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Prophecy Of The Tribrid

Prophecy Of The Tribrid

Autor: Mary Elizabeth

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This book is a continuation of Luna of the Blood Moon Pack but can be read alone. Mara is the adopted daughter of the previous Luna and Alpha, but what happens when she discovers the truth about her past. Will this sassy spitfire rise to the challenge of the prophecy? Is she ready to sacrifice herself for the sake of everything she loves? Will she leap into uncharted waters or sit back and let fate take control?
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Chapter 1

I ran through the forest, not looking back. I just had to make it to her house…I was so close. Suddenly the forest disappeared, and I was left in a field of flowers.

I couldn’t see them anymore, but I could still hear his voice. “You can’t hide in there forever, Mara; we will always find you. It is your destiny to die, and I will be the one to kill you.”

“Mara…Mara, wake up, angel. You’ll be late.”

I shot up with a start, looked around, and let out a breath. I was at home, in my room.

I looked up at my mom, who looked at me with a worried expression. “Angel, are you okay? You missed your alarm.”

“Yeah, mom, I will be down soon,” I said. But I was not okay. I had that dream every night, and I could hear his voice when I was awake. Who was that man…or is even he a man, and what did he mean it was my destiny to die?

It’s just a dream…It’s just a dream. I repeated to myself as I rolled out of bed.

7:30…shit, I overslept by 15 minutes, and every minute is critical on your first day of high school

Before we go further, let me tell you about myself.

My name is Mara Holden, and I am 14 years old…at least, I think. I have long blond hair and blue eyes. I am 5’8 with an athletic build from all of my dad's training with me. My parents are the previous Luna and Alpha or our pack, The Blood Moon Pack. The Blood Moon Pack spans from Wyoming into Canada and is the biggest and richest in North America. They adopted me when I was three years old, but all they had to go on was what I told we are not quite sure how old I am. I showed up on the border of their territory in the middle of a Canadian winter, and they took me in and raised me as their own.

They are no longer the Alpha and Luna, but they are still widely respected because of what they accomplished as Alpha and Luna. Still, my parents have prominent roles in the pack. My Dad, Travis handles the businesses that the pack owns, and my mom, Kate is a human and is involved in the pack…she volunteers a lot and is always on the go. She even manages the gardens and landscaping for this part of the territory.

I had decided on dark skinny jeans and a pink crop top, and pink sneakers and threw my books into my grey and pink backpack. I ran downstairs but stopped dead in my tracks before the kitchen.

“She is having nightmares,” Mom said

“Maybe it is time,” I heard Dad say

“Angel, is that you” I heard my mom say

“Yeah,” I said as I grabbed some bacon and toast and ran out the door

“Umm…good morning to you, Mara,” I heard my dad say

“Sorry, dad. I am late. Love you guys,” I said as I closed the door.

I met my friends Heather and Whitney at the entrance to the school.

They hooked arms with me. “Ready,” I asked


We have never been popular, but people usually left us alone because of my parents. They weren’t mean to our faces. They just talked about us behind our backs.

I closed my locker and turned to leave when I ran into Michael. He was the Beta of this territory’s son and a year ahead. We have 3 Betas under our Alpha’s primary Beta, Alex, because we are such an extensive territory.

“Watch it,” He said

“Sorry, Michael,” I said as I walked away, but he pulled me back and sniffed me.

“What are you doing?” I heard Carrie yell. Carrie is Michael’s current girlfriend.

“Smell, Mara!” He demanded

“Why would I do that?” she asked

“She doesn’t smell like a wolf…she smells different,” he said

She came over and smelt me “Yeah; she does,” she said with a sadistic smirk

“Just because you are 15 and have wolves now doesn’t mean you can go around sniffing everyone,” I said as I walked away.

I acted like it didn’t bother me, but it did mainly because people kept trying to smell me all day.