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His Desired Omega

His Desired Omega

Autor: Ataima king

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His Desired Omega PDF Free Download


“I will bathe in the blood of your mate and make you mine forever” he breathed down on her neck pinning her underneath, the fear in her eyes was perfect for him to subdue her entirely. *** After the death of his parents, Luke was trained to be next Alpha of the pack. With no other purpose than to lead his pack fairly in his father’s footsteps and cherish his mate who was working as the omega of the pack. Life was going smoothly until it took an unexpected turn when the Beta takes over his title of becoming the Alpha by winning a duel shattering his perfect life and turning him into a nobody. What happens when that same Beta claims his mate as his breeder?
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Chapter 1

“I am not going to let you two leave” a voice said walking towards the average woman and man packing their things into a car.

His green eyes fell on the woman as he strode toward her.

“Stop overreacting son, we will only be gone for two days and return back as soon as possible” the woman replied. Her long black hair resting on her slender neck, flaunting her effortless beauty.

“How can the Alpha and Luna leave the pack just like that, it is unfair to the pack” he resented their decisions to leave.

“This is an opportunity for you to act as the Alpha, Ryan my Beta will help you all the way and you also have my adviser Channel to help you two” the man replied.

“But father, Mother, I am not scared of running this pack, I just don’t want you guys to leave” he whined further.

“This trip is extremely important son, we will be back before you know it” they got into the car and drove away waving goodbye to him.

The tall young man with black long hair up to his shoulders, chisel jaw and a perfect sculpture watched them leave with a solemn face. He then turned towards the pack further away from the pack house where he once stood.

“Ofcourse I can run a pack, the Black moon pack has never seen an Alpha like me” he stated with a smirk.

The Black moon pack has been the center of the seven packs in Oakgreek, they were the strongest and the most powerful. The Alpha was referred to as King of Alpha because he had never lost to an attack never was his pack conquered. Various packs feared him, enemies failed to attack because of the stories they heard of him and the pack but the most popular stories were those of his son, the soon to be Alpha, Luke.

The young Lycan was rumored to be worst than his father, the apple didn’t fall far from the tree, that was what they all thought. He had gone to wars and came back unscathed. Some say he was blessed by the moon goddess herself, other say he was blessed by the God of war.

The most rampant of stories was about the beauty he possessed, he was capable of making a woman fall without batting his eye. Ladies have been rumored to reject their mates just because they thought they could have a shot with him.

Oakgreek lived in fear of the Black moon pack but not only the Lycans but also every supernatural being who thought of stepping their feet into Oakgreek or thinking of attacking it.

The Lycans were at the top of the chain and the wolves followed through, they may not move along but they maintained a safe distance from each other. Every other being were beneath them.

After a short tour around the few meters of the pack, Luke returned to the massive pack house, he made his way back into the room yet it was uneasy for him to be missed by the omegas who couldn’t get over just how handsome and manly he looked. He didn’t pay any heed to them and walked away.

Bright skies accompanied by a radiating sun brought forth a new day.

A knock came on his door and a man walked into his room.

“Is there anything you need Channel?” Luke asked wearing his shirt to begin his new morning sprint. He had failed to notice the solemn face of his Dad’s best friend.

“Young master, there is something you should see” the man said.

“Why, what is it?” He asked with little to no heed to him.

“It would be better if you see it with your own eyes” the man replied.

“What is it?, you are making me worried when you talk like that” he reacted bothered by how he spoke. Channel wouldn’t speak so slowly to him if he weren’t troubled by something, he had always been a jovial type despite his age.

“Please come with me” Channel pleaded and he had no choice than to follow him. Down the stairs until they got outside the entrance of the packhouse.

It was already crowded but the guards were able to keep the people a safe distance to see with their eyes what was going on.

A car thoroughly damaged on every angle was right in front of Luke along with two bodies wrapped in a white cloth already stained by blood.

Recognizing the car, Luke was distraught. His mind was hazy and he was beginning to think what he was actually seeing was a dream. He could recognize the car as the same car his parents drove out in.

“Are those my…” he couldn’t dare utter the words he wanted to say in fear.

“No, they are the guards that followed your parents” Channel replied and he sighed in relief believing there was hope.

“The Alpha and Luna are in the morgue” Channel replied with a heavy heart.

Luke’s eyes widened as he looked at him,

“The morgue, what are you talking about?” He asked with shaking hands scared about what could have happened to them.

“There was an accident on their way last night, and a fire was kindled burning them to death in the car” Channel stated.

“What are you talking about, are you saying that my parents are dead?” He shook his head denying that fact.

“No, they cannot be dead” he refused to believe it. They left the pack 26hours ago and now they were already dead. It felt like a dream that he didn’t want to believe but when he slapped himself, he realized that it wasn’t a dream.

“Your parents are waiting in the morgue” Channel stated and led him all the way to the morgue in the hospital.

Luke slowly opened the door and found two bodies, he could tell by their scent that they were parents but their scent was also mixed with fire and mud.

He moved closer to unveil their faces and be certain about it but they were completely burnt that he could hardly recognize them.

“No, it can’t be” he whispered. Luke was heartbroken, he blamed himself for what had happened. If he had stop them from going then they would be alive by now.

Wallowing in so much pain, he couldn’t hold it in any longer and let out a dark roar that shook the whole hospital.

