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Alpha's Daughter's Hybrid Mate

Alpha's Daughter's Hybrid Mate

Autor: Trish Ann Ricer

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Alpha's Daughter's Hybrid Mate PDF Free Download


Alpha Nickolaus Nelson of the Ice Moon Pack's daughter, Nicole Nelson, has spent her entire life being sheltered, heavily guarded, and lonely. She dreams of the day she will meet a man who is brave enough to date the Alpha's Daughter. One day her loneliness causes her to escape and venture out into the woods as a snow storm is coming in. She runs into danger in the wilderness but is saved by a man who is a powerful half werewolf hybrid. She is happy when she learns that her hybrid savior is her mate who's other half is something only thought to be a myth. Something so powerful even her father can't scare away.
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Chapter 1

My name is Nicole Nelson. I am the daughter of the Alpha of the Ice Moon Pack in Alaska. My father, Alpha Nikolaus Nelson, has always been very protective of me; but ever since my twin brother, Nikolai, was killed last year by a bear, it has only gotten worse. I always have a guard with me, sometimes more than one, and I get very little privacy. I know it is because he is terrified of losing me too, but it really cramps my style whenever I try to date.

Dating. Now that is a big joke. Nobody wants to date the daughter of their overprotective Alpha. As soon as a boy discovers who I am, he bolts. I guess I do not blame them, my father can be very scary. He is the Alpha.

I stand at the back door of the pack house and look outside. I can sense that a bad snowstorm is rolling in. My wolf, Isabel, is getting anxious. She is pacing back and forth in my head. Ever since my brother died, she cannot stand to be stuck in the packhouse for long. Running through the forest is the only thing that keeps her sane.

I wait until my guards are momentarily distracted by the smells coming from the kitchen. As soon as they turn their heads, I open the door and take off running for the tree line. I am stripping my clothes off as I run. Once I am down to my undergarments I shift into my wolf, Isabel, and pick up speed trying to get to the forest before anyone can stop me.

I hear my father through the mind-link yelling and demanding that I turn around and come back; however, his Alpha command does not work on me.

I hear him mind-link more guards to chase after me and I laugh. They will not catch me. I am the fastest wolf in the whole pack. Even my father cannot catch me. There is no way Isabel is going to let herself get caught. She needs this run. She needs it to stay sane if she is going to stay cooped up for days or even weeks waiting out this storm.

She runs full speed for about 15 minutes until she is convinced that we have lost our guards. "Ha, ha, ha, " she laughs. "Let them eat my dust," she says while praising herself. Then she goes off trotting proudly walking deeper into the forest. She entertains herself by leaping over rocks and ducking under branches until she reaches the clearing. She knows this place well. She comes her often to blow off steam.

She begins playing with the woodland creatures. Chasing down whatever moves. She catches them in her paws, eats a few, then let us the rest go. She is so caught up with playing that she does not notice there is something else stalking her. Hoping to make her his meal.

She hears a loud growl and turns to see a large bear. "No, I won't be an easy meal for you," she yells. Deep down, she knows that she cannot kill a bear by herself, but she intends to injure it as much as possible. Her last thought is of sorrow as she realizes that her parents will have to lose another child.

She gets into her fighting stance when suddenly she sees a gigantic creature covered in white fur come barreling into the side of the bear and knocks him over the side of the mountain. The creature turns to look at her and she does not know what to do so she gets into her fighting stance again.

She runs and tries to jump into the air. She is hoping to land on the creature and bring it down to the ground, but she trips over a root and falls to the ground. She is hurt badly. Pain is radiating all over her body and she is having trouble breathing.

The creature picks her body up and begins to carry her. She tries to squirm out of his arms, but she cannot. The creature is too strong. "I'm not going to hurt you, little wolf," the creature says. "You are a shifter?" she asks. "Yes, I am," he tells her.

"What are you?" She asks. "I am like you, a wolf, but also something else," he laughs. "What is the something else?" she whispers, still having some trouble breathing.

"That," he paused. "That I am going to have to show you. You will not believe me otherwise," he insists. "Rest now," he tells her. "Where are you taking me?" she asks. "I am taking you to my home. I can heal you there," he answers her.

He walked for a little while. He carried her in his arms. She began to relax. She started to feel safe and comfortable in his arms. His scent was beginning to affect her. She did not know why. It did not make sense. He was a stranger and yet his scent and proximity made her feel better. She snuggled into his chest and let him carry her like a little puppy. He was surprisingly warm.

There was a small opening of what looked like either a fox or wolf den. Isabel asked me if I had ever seen it before and I told her no. We both run through this area a lot but somehow, we missed it. We looked over it and did not see it because it was small and a little bit overgrown. It could have even been snow covered.

As the creature got closer to the opening it got larger. It was like it somehow knows to open for him and close behind him. I suspected magic was involved. Once inside, he put Isabel down on a couch and sat beside her. "Where are we?" she asked him. "This is my home," the creature tells her.

She looks around at her surroundings and notices how one part of the cavern resembles a human home. There is furniture, clothing, bedding, a large area rug, a few kitchen items, a sink, a kitchenette of sorts, a toilet, and other items that you would expect to find in a single-family home.

On the other side of the cavern, there were beautiful flowers and plants covering the walls and a gorgeous fountain that emptied into a pool of water that was in the center of the cavern and separated the two sides. The pool looked endless. She could see it going throughout the cavern and that it flowed to the back but from there it had no end. Like an endless swimming pool.

"Do you like it?" he asked. "Yes, it's beautiful. It is amazing!" she tells him. "I'm so glad you like it," he says with a smile.

He picks her up from the couch and carries her into the water. It is warm and soothing to her injured and cold body. As she relaxes, she allows herself to shift and lets me take human form. She is exhausted and retreats into the recesses of my mind to sleep.

The creature also shifts to reveal a very handsome man. He looks almost human, but he is gigantic, and his ice blue eyes are full of magic and light. He would have to wear sunglasses or contacts to pass for human but even then, his size would get a lot of attention.

He stands at eight feet tall in his human form. His hair is a mixture of white and platinum blonde, and his skin is so white that the water reflecting off it makes it appear to be sparkling and light blue.

He was right when he said I would have to see it to believe it. Seeing him like this told me what he was. He is something that I only ever thought was a myth but standing before me was a real living... Yeti. He is a hybrid. Half white wolf, half Yeti. Which means that I am standing in the water from the Fountain of Youth.