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Autor: Chelsea obiora

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AWAKENS I PDF Free Download


This story is about a school where supernatural creatures are being abducted among students. The children with unusual traits are subjected to various experiments in order to make humans have the same traits. Two kids in the school find out about this mysterious school and are trying everything they can to stop the activities.
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Chapter 1

Selena shrugged out of her jacket and sighed deeply, then she hung it on a peg in her narrow locker she'd also hung her backpack. Once she was done, she set her brown lunch bag on the floor of the locker. Everything looked and sat according to the rules. All up and down the row of lockers other students did the exact same thing, in the exact same way. The weirdest thing was that none of the lockers had any doors or personal touch or decorations. "Our lockers don't need doors", Principal Monroe told Selena when she had asked about it, "students were have nothing to hide". "But what if someone steals any of my things". Principal Monroe was shocked by this statement.

"Stealing is against the rules here, trust me no one will ever think of doing that". Without the Principal saying anything else Selena assumed that was the end of their conversation. Richardson Elementary School had lots of rules and everyone had to follow them, it was really strange. "I don't see what's wrong with wearing the same uniforms and having lockers without doors". Selena's mother, Jessica told her once, "you've never had problems to following the rules before. Her mother was right but still Selena thought the school was spooky. "a school where no one passes notes, no whispered, no asked of anybody's name, no one said 'Hi' or anything the only thing they did was stare at their teachers now that's bizarre". Selena thought. " Oh man I shouldn't have drank too much juice, now am gonna be late for class", she glanced to the restroom, " I guess I'll be a rule breaker then". She hurried to the restroom but it was of no use the bell rang. She washed her hands and looked across the hallway it was empty just as she thought, when she was about to look away she saw a boy drinking water from the fountain. " I guess am not the only rule breaker here". Selena thought. When she was done she dried her hands with just one paper towel, that was another rule 'only one paper towel should be used Selena stared at the boy, "you're late for class", she whispered. The boy smirked and whispered back, " so are you".

Selena walked towards the boy she was surprised at the boy's attitude, everyone here seemed to be worried about breaking the rules not that she's spoken to anyone else.

"Being late is against the rules", Selena announced, "aren't you scared?".

"Hmm ", the boy scoffed, "everything is against the rules, I woke up late this morning and my mom had to drive me to school, it's no big deal".

Selena thought it was a very big deal as everything that wasn't perfect here was a big deal. Just as she was wondering if the boy was a student at Richardson, he pointed at something down the hallway.

"Look at that". The boy demanded. Selena turned around and all she could see were lockers with no doors just like every other in the school.

"Yeah lockers what about them?" She asked.

The boy shook his head at her and jogged towards the lockers at the end of the row and pointed a crack.

"I was talking about this, He took a closer look , " it looks like it leads to somewhere help me pull".

" Now that's got to be against the rules". Selena said but went over to help.

Together they slowly swung the lockers away from the wall. The opening revealed a hallway behind the lockers that extended into the dark. The boy turned to face her then he grinned.

"We just found a secret passage in our school", He whispered to her, " how cool is that? Let's see where it goes".

" What are you? crazy?, Am going back to class...." Selena turned away to leave when the boy grabbed hold of her hand.

"Come on you're already late... Let's just have fun for a change please you can't be that scared are you?". The boy said.

" Of course am scared". Selena said but she was also curious. This school looked perfect and now this, she had to know what was hidden in that hallway. She sighed deeply, "Okay fine let's go".

As soon as they stepped into the passage, the boy started pulling the wall of the lockers.

"What are you doing?" Selena demanded.

"I don't want us getting caught we need to pull this back to a crack".

" Yeah good... idea". She watched the lockers swing towards them. She thought the boy was pulling too hard. Then suddenly it snapped into place without leaving a crack.

"Oops.... My bad". The boy said.

Selena tried pushing against the wall of lockers.

"Help me get this open". She beckoned on him.

They both pushed hard but it was of no use, the wall didn't move.

"Great genius", Selena said, "now we're trapped".

" I guess we'll just have to see where this goes". The boy said grabbing her arm and pulling her along with him and farther into the dark passage.

"We're in so much trouble", Selena muttered under her breath as she stumbled along. Her where slowly adjusting to the darkness, now the boy looked like a shadowy blob, "and I don't even know your name".

"My name is Luke", He said cheerfully, "and you are Selena".

" Wait how do you know my name? Have we met?". Selena asked confused.

" No ", Luke answered, " I was the new kid before you," He continued, "before you came they told us your name and everything about you".

" Oh" Selena said as she realized that was why no one ever asked for her name.

She plodded along in the dark for a moment as she walked, she trailed her her in the dark so she could walk in a straight line. She was afraid she'd bounce from wall to wall otherwise.

"How new are you?". She finally asked after the long awkward silence.

"I've been here for three months and three detentions". His shadowy blob shook as he laughed at his own joke. Selena couldn't see his face but was sure he was disappointed cause he was the only laughing. After this the silence was obviously deafening she felt like she had to say something.

"So have you made any friends?". She asked. She figured he probably has at her old school people liked boys like him.

"Are you kidding?", He asked chuckling a little, "Among these robo-students they're worried they'll catch detention germs, I bet they love though".

" Hmm yeah right". She replied in a low tone sarcastically.

Suddenly they heard rustles and some scrapes up ahead. They both froze. When nothing happened they krept slowly down the hallway, soon they ran into a wall.

"Do you think this a blank wall?". Luke asked in a whisper.

" Maybe..." Selena said, " or maybe the hall turns, we need to feel for the other walls". She saw Luke move to the left so she went the other way and felt the other wall it was nothing but a blank space.

"The tunnels continues this way". Selena whispered.

" And this way too," Luke whispered back, " which way do we go?".

Selena tried to imagine how the strange tunnels fits in the schools layout, she figured out that going left would take them farther away from the principal's office which was a good idea. She didn't want to have come all this way to find out the strange tunnels led to the principal's office. That could only mean trouble.

"We should go left". She said after thinking things through, turning she followed Luke's shadowy blob. Since he was already across from her she quickened her steps to catch up with him. She liked the idea of having staying close to him should in case something scares her. But she also didn't want to look like a baby or for him to think she liked him.They kept walking for a while till Selena finally spoke.

"Shouldn't the school look bigger on the outside?".

" Huh?".

" I mean with the uhm tunnels and everything".

" I was just wondering that my-......hey! Luke's Yelp turned into a shriek. Selena heard more than one "ouch" and several thumps.

"What?" Selena whispered as she tried asking.

The dark Shadowy blob of Luke had disappeared completely.

"Luke " she whispered into the darkness, there was no response.