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My Life In High School

My Life In High School

Autor: Don paul



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Jeremy a very cute and rich guy came down to Nigeria to finish his education And stay for some years before going back to the state where his parent resides, He really hated the fact that he would be staying in Nigeria As he saw the country as a dumb country where ugly and clumsy people are living, He began schooling in Royal High School, He stay quiet and acts coldly to any one he comes across with especially those ladies who want to come nearer to him cos of his handsomeness, Many beautiful ladies drool around him wanting to get his attention, but all they got was an annoying neglect But later on, a special girl named Anne entered the school through a scholarship, She was hated by everyone in the class due to the fact that she was from a poor family as they thought she was not a worthy to be in the same school with them, But to the surprise, dismay and shock of everyone , Jeremy found himself falling in love with her , and was ready to do anything to win her heart When their love life was about to blossom, an event which tend to destroy their relationship occurred, . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . For the both of them to be together, Something Hard must be done . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . Would they stand by their love or allow the wind to blow it off . . . .. . . . . . . . . A story of love , betrayal , hatred. . . .

Chapter 1

Jeremy pov

The alarm on my phone blared loudly jerking me off from my nice sleep,

The sound was so loud and annoying that i found myself flinging the phone to god know where,

I tried resuming back to my sleep but it could not come back again....

It was Monday but i'm not just ready to start preparing for any fucking school right now, i just wonder why my father brought me down to this dumb country, why will it even be this country, why Nigeria... i can't just believe i will be living here because of some fucking politics my father entered,

I can never believe it was all happening, how will i live and school with the people of this country,

Those black and stinking human living here,

Oooh!!.. i hissed and stood up from the bed, i sat at the edge of the bed,

Today was Monday which was the day i would continue my education in one of the most best school in this country as said,

I looked at the clock hanging on the wall, it was 7:10am that means I had more twenty minutes before the assembly would begin,

I hissed loudly then layed back on my bed,

I would be going late today after all this is my first time and I would not also like going early avoid the staring eyes of those black and ugly girls,

My name is Jeremy Ben, at the age of 17,

The only son of my parent, my father is a politician and a businessman who based mainly in the state,

He is a citizen of both Nigeria and America due to the fact that his mother is a Nigerian while his father is from America, that was the same as me,

My father got married to my mother who was an American,

I had lived almost all my life in the state, as I was only coming down to Nigeria once in a while, but now I would be staying here till further notice,

I had tried all I can do to change my father's intention of me coming to this country but all to no avail,

I lay down on the bed till the time clocked 8:05am before I stood up and head to the bathroom to clean up,

I was living all alone with bunch of maids and house help who does all in the work in the gigantic and beautiful building I was living in, my account had millions of Naira stucked into it,

I walked into the dining room after taking my bath, my food was already served,

After eating, I went to my room and wore the school uniform which was a white long sleeved shirt and a blue trouser for seniors,

I stared at the mirror admiring the fitness of the cloth, I brushed my hair then took my bag and head out of the room,

As I made to climb downstairs I remembered my golden wrist watch which was given to me by my one and only loved one Sophia,

She was my friend right from childhood,

We grew up together loving and caring for each other, I love her so much that I shed much tears on the night before my departure,

That night was really a day to remember,

A day which I marked as a memorable day in my life,

we clunged around each other as if we were newly married couple,

I did all I could do to make her happy as that would be the last day she would be seeing me because I knew that when next we would meet she must have went on with another guy,

Her face was one thing that would never leave my memory,

Her stature and everything is just so nice,

I don't think i will ever fall in love with any other lady in this country minding the fact that her image was still in my memory.

