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Rejected By My Mate, Chosen By The Lycan King

Rejected By My Mate, Chosen By The Lycan King



Rejected By My Mate, Chosen By The Lycan King PDF Free Download


My heart raced as Alaric spoke, excitement coursing through my entire body. I turned to look at Delilah, who was standing next to me. Our gazes met, and she gave me a cold stare. "With you all as my witnesses, I present to you my Luna, Delilah Fairchild." Wait! What? Delilah, not Daisy? What's going on here? Is this some kind of mistake? Alaric avoided my gaze as I turned to look at him, seeking confirmation if what I heard was indeed true. He then walked to the end of the stage where Delilah and I stood, reaching out to take Delilah's hands and help her onto the stage. "I told you not to try too hard, sis. He has always been mine. Do you get it now?" Delilah whispered to me before she ascended the stage. *** Daisy and Delilah, twin sisters, shared everything and loved each other deeply until they both developed feelings for the same man- Alaric Blackwood, the Alpha of the Blackwood pack. The happiest day of Daisy's life was when she discovered that Alaric was her mate. "I will declare you as my Luna after my coronation as the Alpha of the Blackwood Pack," Alaric had assured her. Filled with anticipation, Daisy looked forward to Alaric's coronation, when he would publicly declare her as his Luna. However, the situation took a dramatic turn when, in front of all pack members, Alaric chose Delilah over Daisy, despite their fated bond. Unable to bear the rejection, Daisy fled and was subsequently attacked by a beast. Fortunately, she was rescued by the mysterious Draco, who showed her nothing but kindness...
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Chapter 1

Daisy's POV

"You look so beautiful in that dress," he whispered, his lips so close to mine that I could almost taste his breath. "And I bet you'd look even better without it."

"Alaric," I said, pausing slightly. "Don't you think we're moving too fast? I want to save this moment for our wedding night."

"Too fast? I am your mate, Daisy. We are destined to be together," he stated, his gaze never leaving mine. "Don't you want me? Don't you want this?"

"I want this more than anything in the world," I replied softly.

The happiest day of my life was when I discovered that the famous Alaric Blackwood was my mate. It felt like a dream come true. I remember how overjoyed I was that night, but I couldn't share the news with anyone because Alaric wanted us to keep it a secret for the time being.

"But I feel like we should do this the right way. Let's tell everyone that I am your mate," I continued.

"I will, tomorrow, after my coronation as the Alpha of the Blackwood Pack. I will declare you as my Luna," Alaric assured me, his smile genuine.

"Really?" I asked, my voice tinged with surprise.

"Yes, that's why I asked you to keep it a secret. I want the whole pack to see how beautiful my Luna is," he said, tracing his finger down my arm.

When Alaric asked me to keep our relationship a secret, I feared it was because he was ashamed to be seen with me.

"Thank you so much, Alaric. I can't wait to stand by your side as your loving and supportive wife," I said, my voice shy yet tinged with confidence.

"So... can we continue from where we stopped?"

Standing there, my heart racing, I couldn't shake off a feeling of uncertainty. Deep down, I knew I wanted us to wait, to cherish that moment and make it truly special. Yet, with Alaric standing before me, his intense and unwavering gaze made my heart skip a beat. At that moment, I felt a rush of admiration and desire, tempered by a hint of doubt.

Was I ready for this? Was this the right time?

His words, soft yet filled with longing, echoed in my ears, "You are special to me."

I felt a surge of warmth, a sense of being truly seen and appreciated. How could I deny him, this man who held my heart in his hands?

With a soft touch, he cupped my face, his thumb brushing gently against my cheek. I closed my eyes, letting myself be enveloped by his warmth and affection. In that embrace, I found peace and a sense of belonging that transcended words.

As our lips finally met, I felt a surge of emotions- passion, love, and a deep sense of connection. In that intimate moment, all doubts and fears melted away, leaving only the sweet sensation of being truly alive...

That night, on my way home, I was still immersed in the happiness of my time with Alaric, until a sudden voice startled me as I quietly sneaked into the house.

"And where do you think you're coming from?" I heard someone ask.

I closed the doors gently and turned to see Delilah standing with her arms crossed, waiting for my response.

"How is that any of your business, Delilah?" I retorted.

"You think I don't know? I see how you've been sneaking out of the house every day, going only God knows where Daisy."

"And like I said earlier, you have no right to question me about my whereabouts. I'm not in the mood for any drama with you today," I stated firmly.

A wicked smile curved at the corner of Delilah's lips as she stared intensely into my eyes. My mind began to race as she moved closer, prompting me to take two steps back away from her.

I could not believe Delilah and I were said to be twins because we both had different personalities.

Delilah, with her vibrant energy and bold spirit, stood in stark contrast to my calm and reserved nature. In the pack, she was a force to be reckoned with, her strength and outspokenness echoing through every interaction.

Her ambitious nature drove her to make a name for herself, she wasn't just the strongest female in the pack she was the youngest also, but I on the other hand didn't care for that, I was fine with being plain boring Daisy.

We grew up not knowing how we came to live in the Blackwood Pack since we were found on the outskirts of the pack. To some members of the pack, we were blessings from the Moon goddess while some think that we are a curse upon the pack.

For that reason, we were subjected to a life of rejection and isolation until the Blackwood family, took us in and raised us as one of their own, providing us shelter and people we can call family.

"Will you tell me why you have been sneaking out like a slut," Delilah continued.

"What did you just call me?" I asked with a sharp tone.

"You heard me right and I will say it again, You are always sneaking in and out of the house like a cheap slut," Delilah leaned forward and whispered into my ears while brushing her hands against my shoulder.

"OK fine! You badly want to know? I have been meeting up with Alaric. He loves and adores me and yes to cut your curiosity short, Alaric and I are mates and I am going to be his Luna," I responded with a smirk on my face.

"What?!" Delilah exclaimed as her eyes widened in disbelief, her fists clenched together as she stood with her eyes burning with rage.

I wasn't surprised by her reaction because I knew how much she wanted to be the Luna of this pack.

Without giving her a chance to respond, I walked out on her, leaving her in the dark about the meaning behind my words.

Upon entering my room, I closed the door behind me and threw myself onto the bed.

My mind replayed the argument I'd just had with Delilah. My shoulders sagged, and my face felt pale, the hurt deepening as I thought about how close we used to be. We shared everything and loved each other deeply until we both found out we had a crush on the same man.

Life had never been the same since. Delilah had changed from the sweet, loving sister I once knew into someone willing to do anything to undermine me.

But I tried to put those thoughts aside because I had someone who adored and cherished me. "Alaric has been a huge blessing in my life," I murmured to myself, pulling the covers over me.

Tomorrow is Alaric's Alpha coronation. How will he publicly declare me as his Luna?