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MINT [The Flower Series]

MINT [The Flower Series]

Autor: TheOfficialSemiloore



MINT [The Flower Series] PDF Free Download


After the death of her younger sister like best friend and the rejection of her crush, Nishola's colourful world turns dull and she becomes an empty shell. And as she falls in love again, she finds out the secrets surrounding her sister's death. MINT means, if fate allows, ill like to fall in love again .
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Chapter 1

  "Micheal asked you to lunch on Saturday?" Tofunmi asked.

  "Yes. He said he needed to tell me something" Nishola replied swinging her legs on the bed dreamily.

  "Did you forget? You paid for the excursion" Tofunmi reminded as Nishola groaned.

  "I already say yes before I remembered. What am I going to do?" Nishola whined. "You know I can't resist those eyes of his" Nishola added.

  "That's not my problem Ni, mom will be mad if she finds out you didn't go" Tofunmi replied.

  "Can't you just go instead of me?" Nishola asked.

  "Me?" Tofunmi asked.

  "Eh ehn, I'm sure the school will allow it" Nishola replied.

  "Okay, whatever" Tofunmi replied.

  Nishola rolled on the bed shrieking. Her head was filled with different imaginations of what Saturday held for her.

  Tofunmi laughed slightly "Ni, you are going to ruffle my bed sheets if you keep rolling like that" Tofunmi said.

  Nishola threw herself on her younger sister as she engulfed her in a hug.

  "You are the best sis in the world" Nishola exclaimed as Tofunmi laughed.

  Suddenly Tofunmi turned to mist and Nishola found blood on her hands.

  Nishola didn't make a sound as she opened her eyes. She stared at the familiar white ceiling, blue walls, her shelf of books before her eyes rested on a huge painting on the wall.

  Two girls were laughing in the picture. One held the other while dropping a kiss on her cheek while the other wore a wide grin while facing the camera. The picture spoke volumes about the two sisters relationship.

  Nishola climbed out for her bed as I grabbed her phone from the bed stand.

  "Hello Siri" Nishola called out.

  "Hello Ni, how are you today?" A robotic voice replied.

  "I'm fine. I need to take a jog. Tell me when its 6:30am" Nishola replied.

  "Okay Ni" the robotic voice replied as it went silent.

  Nishola stood up and walked towards a huge wardrobe that stood at the side of the room. She opened the below compartment as she brought out a pair of joggers and a black pull over.

  She changed into them in minutes as she tied her shoe laces. She grabbed her head phones from the table as walked out of her room.

  Nishola walked downstairs as she pushed the main door open. She shivered slightly as the cold morning breeze blew against her cheek.

  Nishola walked towards the gateman's house and knocked softly on the door.

  The door opened almost immediately as a young man in his early twenties stepped out. He nodded his head slightly to Nishola as he walked towards the pedestrian gate and placed his fingers on it.

  The gate opened as Nishola pressed play on her iPhone 11. Nothing on You by Ed Sheran bellowed in her ears. Nishola moved her legs as she started jogging. She didn't stop to catch her breath throughout the 45-minute jog. She slowed down as she sighted a familiar stall. The stall was closed as usual but there was a bench in front.

  Nishola sat down and breathed in and out slowly. The sky had started clearing slowly as few cars wheezed to and fro past her. Nishola glanced at the sky as she started her journey back home. Nishola walked into her room as she sat on her bed.

  "Hello Ni, its ten minutes to 6:30am" a robotic voice said.

  "Thanks Siri" Nishola said as she peeled off her jogging clothes and stepped into the bathroom. She was quick with her bath as she walked towards the huge wardrobes once again.

  Nishola opened a side of the wardrobe as hangers of white shirts, blue pleated skirts and jackets came into view. Nishola quickly removed a white shirt and a skirt before closing the wardrobe.

  "Hello Ni, its five minutes to morning breakfast" the robotic voice said.

  "Okay" Nishola replied as she straightened up after tying her sneakers shoe laces. She walked towards the huge standing mirror as she picked a jacket from the coat stand.

  At the left side was the jacket was boldly written with golden threads "BOSTON INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE".

  Nishola carried her school bag and walked downstairs. Her mom and dad were seated in the dining room already.

  "Ni" her mom called.

  "Mom, Dad, good morning" Nishola greeted.

  "Good morning sweetie" Her dad said with a small smile.

