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All The Boys I Ever Love

All The Boys I Ever Love




All The Boys I Ever Love PDF Free Download


Meet Reyna Davis, a 16 years old beautiful, shy, smart and smart girl, she's the only daughter of Anna Davis. Yes, she's using her mother's last name because she doesn't even know her father. He disappeared the day she was born. Anna is a poor mother who struggles a lot for her daughter just to make her happy. What happens when Reyna gets into an expensive school full of bullies? How will she cope, especially from her most popular bully, Natasha. Natasha Benjamin, the 16 years old most popular girl in the school, the daughter of the top 3 most successful CEO couple in Scottville. She's spoiled, proud, arrogant and always rude to everyone, even her elders, bullies her fellow schoolmates, everyone is scared of her, even her friends. What happens when Reyna and Natasha meet? Will they be able to get along with each other? Especially with the way Natasha bullies Reyna a lot. What is Reyna going through? Betrayed? Bullied? No father? What if Reyna's father is still alive? How will Reyna react? What is her mother hiding from her? Who's her father?
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Chapter 1



“Urgh!” I groaned lightly, waking up by the alarm clock which was super loud.

I turned it off and stretched my hands with a long yawn.

I stood up from my mattress and went to the bathroom, showered, after that, I came out of the bathroom and went back to my bedroom, applied Vaseline on my skin and I wore my green Pizza Club uniform shirt.

That's where I work, with my jeans and black sandals.

I fixed my hair in a ponytail and I wore a green facecap then applied some lip gloss on my lips.

I wore my black long strap purse and left my bedroom.

I seriously don't wanna go to school. Not that I hate school, I love it, I'm a book freak but for what happened last semester.



I woke up, smiling as I sat up right and stretched my arms, stood up from my big, cozy, luxurious and comfortable bed, and went to the bathroom.

I took a 20 minute bath in the luxurious jacuzzi, came out of the bathroom, sat at my pink beautiful dressing table, and applied Shiny lotions on my glowing skin.

Then I applied some foundation, eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara and deep red lipstick, making me look hot and I wore my neat school uniform, with my white long Versace socks, black flat Gucci shoes and wore my pink fluffy Chanel backpack.

I walked out of my pink luxurious bedroom, cat walking down the stairs.

So, I'm Natasha Benjamin, the daughter of the two rich partner CEO's, Reynard and Sasha Benjamin. I'm 16 years old, my mom's born from a rich family while my dad's self made while he makes me a super rich girl.

Of course, I'm an only child, the G.O.A.T as in the Greatest Of All Time.


Thank God that time was the last day of the exam, yes I passed the class, I have to look for a way to leave that school, I have my reasons.

I headed straight to the pirate small dining room which is also the kitchen, mom's already serving the food on the plain wooden dining table.

She wore her green pizza shirt and black flare skirt.

I smiled, "Morning mom.” I hugged her neck from behind.

“Morning sweetie.” She touched my hand and kissed it.


I smiled “Good morning mommy and daddy." I greeted, as I walked into the luxurious dining room.

My parents are already having breakfast, they lightened up as they saw me.

“Good morning darling.”

“How was your night, princess.”

“Precious like you two.” I hugged their neck and disengaged.


I disengaged “So can I help you in the kitchen?”

She frowned at me “Don't you have school to go to? Don't forget it's your first day after spring break, and why are you wearing your work shirt?”

I got speechless, I don't know how to say this, I seriously don't wanna go to school today, I don't know how to face them.


I sat down and started eating my breakfast, steak and wine juice.

“So mommy, daddy, next two weeks is our school annual pep-rally so I wanna look good especially as the cheer captain.” I explained while eating.

“What is it, sweetie?” Mom asked.

“I want this sneakers.” I showed them my iPhone 14 Barbie glitter phone case.

“Wow, fifteen thousand dollars? That looks expensive, darling.” Dad scoffed.

I shrugged, “Well, it's not expensive for us.”

“Yes, baby, we'll get you that next week, okay?” Mom said.

I grinned happily “Thanks mommy.”

I ate my breakfast happily, kissed my parents goodbye, left the mansion, went to the garage, entered my latest black Porsche Macan and the driver drove off.


“Reyna.” She snapped me out of my thoughts “Cat got your tongue? What's going on?”

I bent my head sadly “Mom...”

Her phone beep distracted us as she quickly took her phone and checked.

This made me relieved because I have no idea what to say.

Mom gasped in shock “Oh no.”

“Mom, what's wrong?” I asked.

“It's your principal.” She replied.

“What about him?”

“He said if I can't complete the payment of your last semester fees, you shouldn't come to school anymore.” She answered, looking sad.

“Oh God.” I fake gasped, feeling happy deep down but a little sad.

Because I feel bad for mom and I don't know which other school I should go to because that's the cheapest we could ever find.

“What should we do?” I asked.

“I don't know, sweetie, I'm sorry.” She sighed sadly.

I hugged my mom “It's okay mom, we'll find a better school. Don't even wanna go to that school anymore.” I muttered.

Uh oh! That slipped out of my tongue.

“Why?” She said,

Because of how my close friends stabbed my back. I can't tell mom anything because she'll yell at me for dating.

“Just feel like going to work today.” I lied.

I felt heart broken, betrayed and humiliated in front of the whole school.

Zeke and Kate ruined me, that I can't face them or anyone. Don't even wanna talk about this especially now, not in front of my mom.