The death of the Alpha and Luna was announced to the whole pack and they mourned for them for seven days before they were finally buried. Luke felt the pain of their death the more because in those seven days, he could hardly eat anything. He had lost all appetite and life. He felt like his whole world was taken from him and indeed they were because to Luke, his family meant everything to him.


Two years had passed and Luke was undergoing every single training under the stewardship of Channel to be become the next Alpha in about two weeks time.

The pack had been run by the Beta Ryan while he was trained day and night to be able to succeed his father and keep the pack in peace and subtlety.

In the woods in the middle of the night was Luke and Channel. Luke had changed to his Lycan to be trained how to use his sense of smell to sense an attack.

A huge black Lycan capable of being the nightmare of every naive little girl, stood tall on all fours while his eyes were blindfolded.

Channel had a wooden stick standing behind him, he tightened his grip as he made little to no sound. he hit the stick hard on Theo, Luke’s Lycan and then vanished from his position before Theo could attack back.

“Find out where I would attack next” he advised.

Channel moved in the speed of light and a hit was already on Theo’s head in no time.

Theo stretched out his hand to attack but he missed him.

“You are not concentrating.

Feel everything around you, most especially the air. What do you smell, can you sense when someone walks past you. Try to feel the environment around you and figure out what is wrong then you will find me. Pick up my scent and which direction it is the strongest” Channel advised him and went again but Theo still couldn’t get him and he was hit on the shoulders.

He let out a growl in frustration.

“Okay, this is not helping you at all because you think this is a joke” Channel uttered.

“I am doing my utmost best here” Theo objected.

“Your best is not enough. Just because you have been fighting in battles and coming back unscathed doesn’t mean you are the best” Channel commented and picked up a bow and arrow.

“Since you don’t want to concentrate then I will help you” he stated climbing a tree.

“Catch the arrow before it pierces you” Channel gave the warning.

“What arrow, what are you talking about?” Theo asked confused when he got shoot in the shoulders by the arrow.

“What the hell!” he groaned as he fell to the ground, he pulled off the blind fold from his face completely furious ready to rip Channel apart for shooting him.

“You are lucky I didn’t use a gun, I told you to concentrate. Put back the blind fold and try to find where the arrow is coming from. Listen to its sound as it pierces through the air and catch it before it pierces you. This arrow is made of aluminum right, then pick up its smell” Channel ordered him while he aimed the arrow for his chest.

“Easy for you to say, you are not the one getting shot” he lashed back wearing the blind fold.

“This time I will aim for your heart” Channel said raising the target higher so that Theo could be more serious.

“That could kill me?” He complained.

“Concentrate” Channel ordered and shot the arrow.

Theo focused on his surroundings, he could hear a faint sound piercing through the air, he could perceive the aluminum from the tip of the arrow. The sound and smell became stronger so he reached out his hand and caught it before it could pierce through his heart.

Shocked that he had actually caught the arrow, Channel fell from the tree in surprise.

“Did it, don’t ever threaten me like that” Theo warned pissed off that he would play with his life to get a training done.

“Yes young master” Channel replied with a smile.

Theo changed back into his human form, wearing only a black shorts, Luke was staring at him with a frown on his face.

Sensing the resentment from his young Alpha, Channel chose to ignore it and tapped him by the shoulder .

“You are ready, I have nothing more to teach you” he commented.

“Fine then, I need to rest” Luke hastened his steps to leave when he felt something coming from behind. He turned back quickly and grabbed the arrow from piercing his eyes.

“Are you mad?” He yelled at Channel breaking the arrow into pieces storming towards him in full rage.

“Listen Master, it was just a test” Channel tried to escape the wrath of his young Alpha but he was no match for him. Luke picked up the same bow he used and an arrow and shot him right in the buttom.

“Ah” Channel let out a scream in pain while Luke was satisfied by his actions.

The walk back to the pack house was quiet, Luke was furious at his teacher Channel and Channel was furious at his young master Luke for shooting him in the buttom and forbidding him from removing it.

“Can I take it off now” he asked as they got closer.

“No, you can remove when you get to your home” Luke replied.

“Are you expecting me to carry an arrow in my butt till I get to my house, people will laugh at me” he complained.

“You should have thought of that before you tried a sneak attack on me” Luke answered and walked away from him into the pack house.

He strolled to his room climbing up the stairs past the omega’s room making his way past the hallway close to the kitchen.

He got to a corner when he was bumped into by an omega.

“I am so sorry young Alpha, I didn’t see you coming” she apologized keeping her head down. Looking at him directly in the eyes meant she had no regard for him being a low level omega as she was and she could be killed so she avoided his eyes.

“Look at me” Luke ordered. She slowly raised her eyes to his until her blue eyes met his green eyes.

The whole world stood still for Luke, he couldn’t keep his eyes off the young woman in front of him. Her bright blue eyes fitted perfectly with her beautiful and delicate face, for an omega working in the packhouse everyday, her skin glowed or was it just his eyes. Her white long hair stopping right at her waist, she blinked once gulping down hard as she looked at him.

Luke’s eyes went down to her pink lips calling him in to have a taste.

“Mate” his Lycan purred at the back of his head. His heart was pounding like crazy just staring at her, he didn’t want to look away. He could feel his hand yearning to touch her, his body was so hot, he moved and inch closer to her until their lips were so close to each other.