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Thought He's Mine

Thought He's Mine

Author: Kenny book



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Adriana is a beautiful high school. student and an heiress to her parent's property, she was loved for her humbleness and kind heart, she fell in love with Damien, a scholarship student and they became a friend even though she knows Damien has a lover, she promised not to love someone else except him, Damien and his girlfriend happen to have a little misunderstanding which leads to break up so he decided to use Adriana to get over the heartbreak maybe he can end up falling in love with her, everything was going well with them until Damien's girlfriend came back for him. Her arrival shattered everything and changed Adriana completely because Damien's behaviour changed to Adriana which made her realize she was just used by Damien. Jordan is Adriana's head of up maid grandson, he loves her so much that he promised not to get married until he sees Adriana going to the altar with another man, even though he's a handsome college student and every girl want to be his he still keep to his promise. Adriana's best friend Sophie like and wants him for her friend but all her effort to make Adriana realise Jordan's feeling for her is always in vain. Their three-sided love story became an interesting one and they all come to realize what they actually felt about each other.
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Chapter 1

  Adrianna pov

  The sound of my alarm woke me up from my deep slumber, I stretched lazily on my comfy queen-sized bed.

  It's another resumption day after the long holiday. I'm used to waking up when the sunset, I yanked the comforter off my body and stood up.

  My uniform has been neatly arranged in my closet, I brought it out and placed it gently on my bed and went to take my bath.

  After a while I came out and dressed up, I packed my hair up in a ponytail, even though the school is owned by my parent, I don't let that get into my head, I always maintain my humbleness.

  After I was done with everything I carried my backpack and left my room.

  "Good morning ma'am" my maids greeted with their head bowed down except Mrs George. The head of maids

  "I've been addressing this issue since my parent left for China, stop using "ma" for me. I'm still the little Adrianna you all watched grew up" I said, counting my steps.

  "Raise your head or you want me to report you to my parent that you're making me feel uncomfortable?" I asked and they all raised their heads at once.

  "Mrs George" I called the head of maids.

  "Yes, Adrianna" she answered and dropped the towel she was holding on the dining table.

  "There's money in my bedside drawer, it's for you and the other staffs, you can ask one of them to get it for you so that you can share it within yourselves" I said.

  "Ma'am.." a maid tried to say, but I raised my hand, signalling her to stop.

  "I just said it some minutes ago, don't use ma'am for me again" I said getting pissed off.

  Even when my parents were around they don't use ma'am for me, but since they left for China and because they told them to take good care of me, they've been using ma'am for me except Mrs George and it's making me feel uncomfortable.

  Is ma'am part of the care?.

  "I'm sorry, Miss Adrianna, what I wanted to say was that your dad just sent our salary some days ago" she said and the other maids nodded in affirmative.

  "I know, he sent money for my maintenance too, I just think we can share the one I collected last month that I didn't spend, moreover I know a lot of you were parent and schools are resuming you can add it to your salary so that it will be enough to pay your children bills" I said and they smile widely.

  "Thank you so much Miss" they said.

  "It's my pleasure" I replied.

  "Let's get going" I said to the driver.

  "Adrianna, won't you have breakfast? Mrs Goerge asked.

  "I will pass Mrs George" I said.

  "What? you're not leaving this house without having your breakfast" she said and dragged me to the dining area.

  "Go and get the car ready, she will join you later" she told the driver.

  "Okay ma" he said and went out.

  Everybody loves and respect Mrs George, not only because she's the eldest person in the house, but she's also a humble and virtues woman. She has been working with my parent 20 years ago when she lost her daughter alongside her son-in-law in an accident and she had to take care of her 2years old son.

  She wants to give the child, the kind of life his parents wished to give him before they died.

  Her grandchild is now in college, my parents are the ones sponsoring his education, I'm sure his parents will be happy where they were.

  She snatched my bag from my hand and gave one of the maids.

  "Take it to the car" she told the maid.

  "Yes ma'am" the maid replied and went out.

  "Adrianna, come and eat now or I will call your parent and tell them that you're disobeying me" she said and made me sat on one of the chairs.

  She served breakfast but I couldn't eat much because of my eagerness to meet my friends.

  Sophie and her parents went to Paris for the vacation so we couldn't see each other and Bryan was busy with his dad's business while Damien was busy with his part-time job.

  This holiday is the most boring one ever.

  "Mrs George, I'm off to school" I said and ran off when I noticed her attention wasn't on me anymore.

  "Adria...." she tried to call me back, but I was inside the car already.

  "I will see you later, bye, I love you" I said and blew a kiss to her.

  "I will report you to your parents Adrianna" she said and I smiled before telling the driver to drove off.

  Damien pov

  "Damien, won't you go to school? How could you be so lazy and you know quite well that you're on a scholarship, what if you got expelled for being late?" my mum's voice woke up.

  I tossed and turned for a while on my bed before finally sitting up.

  "Where's Dave?" I asked.

  "He left for his school already, Damien, when will you stop being a latecomer? I don't understand why you're doing like this, or is it because the heiress to the school is your friend?" she asked and sat beside me on the bed.

  "Good morning mum, are you not going to work?" I asked, trying to dodge her question.

  "Damien I know you're just trying to dodge my question, but no problem get up and take your bath, your food is on the dining table" she said and left my room.

  Because I'm on Scholarships I shouldn't sleep anymore, mum can be funny sometimes.

  I looked at the chain I got for my girlfriend last night and smiled. I know she will love it.

  After admiring the chain for some minutes I kept it back into its case and went to the bathroom.

  I should be quick or else mum will soon come back to my room to remind me I'm a scholarship student.

  I remember Dave talking about some books he needed in school, has he gotten it or he just doesn't want to disturb me when I was sleeping.


  We'll sort ourselves out tonight.