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The Alpha's Sweet Bride

The Alpha's Sweet Bride

Author: Felicia



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Kylie is an alpha from the royal family which were cursed not to ever have mate because of her father's fatal sins. This made her pack to get her betrothed to the ruthless Alpha King named Rider , a powerful beast who doesn’t care about rules. Alpha Rider only agreed to marry the lady to rule over her pack but a dark desire developed when he met the golden-haired innocent and sweet Kylie.
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Chapter 1

Chapter One

Kylie’s POV

I live in a crazy werewolf world. People will think that you will find your mate at the right time and magically fall in love have babies and live happily ever after. But that used to be a long time ago way before my pack came into existence. Legend has it that the ancient werewolves were blessed with the gift of having a mate .But some started to abuse that gift given to them by the moon goddess.

They began to seek for mating and marking some else apart from their mate some even raping other werewolf mate.The last one really made the moon goodness angry never will a wolf be intimate with a human but willingly on the part of the human.

Well some set of horny warewolves did not quite like the ideas d of the rules so they started a revolution against the moon goodness and she decided to take away the only beautiful thing still left and that is the gift of mate. For the last seven hundred thousand years no wolf has experienced the gift of having a mate . We decided to behave like the humans some fall in love and get married while others having an arranged marriage like me.

Any royalty is going to marry the chosen choice of the alpha and the pack elders.I was in the garden watering and treating some flowers, when a voice sounded. Kylie was on the garden swing playing and she didn’t even notice our mothers entrance in the garden , her dark brown hair pulled back tightly and fasted in ponytail at the back of her head. Mother was pale, her face drawn with worry and horror .

“Did something happen is something the matter mother ?” I asked.

She smiled, but it was her fake smile.

“Your father wants to talk to you in his office.”

I carefully moved out from the flowers and adjusted my appearance . Mother avoided my eyes as I walked toward her indicating not all in well.

“Am I in trouble I have not done anything have I ?” I didn’t know what I could have done wrong. Usually I was the obedient one; Kylie was the one who always broke the rules and got punished.

“Hurry. Don’t let your father wait you know how he hates that,” Mother said simply.

My stomach was in knots when I arrived in front of Father’s office. After a moment to stifle my nerves, I knocked.

“Come in.”

I entered, forcing my face to be carefully guarded. Father sat behind his mahogany desk in a wide black leather armchair; behind him rose the mahogany shelves filled with books that Father had never read, but they hid a secret entrance to the basement and a corridor leading off the premises.

He looked up from a pile of sheets, grey hair slicked back. “Sit.”

I sank down on one of the chairs across from his desk and folded my hands in my lap, trying not to gnaw on my lower lip. Father hated that. I waited for him to start talking. He had a strange expression on his face as he scrutinized me.

“The red pack and the Tridax pack are trying to claim our territories. They are getting bolder by the day. We’re luckier than the sliver moon pack who also has to deal with the them but we can’t ignore the threat the Rug pack and the stone pack pose any longer.”

Confusion filled me. Father never talked about the werewolf business to us. Girls didn’t need to know about the in-depth details of the dirty pack business. I knew better than to question but to listen.

“We have to join forces with the sliver moon pack to rest and combine forces if we want to fight back the red pack and the Tridax pack.” Peace with the sliver moon pack? Father and every other member of the pack hated the them.

They had been killing each other for decades and only recently decided on ignoring each other in favor of killing off the members of other packs like the red pack and the Tridax. “There is no stronger bond than blood. At least the sliver moon pack got that right.”

I frowned.

“Marriage is the only way to get out of this mess”

I nodded but my confusion only grew.

“I met with their Alpha yesterday.” Father met with the alpha , the head of the sliver moon pack ? A meeting between sliver moon pack and blue moon pack hadn’t taken place in a decade and the last time hadn’t ended well. It was still referred to as the Bloody Nightmare.And Father wasn’t even the Boss or the ruler of this pack. He was only a member of the royal pack, the adviser to then alpha my grandfather who ruled over the blue moon pack .

“We agreed that for peace to be an option we had to become family.”

Father’s eyes bored into me and suddenly I didn’t want to hear what else he had to say.

“The pack and I agreed that you would marry his oldest son Rider, the future alpha of the sliver moon pack .”

I felt like I was falling. “Why me?”

“The members of the pack and Felix have been talking on the phone several times in the last few weeks, and The silver moon’s ruler wanted the most beautiful girl for his son. Of course, we couldn’t give him the daughter of one of our soldiers. Felix doesn’t have daughters, so he said you were the most beautiful girl available.” Kylie was just as beautiful, but she was younger. That probably saved her.

“There are so many beautiful girls,” I choked. I couldn’t breathe. Father looked at me as if he was sampling some gold”

“There aren’t many pack girls with hair like yours. Felix described it as golden.” Father huffed “You are our door into the sliver moon pack .”

“But, Father, I’m only sixteen . I can’t marry.”

Father made a dismissive gesture. “If I were to agree, you could. What do we care for laws?”

I gripped the armrests so tightly, my knuckles were turning white, but I didn’t feel pain. Numbness was working its way through my body.

“But I told them that the wedding would have to wait until you turn eighteen hopefully you are lucky to even have a mate” Your mother was adamant you be of age and finish Atleast high school. Felix let her begging get to him.”

So the Boss had told my father the wedding had to wait. My own father would have thrown me into the arms of my future husband and mate by now. My husband. A wave of sickness crashed over me.

I knew only two things about the dangerous Alpha Rider; he would become the alpha of the sliver moon pack once his father retired or died, and he got his nickname ‘The Beast ’ for crushing a man’s throat with his bare hands. I didn’t know how a child younger than a teenager could do such a thing . My aunt was forced to to marry a man thirty years her senior. Alpha Rider couldn’t be that old, if his father hadn’t retired yet. At least, that’s what I hoped. Was he cruel?

He’d crushed a man’s throat. He’ll be the head of the sliver moon pack and runouts had it that he is very powerful and dangerous.

“Father,” I whispered, stuffing my tears. Father doesn’t like us showing signs of weakness.

“Please don’t force me to marry that man “ That beast.