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What If

What If

Author: PettyPet82



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Lisette made a mistake 5 years ago, it costed her her job, her life and her dignity. But it had also given her the most precious gift, gift she uprooted her entire life and ran to protect. Her daughter Phoenix was beautiful, brave, smart and very inquisitive, she loved her more than anything in this world, she had left her home town and made a life for the two of them in another country. When Nixon Parish walked into the room she was silently praying and hoping he wouldn't recognize her as she also made changes to her appearance, luck was not on her side " liz? Is that you? ". Her heart started to race, her head became light and she passed out. When she woke up she was in a hospital bed, her live in nanny Jeanette was standing over her and Nixon was sitting in the corner in a chair holding their daughter and looking at her with nothing but hurt and anger on his handsome face.
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Chapter 1

My name is Lisette, close friends and family call me Liz, 5 years ago I pulled up stakes and moved across the ocean away from everything and everyone I knew and loved. I did something shameful, I was under the influence and I did something stupid, I ran away after discovering I was pregnant and I now reside on Cartona Island, a small nation in the Caribbean sea, populated by about 26,000 people. It's beautiful lush green lands are surrounded by a clear blue ocean, I love it here and so does my 5 year old daughter Phoenix, I had arrived here alone, pregnant, lost and really really scared. The people were very friendly and I got a lot of help and good advice, I'm so grateful for all the nice people I came across and with their help and friendship I am now a budding entrepreneur. I own a catering company, applied for and received my citizenship to the island and I just bought Phoenix and I our own house, it's a nice 4 bedroom 3 and a half bathroom 2 story house right by the seaside, we love it and so does our friend and live in nanny Jeanette, she's been with us for 3 years. I hired her when my job collided with raising my little firebird and I didn't have enough time or hands to get things done. Why am I telling you all of this you ask....well the proverbial shit has now hit the fan, I'll tell you what happened 5 years ago, why I ran away and then bring you up to speed on why I'm now laying on a hospital bed, staring at my daughter being held in the arms of her very very angry father who had no idea she existed.

5 Years Ago

Nixon Parish is my best friend, people keep trying to figure out how our relationship works. He's a 22 year old college graduate on his way to running his family's fortune 500 business and already filthy rich in his own right. We've known each other since birth, my mom has worked as a maid in his family house for 30 years now and I was the only other kid in the house, I'm 3 years younger than Nix and he teased me to no end, I don't know exactly when I stopped seeing him as a brother and friend and started lusting after him, those teenage hormones got me good.

" Please Liz, pleeeeaassseee, I'll do anything, help you with your chores, your homework, whatever, just please help me out. I already asked your mom and she said it was up to you, so what do you say? " Nixon begs me to attend this graduation party with him later tonight, I'm free yes, but I don't really do parties, I study, go to school and I help my mom with her work. I'm going to be attending college next September so I want to make sure I'm prepared, Nixon drops to his knees in his nice suit and clasped his hands " please Lisette please, I'm trying to avoid my ex and I don't wanna be the guy who stayed home " I roll my eyes " oh my god fine, I'll go with you but please Nixxy don't leave me alone for hours at a time at a college party " I've heard horror stories about girls who've been neglected by friends at college parties and ended up drugged and assaulted, I won't drink anything from anyone besides Nixon and I'm sticking to him like glue tonight, no long absences from him.

I left him to go get ready while I did the same, I took a shower, brushed my teeth, picked out my clothes and underwear then I put on a very light natural makeup look. I braid my waist length hair then twist that braid into a bun on top of my head, I put my clothes on and head downstairs to meet up with Nixon. I'm wearing a dress my mom and Mrs Parish bought me on their last shopping trip together, its soft and frilly, cut just above my knees with slits in the sleeves, teal with pink flowers a low cut neckline, showcasing the top of my breasts. As I walked down the stairs my mom gasped " Nixon.....somebody finally got my little girl into a dress " I rolled my eyes " mom really? " I chuckle and walk over to Nix, his mom Vera makes us pose for a picture and we walk outside to Nixon's car. He's wearing a grey jeans with a black polo shirt, it shows off his wide shoulders and comes tight across his chest...very hot. I reach up and ruffle his fiery red hair, I know he hates it when I do that " let's go ginger nut, the faster we get there, the faster we can leave " he laughs and gets in the car and we're off to our destination.

