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Love conquers all

Love conquers all

Autor: Skydrite



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Myra is a senior high school girl for being supernatural and discovers she has a health problem that will upset her plans for the future. She has three best friends, a family that loves her unconditionally, a life she love. The meeting with the new boy at school: the "Beautiful and Damned", Nathan, will make her question everything, will make her vulnerable but strong, sad but happy, loved and desired but, despite everything she will still feel without a way out; until the moon goddess reveals something about her future.
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Chapter 1

I was sitting, in spite of myself, on a chair in the hospital of the pack, when Doctor Leporis called me: "Come on, Myra, your results are ready!" His professional but kind voice hadn't anticipated anything that awaited me as I crossed that threshold, but I suspected that very soon I would find out; so I got up and went into the doctor's office. I closed the door behind me and took a seat in the chair facing the doctor with a shy smile. Shy because I didn't know what he would reveal to me and the fact that he had called my parents did not bode well.

"I called your parents, they're on their way."

"Why my parents?" I asked in an almost annoyed voice.

"Because you are 17 and ..."

"Doctor, I'm late on my schedule, the fact that I'm 18 in ten days will have to count for something!" I was trying to find a foothold to do it faster, because otherwise I would have been late for school, but above all because I didn't want to stay on edge any longer.

"While this is not the real problem, I firmly believe that you will need them for the subject I am going to talk about."

In the meantime we waited for their arrival, I turned the thumbs of both hands resting nervously on my lap, looking up to meet the Doctor's gaze. He was a man of fifty, with long grizzled hair, he had gathered it in a manbun on his head; his honey eyes emanated security and confidence. Was that why he was a famous doctor? His eyes… While I was lost in those thoughts, we heard a knock on the door, it was the nurse announcing: "Doctor Leporis, there are the Alpha and Luna Harrow."

"Have them come in, Dina. We've been waiting for them." With a smile the nurse came out of the office and let my parents in saying, before going back to her work: "Please, come in."

"Hello Alpha and Luna Harrow, thank you for coming, please take a seat!" Exclaimed the doctor pointing to the seats in front of his desk and so I found myself sitting between them. It seemed to be at the school director accompanied by my parents to receive a ringing from the ear. But unfortunately for me that was not the case, hearing the doctor's words I would have preferred a thousand million billion times to be in punishment rather than reality!

What my ears were hearing in that room is a topic that I will tell you about later.

Let's move on to the introductions: I'm Myra Harrow, one meter and fifty nine centimeters tall, the Moon Goddess forgot to give me just one more centimeter to make an even number! I was gifted with a perfect physique, despite my height, sky-blue eyes and hair as black as obsidian. I love my hair and from what I remember I have always had it very long. Our pack is rooted in the heart of the Mercadante forest, in the south Italy, away from prying eyes. As for our home, I can say with certainty that it is a castle, but I just call it home. It's a bustle of people, because my great-great-grandfather thought it best to have a school in the west wing of the castle. At the beginning it was only for the children and young people of the pack, so as not to make them go out of the territory and avoid having problems. Yes, you got it right: problems. Mixing werewolves with humans was something difficult and also very risky and to avoid being discovered my great-great-grandfather decided to open a school, which over time has attracted the attention of people from all over the world from other packs and other supernatural species, such as: witches, warlocks, dragons, vampires. The school occupies a large slice of the territory because in the castle there are classrooms and dormitories, while in the park there are physical education lessons which also include training for the various species.

