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Autor: Annie_grace

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NOT ALONE PDF Free Download


After her family passed away, rayne felt the urge to withdraw herself from everything but then she met a human. Who offered her comfort. Who proved to her that despite it all, she was not alone. But now what happens when that human turns out to be a hunter's son and things is not all lovely dovely as expected.
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Chapter 1


Noise , everywhere is just so noisy that I feel stuffed . I feel like I can't breathe . I need peace and quiet to go about my own shit too but it can't be helped I guessed.

With my headphone on my hear, I walk faster and tried to hide my tears but they started to trickle down my cheeks .

This is the 21st century and normally people aren't supposed to believe vampires and werewolves exist ,witches and wizards even. so why did those stupid humans come to our forte and kill my family?!. we lived deep in the woods ,none of us made contact to the human world so why did they come starting trouble ? urghhhhh, I'm pissed.

I screamed and ran faster back into the woods , I just want to tear something apart. anything. kill anyone in sight .

I roared and fell down on the floor clinging to my chest , it hurts so much.

" dad....." I cried." mom....." . know that moment in your life where you just sit down and think " why me ?" this was one of them .

" did you hear that?" a voice said , it sounded human .

I immediately stood up and hid.

"no ,what did you hear ?" another voice replied.

" I heard someone crying"

" is that so ? maybe that's your mum missing you already" bill joked

" cut the crap , bill" tega said " anyways , let's head back home now .this forest is starting to give me the creeps "

I waited until they were gone and came out ,it was sure now . our forte wasn't safe anymore. it means I needed to live here in order not to be caught dead too .



I saw her- the girl crying- but she looked like she needed to be alone so I thought it was better bill and I left . The next morning I ran back to the forest- a stupid thing I know - but for some reason I felt like if she came this deep into the to cry maybe this was like her " spot " but I couldn't find her .I was disappointed and relieved at the same time . Relieved that she didn't come to cry again and disappointed because -I don't know why, I just was -

I checked the time " oh shoot, I'm going to be late " and ran , I ran so fast that someone Infront of me started coming to view , I was almost out of the forest when the person turned around and screamed.

" don't kill me please" and stumbled to the floor pleading.

I stopped taken aback " what?"

" please don't kill me "

Taking a closer look at the person, I realized it was that girl from yesterday" oh,it's you. why would I want to kill you ?" I peeped at my watch again" aish, look I'm running late for school, anyways sorry for frightening you " and with that said I ran but stopped in my tracks .

I knew she was frightened and I shouldn't be bothered about her , but I was .

I went back to her and helped her stand to her feet "you shouldn't be wondering the forest alone , you don't know what might be in here. I'll get going now" and with that said, I ran without looking back


A/N: Thanks for reading so far