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Within the teilght of the darkest hour, with just few seconds of fantasy and fun,the life of owolabi Owolabi the son of pastor timothy was arrested for murder on the day of his mother coronation How did that happened, how will they prove them wrong with all the evidence proving that owolabi is the killer
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Chapter 1

I walked through that valley, down the hill, I can't say, this is the accurate time, but it is the hour between the darkest night and the wee hour of the morning. I could notice the harsh whistle of the breeze that paved her way into the Mother Nature. The swampy dark green leaves bowed down to the right and to the left like a masquerade dancing alone in the middle of the forest. The thick and crooked little space I'm walking through was moist and murky, my sandal glued to the earth. I was unable to move my leg in a pleasing manner, and every little step was a driving force. I could remember this place vividly.

I was there ten years ago, then, and used to search for snails alongside my cousins. In a flash my dazzling eyes fell on a big, matured snail. I smiled briskly, took the snail but his sharp mouth was attached firmly to the earth. I pulled the brownish hard shell resolutely; almost separated his body from the shell and finally it belong to me now.

I swiped off the thick murky mud around the shell. Just in a twinkle of an eye, the snail fortuitously broke away; I can't just imagine it or describe it, if the snail was crawling or flying, but what I knew was that his zigzag movement was very fast that it is beyond my thinking that I tried to look for his leg. Maybe there was a magical leg that accelerated the locomotive movement, however, something inside me was pushing me, and I ran after him, like a leopard running after a prey, yet, my leg was still very heavy as if it was not part of my body.

I could see the snail running towards a gloomy garden. It was obscured to me to know the type of garden. I ran as fast as I can towards it. It seems as if it was a plantation garden, as I approached nearer, though still gloomy but I found out that it was a banana plantation garden. Then I looked down, and narrowed my gaze, still obscured, I could see some kind of living creature but not really in human form and I can precisely says there's animals too and this time I'm a little bit frightened, yet, something inside me was pushing me, a driving force I can't explain.

I saw a woman like creature under the dried banana plantation, pupils in her eyes looked as if it emits fire; it was hot-red, more or less like a ruby. The other part of her body was too dark to be seen, but I noticed the movement of the red eyes, as it moves back and forth, then suddenly, I heard a vibration accompanied by a moo - moo- moo- sound. I can feel my temperature rising. This time I can feel my feet marching some kind of dirt phlegm or mucus. Getting closer timidly, I saw the sparkle of that creature's gaze, showcasing two other creatures, maybe I was hallucinating I thought immediately. I tried to wipe off my face so that I can see clearly.

This is true, they were three in numbers forming a circle line pattern as they lower their gaze simultaneously, in anguish, this was the message their eyes was passing across. I approach nearer and nearer, I saw a guy at the middle, surrounded by those fierce women, he was tied from his head to toe, howling with distress.

Who are you? And what are you doing here?

The echo of her voice penetrated the silent night. One of them asked me one more time, I said what are you doing here young lady, you are not supposed to be here.

Instantly, at that moment I don't know what came over me, I was shrouded with confidence, a kind of confidence that can face any unbeatable enemy.

I shouted NO NO it can't be, Oriyomi, it can't be.

That was the name of my fiance. I could hear him very clearly now, he was battered, crying in pain, please help me , save me from this people please, he pleaded.

Do you know him? One of them asked me.

Yes of course, this is my fiance, and I will do anything to protect him

This is no issue his case has been closed and the verdict has to be carried out.

No! This is not possible; I'm going home with him right away.

You want to protect him, right then you have to replace him with your life because he has to die.

The word "die" was echoed again, penetrated into my in-depth soul, as if a syringe was inserted into my body

Young lady for the last time I want you to withdraw from this case, she spat on me and raised her hand up. Then I saw a kind of a cutlass, the edge of it was so sharp that its light cut across the night

Then I checked my white garment, it was stain with red thick blood all over part of my garment.

"Clauri don maama eiye nkorko ri fura

Faati don atirjo rorti akormie pepe

Waasir fa nso odor ikerl don sinal

I listened to that kind of language; this is not familiar to any kind of Nigeria Languages. This murmur expression marched in echelon like a voice coming from a bamboo tree when it's being rolled into the space. Yet in anguish, clasping their feet simultaneously, it seems as if there was a ceremonial sacrifice going on. The machetes was roaming around my fiance's head, I know those creatures were the one with the machete but the other part of their body were too dark to be seen. As if I was not part of the scene any more, they just ignored me totally as they continue with their hullabaloo expression.

Hey! Hey! Am talking to you, leave him alone I shouted with all my breath, as if my voice was devoid of no expression they continued with their sacrifice and I was very scared that something terrible is going to happen to my fiance. Then I screamed and screamed a kind of shriek that wakes up all the birds in the wilderness.

Then suddenly she saw herself lying down with the left side of her body. Her eyes widely open

What the hell? What kind of nightmare is this, so, I was dreaming: Folashade said, and sat upright from the sofa bed. She was still panicked, though she was feeling the cold from the night weather, but the nightmare still have an impact on her. She reached for her phone beside the bed.

Still in deep thought, how can I be narrating my dream in a dream: she soliloquized? Now scrolling and pressing her phone, searching for Oriyomi's number she can't wait to narrate her dream to him.

Thowwww- thowwww- thowwww, the dialing tone went on and on but nobody to receive the call. She threw her phone back on the bed and put her flip flop slippers on. Beside it was a pillow, she wondered how it got there and threw that one too on to the bed. She now sauntered towards the toilet in her room, switched on the light beside the polished brown wooden door. Clearly, one can see the coolness of her dorm.

The maroon colour light rays blend with the American pop star singing sensation divah frame. The picture frame of Moesha stood opposite her bed and was gazing at her tenderly as she walked into the toilet. Sat more relaxed on the toilet tub, removing her panties up to her kneel level. Her eyes closed as she pressed and gradually, she opened her stunning eyelashes, but her gaze fell on her indigo sweat-pant which has a Friday calibrated letters. She quickly reminiscence, last Friday was the last day, Oriyomi took her out to X- Factor. One of the dearest Clubs in Ogunlana drive and he bought her all the dress, including this particular under wear. She just falls in love with it because Friday was written on it, showcasing the mood for fun, pleasure and blissful enjoyment.

She walked past him majestically and with an affectionate gaze, you are not looking bad, Oriyomi said and smiled briskly

What do you mean am not looking bad? That's an understatement, she replied jokingly

Don't mind me? You know, you are my angel now and I admire you a lot. He added teasingly, and looking at her well endowed stunning stature in a silent appeal. He was just carried away with her gleaming brown skin feminine laps, her buttocks shoot out firmly, forming fresh Siamese twin bread.

"Baby, what are you thinking about? Folashade asked, directing her attention on him and her firm boobs stood up right like a soft touch karaoke

The june rain have started showering again she said subtly, put on her under wear and toddle towards her room. Once again her mind was shifted to the nightmare she had.