was either fûcking or blasting someone's brains out. Margaret offered Cas a drink and he shook his head. "I don't drink things I don't pour myself."

"Smart," she laughed. "So how is your business?" Before Cas can reply a deep, velvety voice calls out. "Is that my Casius?!" Cas could feel his face go from neutral to disgusted. A man in crushed pants and a plain crushed shirt came from behind a curtain. The chatter died down and the people made a path for him to walk through. He slapped Cas on the shoulder when he arrived next to him, almost knocking a hundred years of his life out. He waved his hand to the crowd and said, "Go back to talking and mind your business." Just like that they did as they were told. He thread his fingers through the end of Cas' hair, staring down at him. "Why don't we move this elsewhere?"


"Have fun boys~"

He placed his large hand on Cas's lower back and guided him behind the red curtains. They entered a dimly lit room of black and red decor, the VIP room. Two girls were hurrying to put their clothes on but ran out as is once he entered.

"So," he began sitting on the table beckoning Cas to sit down on the chair infront. He did. He didn't like being so close to a stinking wolf who obviously just had sex but he was here to make a deal. "Tell me why you're here, Bat." His eye twitched at that stupid nickname.

"Alpha Dwayne, just as I said on the phone I wish to make a deal. You and your people take care of my company's competitors and I pay you." Cas delivered professionally.

Dwayne rolled his eyes and took a sip from a random can he found on the table. "Since we're friends I'll tell you, Jean the one that you hate the most, made the same proposition. I have him on hold." He tossed the can in a corner and it clattered. He leaned closer, invading Cas's personal space. Their knees touch and Cas could smell the alcohol on his breath. "He's richer and more corrupt than you meaning I can get more money and guns from him. So tell me Casius.. why should I pick you?"

Cas swallowed. He didn't expect the human to come to the wolves for help. If he's going to win him over he's going to have to throw in something no one else has. "Dwayne. If you work with me I'll give you guns, money bail included and..." Dwayne raised his brow, curious. "My body. I'll give you it. I know you've wanted nothing but to bend me over since the day we met and so I'll make me part of the deal."

Dwayne threw his head back in hearty laughter. He knew Casius wasn't joking, he wasn't the type to. Cas kept a serious look on his face but on the inside he felt uneasy.

"Me, Alpha Dwayne, fûcking a vampire noble? What in the name of the moon goddess?" He laughed and laughed. "I'll agree if you give me some of what you're promising right now. My boys have already found your driver with the cash and guns all that's left is down payment on that body of yours." Dwayne grinned at him having fun with Cas's desperation. If it was anyone else they would have been struck with fear at his predatory eyes. But not Cas.