She's not that strict but always worried.

“Are you sure? Is there any other reason?” She asked.

I shook my head negatively “No, mom. Nothing else.”

Mom nodded “Okay baby, let's eat and leave, we're gonna be late.”

We sat down, ate our breakfast, vegetable salad and coffee drink, then we left the house.

Mom went to take a taxi because she firstly goes to her friend's place for some business before going to work.

Yeah, My mom works as a waitress now and I work as a pizza delivery girl at the same restaurant called Pizza Club.

So I climbed my brown bicycle given to me by the company, I mean the pizza restaurant and I rode off.

Hi, I'm Reyna Davis, I'm 16 years old. I live with my mom , I don't know my dad, mom says he just disappeared the day I was born.

Is he dead? Did he run away? Abducted? In a coma? I have no idea.

I'm from a poor family, and I only have my mom, no grandparents, no uncle, no aunt, no cousins, no one except mom.

I've only dated one guy in my life and just for a month until he dumped me for my best friend last semester.

Still don't wanna think about it.

“Ow!” I screamed as I got hit by a black expensive car and the bicycle and I fell on the floor “Ouch.” I winced.


Urgh!!! Who's that stupid jerk that wants to ruin my car?

I came out angrily “Hey! Are you stupid? Do you wanna ruin my car?!!” I yelled.

The poor ugly bitch stood up, setting her useless bicycle “I'm so sorry, I got lost."

Did she just apologize? I hit her by mistake and she said 'sorry'? This should be fun.


I yelped as she kicked the bicycle off my hand and it hit the floor.

“Next time you try to ruin my car, I'll make sure I ruin you for good.”

I bent my head feeling scared. “I'm sorry, it won't happen again.”

I don't like offending people, this is what I'm afraid of.

She pushed me angrily and went inside her car and drove off.

I gulped as I set my bike properly, the basket is a little broken but not much, I'll fix it later.

I climbed it and rode off. I have to stop over thinking.


I arrived at the 'Pizza Club' restaurant, entered, and headed straight to the kitchen, where the workers were already cooking.

“Good morning”

“Good morning”

I greeted some workers as I went to the counter, where the book of attendance is and I signed my name.

“Miss Davis.” I heard Mr Francis' strict voice, my boss.

I yelped and mistakenly dropped the pen on the floor “Sir, good morning...”

“You're late."

“I'm sorry sir.” I bent my head.

It's all because of that stupid accident, I shouldn't have taken my mind off it.

“No time for sorry, deliver these orders immediately, take 3 pizzas to this address called Rain street, Number 50, and 2 pizzas to Frank Street, No 8, with 6 pizzas to Hive Street, No 65. Got it?” He explained.

“Yes sir.” I nodded as Gina, my co-worker and I carried the pizzas and went to the back of the restaurant, arranged the pizzas into the bike carrier, tied them with rope, sat on the bike and rode off.


I arrived at the last address, Hive Street, No 65, I got off my scooter, took the last 6 pizzas out of the cooler and went to the entrance door and pressed the doorbell.

"What?!” I heard a woman's angry voice.

“Someone ordered 6 pizzas from Pizza Club!” I replied.

She opened the door looking like a clown with her scary green facial mask, multi coloured plastic spiral hair curlers, and red and green polka dot robe, eating a chewing stick.

“Oh.” She collected the pizzas, paid for them and I gave her some change.

I smiled “Thank you, don't forget...”

She slammed the door on me before I could finish my sentence.

I huffed “Rude.” I muttered.

I went back to my bicycle, sat on it and rode off.

I'm happy that I'm living at Scottville High school but I can't stop thinking about how Zeke and Kate betrayed me like an idiot.

I'm such an idiot, believing them. If I see them again, how sho

“Hey!! Watch out!!!!”

I heard a loud horn as an upcoming Bugatti was about to run into me.

“Whoa!!!!" I screamed quickly trying to overtake but ended up falling into a small bush with my bike “Not again!!" I cried.


“Oh my God!” I quickly ran out of my car, looking for the girl I almost hit.

This is my fault, I shouldn't have driven that fast, that's what I do when over thinking, I hope she's okay.

“Ow!” I heard her tiny cute voice from the bush then spotted her bicycle upside down.

I quickly ran to her “Grab my hand.”

She held my hand and I pulled her out and... Oh

She's the most beautiful creature I've ever seen in my whole life, her golden brown messy hair, her round dark sparkling eyes trying to avoid me, her pinkish lips like strawberry, blushy round face...

“Um...” She snapped me out of my thoughts.

“I... I'm sorry, I must go.” She wanted to lift her bicycle.

“Lemme help you." I helped her fix her bike well.

“Thanks bye.” She ran away, holding her bike handles with her.

That beautiful angel didn't even let me speak with her. She's shy I guess.

I chuckled as I went back into my car, I hope I see her again.

Okay, I'm Tyler Terrence, 17 years old, son of the number 1 CEO of Scottville who's also the owner of Grand Lake Academy and some other schools.

I'm just mad about what happened earlier to my parents. I greeted them. No one answered me, not only that.

Yesterday, I won a basketball match and no one came and they didn't even ask about it, isn't that enough to get angry?


Gosh, that guy is so cute, his fluffy curly black hair, smooth skin, pink lips, sweet style, deep soft voice, muscular shape, tall height.... Oh my God!

But I'm no match for him, he looks rich, too handsome for me, and I'm fucking ugly nerdy idiot.