  "Sit down, let me help you pack your hair" her mom said.

  "Huh? Pack my hair? That's one thing you are very lousy at" Nishola sneered as her mom pinched her cheek.

  "How dare you make jest of me?" Mrs Osanyibi bellowed.

  "I'm not. I was just stating facts" Nishola replied.

  "Thats okay, eat your breakfast. We are all getting late" Mr Osanyibi said.

  Nishola sat down as she slowly sipped her tea. She bit her teeth into her bread after drinking a little tea. Mr Osanyibi stood up and he glanced at his wife and daughter.

  "I'll get going" Mr Osanyibi said as he dropped a kiss on Nishola and his wife's cheeks.

  "Have a nice day dad" Nishola said.

  "You too, Ni" Mr Osanyibi replied as he walked out of the dining room.

  "Let's go, I'll drop you off" Mrs Osanyibi said.

  "Today's Friday, you have 7:30am meetings every Friday" Nishola replied.

  "You come first" Mrs Osanyibi said as she dug inside her bag for her car keys.

  "No, I'll just tell Kazeem to take me" Nishola said as her mom dropped a peck on her cheeks.

  Nishola picked her school bag and walked outside the door to find Kazeem waiting for her. She opened the back door of the black Bentley and got in.

  "I'm sorta late, speed up" Nishola said as her eyes went to her phone. She saw a few news that a new Netflix series was going to be released. She scrolled her phone in search of it as her lips set in a thin line.

  Kazeem glanced at the chocolate skinned girl in the back seat. Her black and white braids was sprawled on her shoulders messily. It was more like the uniform was tailored for her because the uniform fitted her perfectly.

  She used to laugh and joke like there was no tomorrow but everything stopped one year ago. After she lost her younger sister in an accident, Nishola changed and avoided everyone. Many events were stopped in the house as every worker tried not to make unnecessary noise.

  Kazeem saluted the gateman as he drove into Boston International College. Nishola opened the door and got down quickly. Different huge buildings were arranged perfectly in order.

  All the buildings were painted in both white and blue with Boston's badge engraved on each building. Looking at the environment and the bustling students; one wouldn't wonder why it was the one of the best and most popular school in Lagos. Although very expensive, over 5,000 kids wrote the entrance exam every year.

  Nishola weaved her way through the hallways as she got to her classroom.

  "You came late" Yanmife muttered as soon as Nishola sat down.

  "Traffic" Nishola replied with a smile.

  "You went for jogging again?" Yanmife asked.

  "Yeah. I needed it" Nishola replied.

  "Submit your Physics assignment note" Haruna said.

  "Physics assignment keh?"

  "Did they give us assignments?"

  "Ayemi, I haven't done it"

  The class turned into chaos as people scrambled there and there. They were either trying to copy or trying to confirm if they got the answers right.

  "Number 2 answer is 2.1 keh?"

  "No oo, number 2 answer is 10!"

  "Eh? I got 234.2"

  Yanmife burst into laughter at the voices. "Lazy people" Yanmife said.

  "What was your number 4 answer jare, I was kinda confused so I might have missed out a few things" Yanmife asked.

  "I think I got 10.34 or something like that" Nishola replied as she dropped her note on the small pile of note in front of Haruna.

  "Hello ladies" Haruna greeted with a small smile.

  "How are you?" Yanmife asked.

  "Really cool, you guys look cool though" Haruna replied.

  "Do we still have practical today? I forgot to bring my coat" Yanmife asked as Haruna shook his head.

  "Most unlikely, they might have a meeting" Haruna replied.

  "Okay, that's better" Yanmife said heaving a sigh of relief.

  "I'm going to submit in the next two minutes!" Haruna said.


  "Haruna wait o!"

  "Don't push me nah, I'm still copying it"

  "That's not the answer? I've copied it already nah"

  "Haruna please wait o!"

  "I want to submit my note!"

  "Han han, wait nah!"

  Yanmife chuckled as she shook her head at her classmates.

  "So much for being the best on Science block" Yanmife muttered as Nishola laughed heartily.

  Yanmife grinned widely seeing her best friend laugh. It was something she looked forward to. Moreover, Nishola looked breathtaking whenever she laughed.

  "They are so lazy" Yanmife sneered.

  "I'm going to submit o" Haruna said standing up as the chaos in the class took a whole new degree.