We arrived at the party and Nix holds my hand in his and walks us through the throng of people dancing, making out and just hanging out in general. He stops periodically and talks to a few of his friends and classmates, they talk, make jokes, high five and all that stuff while I stand behind him looking down at my feet. " Who's this little morsel Parish, never seen her before " I look behind me, when I don't see anyone I point at myself and he nods and holds out his hand, I shake it while he introduces himself " I'm Paul, I'm on the football team with Parish here, well was as were now graduates " I introduce myself and he nods " that's a nice name ". I tell him thanks and Nixon excuses us and takes me out on a balcony on the 2nd floor, " thought you might like some fresh air Liz, you look a little hot " I smirked at him " whatever Parish, I actually do like it out here " we stood out there and talked about everything and nothing at all sometimes, he said he was going to the bathroom and he'd get me a drink on the way back in, I told him I'd like a coke please, he nodded and walked off. I feel a cup get put into my hand and I say thanks and take a sip without looking up, I cough violently and look at the cup then at the person who gave it to me, it was Paul " oh my God I thought that was Nixon with my coke, I'm sorry I don't drink " I pushed the cup back at him, he pushes it back in my hand " come on cutie, you've already had some you might as well finish it " I shook my head no and turned away to go look for Nix, he grabs my hand tightly and spins me into his chest, trying to get the cup up to my mouth. I spit out what little I had drank and started flailing my hands and feet in a panic, screaming for him to let me go and get away from me. I feel a pair of hands grab me and I start fighting harder " hey hey hey Lisette, it's me, it's Nixon honey, what's the matter, what happened? ". Upon hearing his voice I turn and jump into his arms, " your friend Paul he he tried to force me to drink something in a cup, I don't feel so good Nix " he growled, like an animal, he growled and helped me out to the car. I was feeling very loopy, like I couldn't get my eyes to focus and my head felt twice the size, I didn't wanna throw up but I just felt very hot and uncomfortable. Nix locked me in the car with the air on and told me he'd be right back. When he got into the car I noticed he was bloody and bruised, had a split lip and his hair and clothing was disheveled " I'm so sorry Lizzy, I'm so sorry I left you alone for so long, I never thought he'd do something like that to a girl " he shook his head and strapped me into my seat belt " I'll take you home....our mom's are gonna kill me " I moan and try to get out of my dress, Nix looks over at me and stepped on the brake " what are you doing Lisette? " he asked " I'm hot so hot.......I need them off Nix......take them off.....mmmmm " I'm moaning and stripping, Nixon freaks out mumbling something about getting me home fast and starts the car again.

He parks the car in the garage by the kitchen door and lifts me out, he then carries me upstairs and into my room, when he tries to turn away I grab his hand and bring it to my cleavage, he drags his hand away and turns to leave again " please don't go, don't leave me alone Nixxy " I heard him groan and he walks back over to my bed and sits on it, I climb onto his lap and he cradles my head into his chest " I'm so sorry Liz " I moan and start to undo his shirt buttons, when I realize it's a polo and only has 2 I push it up trying to get it off " no no Liz, you don't really want this, that bastard drugged you, it's the effects of the drugs hun ". I groan and try to take his shirt off, I'm so very hot and most of the heat is pooled down in my center, I want him, I need him, I feel as though the only thing that will help me is if he makes love to me " please Nixon pleeaassseee, please help me " I start to sob and he pulls on his hair, " this isn't right Lisette you're under the influence this is wrong " I launch myself at him and slam my lips onto his, dragging my fingers through his hair and after a few muffled moans he reciprocates and kisses me hard. I straddled him and took his shirt off, I started unbuttoning his pants and he stood and helped me get it off, while he was doing that I got up on my knees and dragged my dress over my head, I had on a small black lace thong and no bra. " Jesus Lizzy " he breathed and climbed back on the bed " Lizzy are you sure about this? " I nodded " i only had a mouthful and I spit out what little he had forced past my lips, I'm fine Nixxy, I'm fine and I know what I'm doing. I want you, I've wanted you since I turned 16, if anything the drug helped me act on my feelings and tell you how I feel about you ".

Nixon groaned and we fell back on the bed in a tangle of arms and legs. When I woke up in the morning Nixon was gone and I was naked on my bed, my sheets stained with blood and a feeling of dread and then shame washed over me as I remembered what happened between us last night. " Oh my God.......what have I done " I sit back grab my comforter close up to my chest, rock back and forth and I just weep. Long story short, we both regretted it, he went off to start working in his father's company and I missed my period, found out I was 9 weeks pregnant and I ran under the guise of leaving for college, I ran and never looked back, I changed my appearance, all of my contact information and I just disappeared. I sent a message to my mother every 3 months through a hacker so I couldn't be traced, to let her know I was alive and well and that's it, until today's disaster it was working out pretty damn ok.