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The Wolfless Luna And Her Triplet Mates

The Wolfless Luna And Her Triplet Mates

Autor: Intoxicating69

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The Wolfless Luna And Her Triplet Mates PDF Free Download


Malia, the Luna of the Silevermoon pack, goes through a tough time when her mate and Alpha, Jackson, cheats on her. Heartbroken, she tries to end her life, but something unexpected happens during her near-death experience. She decides to move back to her parents, breaking the mate bond with Jackson. While staying with her parents, Malia discovers that she has a wolf, even though the women in her family have been cursed to be wolfless. One day, her best friend Melissa invites her to a party at the Shadowmoon pack, where Malia realizes that she has not just one, but three mates who are the Alpha brothers of the pack. Excited and confused, Malia expects them to approach her, but they walk away, breaking her heart once again. Melissa, feeling jealous and angry, pretends to be happy for Malia while secretly plotting against her because she believes Malia stole her mate. Drama, drama, drama!"
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Chapter 1


"Congratulations, Luna Malia. You're eligible for your first round of Ivf."

I couldn't contain my excitement as I made my way home, eager to share the news with Jackson. The pack doctor had just confirmed that I was eligible for my first round of IVF. My mate, Jackson and Alpha of the Moonblood pack, and I had been trying to have children for what felt like forever, but each time, I suffered heartbreak as I lost the pregnancies. The idea of IVF had randomly come to me one day, and Jackson, being the supportive Alpha and the mate he is, agreed without hesitation.

As I approached our house it felt like I would explode with excitement. I had it in mind to call my best friend, Melissa, first, but I wanted to share the news with Jackson first. I parked my car in front of the house and rushed out of the car without even taking the key out of the ignition. I was that excited.

Trying to have a child has always been a big deal for Jackson and me. I've always had the fear of failing to give him an heir just like I've failed to be a complete Luna.

My gut churned with pain, but I pushed it down. Today is a day of happiness not to recount failures.

I walked inside hastily, not surprised to see Jackson downstairs. He must have finished the pack meeting early. I shake my head at the messy state of his shoes, he always does that, but I never had a problem cleaning or arranging after him. It's the least I could do he's my mate and Alpha, and I love him. I'll arrange the shoes after I tell him.

I have too much excitement to try and contain.

As I neared our room, I noticed a strange noise coming from inside. Confused, but still smiling and excited, I push open the door, only to be met with a sight that shattered my heart into a million pieces.

"Oh, fuck yes!" The moan erupts throughout the room. There, in our bed, was Jackson, my mate and husband, entangled with another woman. Their moans filled the room, drowning out my own heartbeat.

Shock and disbelief washed over me as I stood frozen in the doorway. How could he do this to me? How could he betray our love and everything we had built together? Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring my vision as I tried to comprehend the scene before me. My excitement was buried and long forgotten.

Jackson's movements halt and he stops as he realizes I have caught him in the act. He groans and rolls off the woman slowly, his face had nothing like guilt and regret written on it "Are you incapable of knocking?" he asked roughly, "We were in the middle of something." Jackson uttered without any care for my feelings. The pain in my chest was suffocating, and I couldn't find the strength to respond.

"Jackson... h-how could you? After everything we've been through?" I stuttered, I was in pain. It felt like my entire being had been ripped from the inside out.

My hand instinctively goes to my chest, It hurts so much. Why does it hurt like this? Is this what pain and betrayal feels like?

"How could I what? Cheat on you?" I've been doing it for so long now you were just too busy being a failure to notice." He sneers, delivering another intentional blow of hurt.

The girl beside him laughs tauntingly, but I don't have the strength to look at her. My eyes are on Jackson. The man I've loved effortlessly for two years. The man I thought loved me.

"I love you. Y-you love me too. Why would you do this?"

"I never loved you! I'm just the unlucky bastard who ended up as your mate. I would have rejected you sooner but then who would clean up after me, and you were a decent lay when I needed one." He smirks with pride before looking at the naked girl and kissing her, wrenching my heart even more. "All I had to do was pretend to love you and you did what I wanted."

"Aw, poor Luna." The girl laments and they both laugh. I finally take a good look at her, and I notice she's one of the pack member's daughters. I was too blinded by rage and hurt to notice earlier.

"Think about it, who would ever love a werewolf without a wolf? You're just as good as a human. I even made you a Luna, you should be thanking me for looking elsewhere as gratitude for tolerating your worthlessness for years!" He turns to the girl and smiles lustfully at her. She smiles knowingly, before going under the sheets and taking a mouthful of Jackson's cock in her mouth. I can tell from all the bobbing and the way he moans loudly.

Too frozen in my spot to move, my entire body feels torn apart. There's this aching pain in my chest. "Do close the door behind you. And you're welcome to watch if you want, maybe learn a tip or two so you can use it to pleasure me later tonight." Feeling a surge of anger and hurt, I'm finally able to turn away from Jackson, unable to bear the sight of him any longer. I storm out of the room, leaving the door unlocked. I'm sure they won't mind the audience.

With blurry eyes, as I made my way out of the house, his voice followed me, filled with disdain and cruelty. He insulted me, belittling my worth and mocking my numerous failed attempts at shifting. As if it's my fault I don't have a wolf.

The weight of everything crashes down on me. I collapse against a wall, tears blur my eyes to the extent of my vision temporarily disappearing. The space around me becomes small and the world suddenly seems to lack enough oxygen. The ache in my chest from earlier comes back with force and spreads rapidly, I almost cry out.

Why does it hurt so much?

My breathing becomes erratic, and I begin to hyperventilate as the state of my life crashes into me like a car.

I'm a Luna without a wolf.

I spent two years unknowingly being an unpaid maid for a man I loved.

With shaky steps and breath, I gradually make my way to my room. Unable to bear the pain anymore. I reach onto my shelf and grab the bottle of wolfsbane at the back. Opening the top, I take a small gulp from the liquid before I can change my mind.

I manage to walk slowly to my bed and lay in it, with tears dripping down my eyes I wait for the darkness to come so I can succumb to it.