I rushed back to my room and wore the wristwatch which I carefully placed in a special box which had her name boldly written on it,

I checked the time, it was now 8:20am,

I rushed out and immediately dash into my car which had been waiting for me since,

"Good morning sir"

I greeted my driver which was a middle age man maybe at the age of 36,

"Morning, how are you?" he asked as he ignite the car back to life,

"Very fine"

I muttered and brought out my phone, as usual I went into my gallery to stare at Sophia's pictures which I had gotten when we were together,

Not long after, we reached the school,

I was so astonished at its beauty as I never expect it to be this nice,

We drove straight to the principal office for clarification, we alighted down from the car and head into the office,

i really thank God that their were not much people outside which would stare at me as if I was an alien,

After a knock we were ushered in,

"Wow, are you Jeremy the son of Chief Desmond?" the principal asked with a wide smile,

"Yes, I am" I answered bluntly, as the question seem to angered me a little,

"Pls have your seat Ok?" he said gesturing his hand to the direction of the seats,

"There is no need for long speech or preparation, all your registrations had already been done, let me call someone who would take you to your class" he said

He quickly ran a call to someone and in not less than a minute a lady walked into the office,

she was wearing a pink fashionable and sophiscated gown which has a red belt tied around the thigh,

"Good morning sir" she greeted the principal with a curtsy,

"You will to take him to his classroom which is ss2, take, his seat number is written in that paper" the principal said handing a white paper to her,

"Okay sir" she answered as she collected the paper, she turned to the place i was sitting,

Her whole face covered with a bright smile which i couldn't ascertain what was the cause,

"Lets go" she muttered as she saw i wasn't making any sign of standing up,

I stood up and clung my backpack losely at my shoulder,

We both walked out of the office leaving only my driver and the principal,

As we walk in the hallway i could see how nervous the lady leading was,

She could not just stop stealing glance on me as we were walking side way she was really acting weird,

The way she smiles occasionally really left of surprised and pissed off...

"Why the stupid smile?... are you a lunatic of one kind?

i sneered rudely,

My word seem to bring her back to reality as i could see her once smiling face turn into an angry one.

She also increased her pace giving me enough gap which was what i longed for,

Tho the lady was not that bad in her appearance as she really got her shape in a nice figure eight, she had her natural hair which was long packed in a pony tail style, her lips was glossed with a red lips gloss,

After what seems like an enternity to me we finally got to my classroom.

A lady which i guess to be the form teacher was in front of the class giving some sort of advice to the pupil,

Immediately we got into the class room there were a sudden uproar followed by a silent murmuring, all the whole girls in the class had their eyes gazed on me,

Some were winking their eyes and making all sort of gesture which i couldn't explain,

I was shown the seat with my number which was in between two ladies,

The smile which escaped from their lips was so wide that they looked like mentally disordered people,

i sat on my locker quietly without looking at anyone as i was sure their eyes were on me, i stared at the board blankly,

All the words the form teacher was saying were just like a foreign language to me as my mind was truly far away thinking of no other person than my parent and girlfriend which i would not see for a long time,

I was still in my thought when i felt a tap on my shoulder

I flinched back to reality and turned sharply to the person who touched me,

It was the girl at my right..

"What???" i asked with an angry tone sending fear into her,

"I'm sorry but... you're are being called" she stuttered gesturing at the class frontage,

i turned and saw the form teacher staring at me with a confused expression,

"What is it??" i asked rudely staring at the teacher with an arched brow which signifies irritation,

I saw how the teacher's expression changed into a sad one but that wasn't my concern,

"You've to introduce your self to the class" the teacher said after

regaining from the shock of my rudeness,

"I don't want to do any introduction, i don't think it's necessary" i blurted out bringing out a novel from my bag,

Just then, the class became noisy again, i looked up and found out that the teacher was gone,

I let out a deep sigh before bringing out my phone,

I inserted my earpiece then clicked on my music,

I scrolled down to westlife, then clicked on soledad which was my favourite.

I was still engrossed in the novel i was reading when i felt another touch on my skin,

I looked up, only to find three girls standing in front of my locker,i removed one of the ear piece, so i could hear them well,

"Hello cutie" the girl at the middle greeted with a smile.

I stared at her for some seconds before turning back to the novel i was holding,

"Aren't you the one she is talking to?" the girl at her right hand asked placing one of her hand on her waist,

"Please i think i needs some privacy here, and moreover i don't feel comfortable with the scent emitting out of your body" i retorted leaving them shocked.