My parents are Alpha Nicola and Luna Giusy leaders of our pack, the Red Sky; they are the most wonderful people I know and they love me unconditionally. I have an older brother named Valentino, but for everyone he is one and only Val. Like all brothers and sisters we are: hate and love, dog and cat, devil and holy water, in short, you understand, we are quite normal. We are very close and woe to those who touch him or vice versa! My parents wanted to give the lead of the pack to my brother when he turned 18, which is the age when a werewolf is mature enough and also finds his mate, but he replied: "I will only do it when I find my Mate! " It's been two years since that day and unfortunately for him, he still hasn't found her. This year I am in the last year of high school, and we are organizing a crazy end of year party! I have always been very popular and well-liked among the boys and girls of the school and the pack, so much so that I am the representative of the student body, perhaps because my name is on that of the school, but I like to think that it is because I am irresistibly unique. Surely I have always been unique because there is a detail of me that I have not yet revealed to you, the most important, indeed the most unsuspected: "I am Human!" Are you wondering how it is possible that a human was born from a pureblood Alpha family? Well, don't feel alone because I, my parents and all the others have asked the same and identical question, when I just turned thirteen I didn't transform and I didn't have a she-wolf in my head. After spending so much time and energy in understanding why, I told myself that if the goddess of the moon always has a project for everyone this was mine, who was I to interfere?! So I loved myself and I love my life as I received it.

In front of the school entrance, as the kids hurried to enter, I felt someone bump my shoulder, it was then that I realized I had lost five minutes staring at the sign where it said: "Red Sky Harrow School!"

When I got to my locker to get the history book, I noticed that almost everyone was in the classroom, I couldn't believe I was really late. I was never late, this was my first time. I entered the classroom and greeting all present I took my seat, third row, first desk, I was exactly in the center of the room. Luckily the professor hadn't arrived yet, so I had time to fix my desk. I liked being in control, I was: orderly, organized, systematic, precise.

As soon as I finished arranging the teacher came in followed by a new boy. That had to be the reason why he was late and I consequently, luckily for me, I was early and not late. He was the typical dark boy "Beautiful and Damned" kind, the typical heart-killing boy, exactly the kind I never would have considered. Tall and muscular, green eyes, scruffy brown hair tucked under the hood of his black sweatshirt. From his build it could be deduced that he could be an Alpha or a Beta, on a normal day I would have made bets with the others to guess who the newcomer was, but that day my thoughts were somewhere else.

"Hello guys, he is a new student who has recently arrived and today is his first day of school. Would you like to introduce yourself briefly?" The teacher kindly asked him.

"My name is Nathan!" He said in a cold tone and not adding anything else to his presentation.

"Concise! I assume you don't want to add anything else, right?!" Nathan started to shake his head in response and the teacher gestured for him to take his seat, which luckily or unluckily, was behind mine. I spent the whole hour of history and the next one of geography thinking, I hadn't heard a word of the lessons, I was suspended in a limbo out of this world. The sound of the bell woke me up from the trance state I was in. In the following hour there was physical education, my favorite and I hoped it would help me to divert my thoughts, which was still stuck listening to the speech in that doctor's office.

I got up and went to my locker where I put my notebooks and books.

"Hey where were you this morning?" I heard the shrill voice of Abby, one of my best friends. She was a dragon, a few inches taller than me, to tell the truth, everyone was taller than me! She had curly brown hair, and eyes that reflect her honey reflections of hers.

"I went to the doctor, remember, I told you a few days ago of my visit?" I said as I turned and noticed that my other two best friends were with her. Andrea who was a she-wolf, blond hair and blue eyes tending to gray; and Aurora the witch who instead had red hair, green eyes with lots of adorable freckles.

I grew up together with Andrea practically forever, because she is part of our Red Sky pack, while with Aurora and Abby we met and liked each other from the first meeting in first high school.

"Hi girls!" I greeted the others and closed the locker loudly.

"Yes, you told me, but I didn't remember the appointment was today. What did he say, are you all right?" That question deserved an honest answer, but instead, at that moment I felt like lying, I needed time, I had to digest it, even if I didn't think it would ever happen. It wasn't one of those things that you put the band-aid on and the bua goes away!

"Yes, all right!" I lied shamelessly.

"So let's go have some gymnastics partying!" Andrea said beaming.

"I heard there is a new student, have you met him yet?" Aurora asked curiously.

"Unfortunately for me, yes. His name is Nathan, he's in my class and as if that weren't enough he's sitting behind me!" I said in an annoyed tone, but the girls continued, all the way to the locker room and beyond, talking about him, until we reached the clearing in the park, where gymnastics were taking place.