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I Am The One Who Saved You

I Am The One Who Saved You

Autor: Fire_QUEEN



I Am The One Who Saved You PDF Free Download


She was looking for the perfect spot to build her tent to sleep over for one night. And the place she found is surrounded by tall trees that the fireflies chose to rest. But a scent of Sandal wood mixed with mint entered her nostrils and make her knees become weak. Elijah Suarez, the college student who doesn't know that the half blood that flowing inside her veins is actually from werewolves is now experiencing her first ever blood heat. "Your scent, I like your scent." The voice from behind together with the thick scent that is now surrounding her entire body makes her mind blank. She saw a man with golden eyes, sweating all over his body and has a.. Tail?! Dwine Frost, A dominant alpha who are having his dangerous first ever rut inside the mountain thought he was going to die. Being a purebred werewolf who can't find his mate because of the so called soul link. If he experienced his first rut without his soul link mate, he's going to die. Two souls meet inside the mountain under the red blood moon. Helping each other to subdue their sexual desires, bodies become one while the fireflies dancing above them. There is one problem, Dwine Frost, after his rut. Actually can't remember what happened when he wakes up in the next morning. Only the scent of vanilla mixed with Rose and orange left in his body. Who was it? Who is the one who helped him to overcome his rut? No, rather. Who saved him?
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Chapter 1

 In the 18th century, 

There has Four types of people. The Vampire, who thinks they are the ruler of the world. The human, who is normal and the food for the vampires. The Lycan, who are half Vampire. And the Werewolf, who are the savior of all the human.

Inside the mountain that the wolf is occupying, the man is soon to be executed for killing the wife of the king who rules the whole pack of werewolf. 

 "No! Please! Don't kill him!" A woman cried out loud while her knees bend on the stone floor. 

She's begging her father to do not kill her mate who she knows was being framed by the other Alphas candidates for the throne. 

"Enough with your madness! He's the one who killed my wife! Your mother! Aren't you mad at him for doing that?! " Her father. 

The king of the werewolf pack who rules the mountain, lost his wife during the competition. And he thought that the man in his hand right now is the one who killed her. The man is the werewolf who just arrived a month ago and became his daughter mate. They actually don't know where he came from, and why is he there. 

  "You can't kill him father, he's not the one who killed mom! He was framed, please believe me. He can't do that!" She's still trying to beg for the sake of man's life. 

She love him so much that she herself don't know how to continue living if the man died. 

  "It's not for you to decide, I lost your mother. And he is the only one who was in the scene. Do you think I'm stupid?!"  Her father is really angry and she is sure that she can't change his mind. 

   "Then, please give me a chance to say goodbye to him father. Just for the last time." She bow her head and started to kowtow until her forehead started to bleed. 

Her father released the half dead man and she crawls to get near him. Crying while touching his face and whispering the apologies for her father. The woman bite her palm and let her blood out. 

  "What are you doing?!" Her father tried to pull her away but she shoved him away. 

  "You allowed me to say goodbye to him for the last time, so stop pulling me. Let me finished what I am doing."  Her eyes is now burning with fire. 

The woman squeezed her palm and let her blood dropped on the man's open mouth and she said. 

   "Drink my blood so our soul can be forever linked with each other, and after you die, I will also follow you. In our next life, we can only find each other with the help of our soul link. Wait for me to find you my love, and my forever mate." 

After she said it, he bite the neck of the man and also drink his blood. She doesn't know if this will work out but she still hopes for it. After that, she stands up and walk away from the execution of the man. Her father who killed the man after his daughter left the scene, is also wondering what her daughter did. 

Only he found out after his people find her body near the lake that the fireflies loves to rest. Losing his wife and his daughter, the king who ruled the werewolf pack decided to follow them and also killed himself. 

19th century, 

The purebred werewolf prince was born, A dominant Alpha who soon to be the ruler of the pack is actually not just a normal werewolf. His parents found out that their son soul is actually linked with another soul and can't be partnered with another Omega except with that soul who linked with his. And soon, their son will experience his first ever rut and if they can't find that person who linked with his, their prince might actually die.

Somewhere around the capital city of the Philippines. 

The woman who is wearing the red hooded coat, is running for her life together with the 5 years old little girl who is now fainted in her arms. The woman stopped  in front of the small house and she entered. The husband and wife who lived in there was also shocked for the woman who suddenly rushed in, but after hearing her story, they decided to accept the fainted child and promised to raise her as their own. Then the woman said her final goodbye for her own daughter and leave with tears in her eyes. 

  "What name should we give her?"  The wife asked. 

  "Her name is,  Elijah.. Elijah Suarez."  The husband answered.