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Autor: Tickles17

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Kina and her mom move to NYC to escape the I'll treatment of her dad. Jason is the typical badass type but a little soft on the inside. Captain of the football team, hot and is also a player. Will kina be able to change Jason or will it be the other way round. Jason was involved with a gang. Will kina find out on their expeditions. Read more to find out
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Chapter 1

"Wake up! Woman". I heard my mom's voice from a far distance. "Get up am gonna be late for work". And then she started banging on my door. "Geez woman do you ever stop". I just had to get rid of the noise. Opening my door, I realized she was already clothed and ready for work. "Fuck". I missed. "I am late for class". "Language missy". Came my mom's response. "For the love of candy, mom you could have woken me up a lot earlier than this ya know". "Okay enough get dressed and let' leave".

It's been a year, a full fucking year since we moved to New York city after finalizing the divorce and my mom being free from any threat of my abusive father. After eight months of being in Preston high, I am literally still invisible. I found it very difficult to socialize because of my past.

Taking a shabby bath and wearing whatever I laid my hand on, I decided to leave my hair in am messy bun and headed downstairs where my mom was still waiting for me.


I knew that voice it belonged to my best friend Jenny. And yeah she was the only one allowed to call me Kiki.

"Hey Jenny".

"Girls!!" My mom shouted before we could even do our respective signature greetings."hurry up am late for work."

"Coming Mama".

"I've got a lot to tell you about the ski trip you decided to miss because you are being such a pu......"

"Watch it Jen, my mom might hear you".

School sucked. Maybe because I had no friend except Jen of course. The usually spacious hallways of the school was crowded with people scattered across every corner of the hall as if they had nothing doing.

I walked passed each one of them with Jen walking right behind me and staright to our lockers we went.

"Earth to kina".

I was dragged out of my thoughts. "Kiki, what you thinking bout?. Care to share."

"Umm nothing let's just head to class".I said dismissing her question. What was on my mind?. Wanna know? Of course ya do

Walking down the hallway I noticed at the furthest corner of the hallway, those cheerleaders. Those girls that have boys frantically begging them just for a hook up. They were on their phones giggling about something only they knew. And then the thought came to me

What do they have that I don't?, What do they do that I cannot do?.

Oh yeah I literally face-palmed myself in my thoughts. Cause ya know what I cannot be paid for a hookup and I cannot certainly not in my wildest dreams dress up like a slut.


Being the wierdo that I am Jen had to stop me from completely zoning out.


"Excuse me? Who the fuck...."

OMG Jason was standing right behind me and was giving me orders to move like I was his dummy and robot that he got to control.

"Can you be more polite next time?" I contorted starting to loose it

"I will look it up in a dictionary. Now move". He slightly pushed me out of his unexpectedly making me stumble.

"You are such a stupid and lowlife dick"

"That dick would love to be straight up in your assistance someday"

"Go fuck yourself" I spat

"If you would help me, I would gladly do so" . Then he had they boyishi smirk on his face that said "you know you love me"

"You are unbelievable" I started to leave before I got a lot angrier leaving Jen behind a little speechless.

Jason is the captain of the football team in school, a player, a ride jackass and a pain in the butt. In all if you see him gaining on your getting to close run. Just run and forget you ever lived. Well he happened to live a few blocks away from me. I know right, torture.

The bell rang signalling the start of lessons. I was an art major and Jen well she was a music major but luckily we always have our first lessons together. Jen wanted an explanation on what happened back there but was cut short when the teacher entered. About two hours of the teacher ranting about something called concord, the lesson finally ended. Jen and I part ways for other lessons and promised to meet up for lunch in the cafeteria. On my way to the next class, I saw Jason making out with a some random bitch and the way they were making out was gogi and then I felt last night's dinner coming up my throat. If I had stayed a little longer I would spilled my guts out.

Pushing the thought behind me I entered the hall and sat at the furthest end of the hall so as to avoid any attention. Then the door to the hall swung open revealing a very sweaty Jason.

Ew! They had done it and am sure it was in the janitor's office. That poor office has suffered a lot.

I saw him approaching me and then he dropped down in the seat right beside me

"I caught you stairing"

"Yeah whatever, leave me alone Jason"

"Wanna try it out"

"Back off man"...

Okay sure but I will surely get you someday, somehow.

I had a feeling it was not just an empty threat. This was gonna be a very long lesson and a very fun and interesting academic year for both of us.