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Autor: AbbySax

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I gulped "What do you want from me?" I asked already shaking. "Don't be scared babygirl" A second man said. I flinched when he called me that. "We won't hurt you" A third man responded, chuckling at his statement. Just as I was about to protest, the chubby man pulled me down making me lie down from my once sitting position "Please I beg you. Don't" I pleaded tears streaming down my eyes. "SHUT THE HELL UP" the second man said as he slapped me making my head snap to the other side. I closed my mouth whimpering. "Good girl" the third man cooed. The chubby man stood up ready to pull off his trousers when I began to squirm, the two other men held my arms and my legs which prevented me from protecting myself so I decided to scream. That was bad idea. The man above me, the chubby one, brought out a gun from his pocket bringing it close to my head, I winced as the cold metal made contact with my head "One more word from your mouth and I blow your fucking head up. OK?" He threatened, his mouth smelling of cigarette. I nodded vigorously as he grinned dropping his gun. Owning a well known company, Riele found it hard to find true love. Men either date her then dump her or dupe her for the money she has Through these complications she came across Jace but not in her right senses either. Follow them through the problems the world throws at them to see if they would escape its brutal beatings or not.
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Chapter 1

Riele's POV

I stared at the gold plated name tag on my desk. The name Riele Downs boldly written on it was special. 'Riele' was given to me by my mother, she would make sure she called that name every time. It seemed to give her joy. I frowned; It has been two years since I last heard from my mother. And to be honest, I don't regret my actions. My actions brought me to this state of mine.

Being the CEO of Downs Cosmetic Company at just an early age of 24 was no small feat. My actions got me kicked out of my mother's house years ago and now I'm currently living by myself. It's quite a boring life, having no one to comfort you, not being able to find love cause it was either your love life or work.

I sighed as a drop of sweat trickled down my jawline. I had just finished signing another paperwork. This week had being really hectic as purchases were made now and then. People kept on ordering products from my company and the thought alone was exhilarating. I smiled, and to think my mom wanted to take my dreams away from me.

I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts, relieving that day would bring nothing but sadness. I closed my eyes and leaned back in my chair, trying to relax. I breathed out in relaxation as the air conditioner blew cool air that lightly kissed my face.

My ears twitched at the sound of cars passing by, honking at themselves. The birds chirping and communicating happily, along with the sound of crickets, made me realise just how late it was.

I could have slept off right there on my chair if the building's telephone hadn't started to ring.

I snapped my eyes open in annoyance before picking it up "Yeah?" I spoke to it, twirling a pen between my middle and index finger.

"There's someone who would like to see you. Her name is Ella McCall" My secretary spoke from the other end of the call; Her voice was as soft as ever due to exhaustion.

"No worries, let her in," I said, stifling a yawn in the process.

"Alright" she replied and I hung up, sighing for the umpteenth time today.

I tried organising my table which was filled with tons of paperwork and thankfully, they were all signed, but then again, it's only a matter of time before my table got piled up with series of sheets of paper works. 'I think I need a break' I breathe out.

"Hey girl" Ella said, approaching me as she shut the door she came in through.

"Hey El" I replied without looking up from my table, still trying to organise.

"Oh, girl! You have been busy" she said, taking a seat on the chair opposite mine.

"Tell me about it. The orders are getting too much. I mean I like it, it's my dream and passion but I need a breather" I said exasperated, pulling my hair in discomfort and frustration.

"I think I need a break but there will be no one to take care of the whole thing while I'm gone. Would it be too much if I wished for the world to stop moving for a day?"

"You know that's impossible" Ella said, giggling lightly.

"I know" I groaned.

"But I might know what to get your mind off all these" Ella said excitedly. Ella the ever cheerful type. Always knowing what to do to be happy. How come I didn't have that kind of gift?

"What?" I asked lifting my head from the table slightly to study the all too familiar glint of her ocean blue eyes

"Spa day" she squealed.

"Maybe I guess, it's worth a shot" what other choice have I got? It's either that or be buried in tons of paper work.

"Good. Let's say next Saturday. You, me, Lizzy and..." Ella paused.

"And who?" I asked propping my elbow on the table

"To be honest I don't know. Who do you think can join us?" she asked, bringing out a tube of gloss from her purse, reapplying it on her lips. I rolled my eyes. If she could get played for every time she applied her lip gloss, I'm sure she'd be the richest woman on earth.

"I think you, me and Lizzy will be enough. Spa day and girls night, it'll be fun" I said smiling.

"Great, I'll let Lizzy know as well" El said. "But now let's go shopping" El said, getting up from her seat swiftly. My eyes bulged as if they would pop out any second

"Girl it's-" I paused to check the time on my phone "-8:30pm, don't you think it's too late for shopping" I said getting up from my seat since I was done for today.

She gasped dramatically holding her chest as if my words hurt her, making me roll my eyes "It's never too late for shopping" she said tossing her hair to the side, standing on her right hip. I rolled my eyes shaking my head. I needed to stop rolling my eyes. I hope they don't roll out of my head anytime soon.

"Whatever you say girl, but don't you think we need a change of clothes first?" I said looking down at my attire which consisted of a cream coloured short lace gown with a black blazer, accompanied by a pair of black flats. Typical working lady style.

"What's wrong with what we're wearing?" she asked looking at her what she wore then raised her head to look at me quizzically.

She had on more causal clothes than what I was on. She wore a short grey gown with a flannel shirt tied to her waist. To top it all, she had on white sneakers with a black hat on her head.

"Nothing jeez" I said laughing at the expression etched on her face

"Good" she remarked as we walked out of the office. I gave a curt nod to my secretary before leaving for the parking lot.

"Did I give you the permission to get in my car?" I asked Ella as she hopped into the car. Just too hyperactive, like what does she take? What sort of energy drink does she take?

"Well I'm in it and there's nothing you can do about it" she said sticking her tongue out at me, childishly.

I shook my head. "Alright to the mall we go." I said putting on my seat belt.

"Woah! Mall, here we come!" Ella shouted making me chuckle at the excitement practically oozing out of her

Driving out of the lot, Ella and I blasted the speakers of the car with several raps by different rappers. It was definitely going to be a long night.