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Love Struck With You

Love Struck With You

Autor: Little flower

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“I need a wife, Miss Davide”. Roman Vasslllev needs a wife to close this deal, but what he seeks from a woman is nearly impossible to come by, A woman who's smart, kind and loyal in all, one capable of raising an empire with him, maybe it's possible but the time frame for the search is short. Giulia’s current job wasn't putting up with her needs and her health is taking turns for the worse. She needs to handle it before it's out of her hands and so she decides to take up the call, hoping she can save herself before it's too late. It was supposed to be a dinner as the perfect couple, who knew fate had other plans… Will they be able to hold up and save each other from the pending doom?
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Chapter 1


I had decided to make my findings about Federico Vincenzo, and everyone who dealt with him ended up with the same lines of ‘he treasures the concept of marriage’.

I knew if I put a call through I could have a personal conversation with him due to my reputation in the business world, but I doubt he would take me serious if he knew I wanted to become part of the world revolving around Suit Tailoring.

I mean suits and casinos may go together, but not so much to want to own a Suit line the way I wanted to …

The only thing that would seem to get his attention would be his treasured notion about marriage, meaning I needed a wife as soon as possible.

I want to be acquainted with everyone involved in The Suit line of business here in Italy before The Autumn Suit Fest that involved half the world showcasing their tremendous pieces, hence the urgent need to acquire a woman with a charisma to intrigue Mr Vincenzo .

And if I'm being honest talking to a lady had never really cut it for me,and it was solely on their part, it's either they came off too clingy, or too needy or just not something I want to be involved with so how was I going to find not just any woman, one with outstanding characteristics?.

Yeah Dmitry might know a few but I doubt I could stand them…

Anton on the other hand actually had a better taste in women than my brother, and as much as I would have loved to keep this new development from everyone I had no choice, I guess I'll be seeing them at City of Sin this weekend.

Though it's my creation, The Club isn't a place I frequented, I did it for the sole purpose of a lucrative business hence the reason my brother runs the show there and I, the Casino.

“You good for a weekend treat? Bills on me though,”

“Yes at The Club Dmitry don't sound so surprised, I own the place remember?”

“Yeah nine will be just fine, Just Anton, yourself and I… ”

“See you then”. Ahhh, hope they can help me out here…

“Hey man are you good? Though you don't look it… ” Anton acknowledged, yes I'm aware of that man, I hate being tied to a spot and that's all I am right now. Taking a sip of liquor I put it away

“I need a wife” and the drink that was once deposited in Dmitry’s mouth was sputtered out

“Roman are you dying?” he asked…

“Fuck no Dmitry!, why would you even think that?!”.

“I don't know you tell me, for all I know you don't seem interested in women, I could even bet on my life that you're still a virgin, so why would you want not just a woman ‘A Wife’ all of a sudden?!,

Anton please tell me you can see where I'm coming from?”

“Roman I'll have to agree with Dmitry this time, you've never seemed interested so what's changed now?” ahhhh, here it comes…

“I want to fully go into the Suit Making line of business and The man I need to speak with has a thing for ‘Man and Wife’

He believes together they can build an empire, and you know how it is, I need to ‘Dress to Impress’ and my dress would be ‘A Wife’...

The problem now is I need someone with a charming charisma, someone who can intrigue this man, a smart, loyal,and maybe an air of delicacy to put softness to the character…

I doubt anyone could resist these characteristics, she just has to put these up front until I'm able to get a deal with him.

Please tell me you guys have someone in your archives that fit this personalities, even if it's all an act”.

Dmitry was the first to speak, “I'm sorry brother, what you're looking for can only be found in the heavens, because the ladies out here are about the money or attention and that's that”.

I could already feel hope slipping out…

“Wait! ” Anton said, though he seemed reluctant,but I didn't mind, there may still be hope…

“There could be someone who matched these characters, a girl I met months ago on the outskirts of Campania, and though she doesn't talk much when she speaks there's wisdom coming from her words,

She also has the delicacy you're talking about, I don't know about loyalty, there hasn't been anything I could place on that yet”.

“Whats her name?” I softly enquired, he seemed to be protective of the girl…

“Giulia Davide, she works in a high school as a librarian, and I doubt the work is cutting in for her expenses, so she is likely to accept your offer, or not.

I'll have to speak with her first, if she calls in then you have yourself ‘A Wife’ ”.

I was still going to wait on her? To call?,

“Anton I have plans to catch up with, what if she doesn't call in? What do I do then?”

“Well it's either you wait and hope she does call in or there are tons of women out there who would act out what you want, only thing is it might come off too perfect or too cringy.

Giulia is natural, and that's what you need, Mr Vincenzo has been married for a long time, he would know a fake when he sees one”.

Well there goes my fate again, flowing in the wind, I have to wait for this Giulia to call in, great!!!.

Meanwhile, Dmitry had zoned out of the conversation a long time ago since he had nothing to contribute, and following his line of sight there was a blonde girl giving him signs to come over…

I bet he was already at her side mentally, so to relieve him and myself from this horrific sight I excused him, thanking him for his presence with us.

Anton had a dinner date at home with his woman tonight and had to make a duty excuse to meet up with me so I excused him as well.

He was going to talk to Giulia about my proposal tomorrow, and all I can do is hope she accepts.


“Giulia!!! How're you? It's been a while, how's life and work as well?”

An enthusiastic Anton spoke through the phone, and this had Me chuckling…

“What's got you so giddy this morning Anton, the last time you were this happy was when you found your crush had split with her boyfriend,and I know you guys are together now, or are you having a baby??!!”

“Hell no!! It's been two months Giulia and I don't think I'm in anyway ready to be a father!”

An emotion slipped his voice that didn't go unnoticed by Me and I almost felt sorry for asking that question, so instead of voicing my thoughts that I am sorry I changed the topic immediately…

“So to what do I owe this call?” I asked,

“There's a job offer that can earn you good money, and not to sound judgemental but you can't hide the fact that your current job isn't cutting you a decent three square meal.

And if I offered my help you would decline…

So a good friend of mine has a job offer I think would be beneficial to you and himself, I advice you to check it out…

Meanwhile I've mailed the business card to you, if you're interested you make the call”.

“I know Anton, it's no secret ok…

So what's this job about?, atleast you can give me a fair idea of what it is” I asked…

“It's not my place to tell you Giulia, how about you make the call and find out, if you don't like it you can decline it ok, no pressure”

I can sensed that he low key wanted me to accept the offer, how hard can it be, if I didn't like the terms I can decline so yeah…

“Alright Anton, I'll think about it, thank you for the look out too, extend my warmest regards to Viola okk”

“Anytime Giulia… of course, she'll hear, why don't I tell her right now…

‘Lyubov',Giulia sends her regards! ’,

She says you're so sweet and she can't wait to finally meet you Giulia” and this had Me smiling…

“Tell her soon enough, I'll pay you both a visit someday in Venice, now take care of yourselves and bye!! ”.