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Heart's Prince

Heart's Prince

Author: Vrishali



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Princess Linstar D.Grensil was sitting near her father looking at all the gifts each kingdoms were presenting before them and the Princes and Kings who were lined up, looking at her body with lustful eyes. She was already getting way too annoyed to sit there anylonger but seeing her shift uncomfortably all the Queen did was placing a strong hand on her shoulder giving it a tight squeeze making he sit back well. This wasn't what she wished for, she only wanted to love and be loved which didn't seem possible until she noticed those dark blue eyes. Before anyone could even understand what was happening she was already gone vanishing into the thin air.
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Chapter 1

Those blue eyes kept following me through the woods, he seemed curious and confused of my presence there. He took a step closer to me as it got darker around, I didn't move back but looked at those beautiful eyes and hair touched by the breeze. Those eyes which I have never seen before, who are you? My heart beats were racing when he kept coming closer I could feel my cheeks burn and turn pink but I couldn't look away. I wanted him to be closer to me, more than anything now.

The morning Sun was shining bright and the cool breeze was passing through the open window into the beautiful royal bedroom, I was sitting on my bed with a wide smile on my face when Carli came into the room. Noticing my shy smile she asked "Same dream again Princess?"

Happier now in her presence, I just smiled and nodded yes.

"The same blue eyes?"Carli asked taking the Day gown off the hanger. It has always been the same dream many times now and she did seem to know it all pretty well.

"Ya but more irresistible now." I said looking out the window to the pretty view I do never get fed up off.

Pulling off my Night gown, she soon fixed the Day gown well on me with a smile.

"Carli could he be my Prince?" I asked wondering.

"He could be, my Princess. Its time for flower bath, we should get moving before its too late for breakfast."

Carli was young, of my age but pretty punctual and organised which I'm not in my Palace atleast. Sitting down for the Royal flower Bath I continued "Carli do you believe he could be the one?"

"Hopefully he is the one, I remember my grandmother say that the dreams we see are glimpses of our future that God shows us. Did you see his face this time atleast?"

"No, I wish I could. I would have been able to find him then"

"Seems like it's time to marry you off Princess." Carli couldn't stop laughing.


"I must say I'm happy and sad. We know eachother from a very young age and you'll be getting married when I grow old here alone or are you planning to take me along with you after marriage too?"

"Can you come with me? I'll help you get married in secret."

"That do be a direct road to death, you know personal maids of royals aren't supposed to have a married life and family."

"They think that might make maids put their family before the royals in need, that they won't be loyal any longer and has high chances of betraying and spreading rumours and royal secrets. But I don't believe in all these, I trust you with my life. Lets break the rules."

"Speaking like me who knows you from childhood, Linstar you have always been a rule breaker but now you are the Princess a soon to be Queen. Anyway I hope you marry the best of all Princes."

I wore my daily gown we headed straight for breakfast. "It's great here that it's just us 10. It's peaceful here than the palace, no restrictions or stict rules i can always show the childish side of mine. I believe you all so much rhat I don't even have to stay much alert around the way I did there. How bad has my fate been till now I must say a little palace on my own was definitely a blessing. Thanks to grandfather for asking my father to do this. It even made my stepmother go crazy. I needn't even worry when bad mouthing her. I wish I never had to leave this place.My Prochea is so peaceful."

"You can definitely request the King Prochea too once you get married, this isn't even gift but a land in your name. You own it."

" father. That man is definitely in trouble whenever I ask him for something. Alisa does seem to make a lot of trouble already. That witch waited not so long to change her name to my mother's when she died. I wonder how well she can put up that act of being a perfect mother to me in front of the whole kingdom."

Placing an assuring hand on my shoulder and giving it a light squeeze Carli said "Things will turn out the way you want pretty soon now. Sit down My Princess, your food will be served."

Sitting down on the huge table filled with all the breakfast dishes made I looked over at Carli who was standing right beside me "Carli sit with me please."

"Today too?"


Moving closer to my ears as the servants were serving she said "Speak like a Princess, Linstar. I'll stand and watch."

"See its just us and I'm pretty close to all of you. Please let's eat together. I know you had nothing since you woke up."

"None of us had anything since early this morning. We are all hungry so please do finish the food soon so that we may eat."

"You are rude."

"It's the rule honey."

Finishing off the breakfast, it was already time for the practice session. While practicing archery under the bright sun but cool atmosphere listening to the birds chirping I suddenly noticed a messenger talking to the guards. He walked towards me accompanied by a guard, "My Princess he's brought a message for you from the Palace, its from the King himself."

"Read it out aloud" on hearding the command the messenger opened the message and starts reading it. 'To Linstar, the Princess of Grensilas written on command of the King Dormos Grensil. You are asked to come to the Grensilas palace from Prochea immediately within next two days as a grand party is being held for finding the best possible alliance for marriage which will be held at the beginning of winter which is two weeks away now. Hoping to see you soon.' "and also he asked me to inform the head guard to lock the palace down with just 2 guards to watch over as there won't be a return of Princess back to Prochea anytime soon."

"What do you mean? I can't...I this was all too soon. I can't come now."

"His Highness did know that the Princess might disagree so he told me to specially inform you that it isn't a request from a father but an order from the King of Grensilas which you must follow. I'm really sorry My Princess for bringing you a news not so happy for you, please do forgive me." bowing down the messenger left immediately.

Leaving the practice session earlier than usual, I stood on my favourite spot in the palace, the balcony to the beautiful flower feild behind which the beauty of Grensilas city could also be enjoyed. In the whole kingdom, my palace was the only place which is my favourite to be honest. Where I felt safe and could be myself, having to leave it within next two days....was just unimaginable. I began to note down on my diary 'Here standing on my balcony, enjoying such a beautiful view which always calms me down but this time unlike other times I feel nervous and scared to leave my palace. I could say this is my shell and I had no plans to move out of it anytime soon. But seems like I can't deny it anymore; I'm already 24 years old, completed my education last year I have no excuse to say no to father anyway. He probably would have invited all the Royal families nearby so calling it off would be like calling out for war. I'll have to leave, but I don't want to face her whom I hate, Alisa. How can she live peacefully calling herself Lora Grensil, the great warrior queen of all times. Once the backbone of Grensilas, the strength and brain of Grensilas, my mother. I'm sure she is the one who forced my father to send a message like this, that too after inviting royals and deciding the dates not even having a word with me.'