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Her Soul Mate

Her Soul Mate

Autor: Doreen emo

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Her Soul Mate PDF Free Download


candy is a modern high scholar who lost her teaching job due to incompetence, she always dreams of having a beautiful love story the perfect one with the man she loves at the same time she is scared of falling in love with the wrong person at the right time but everything change when she meets with the arrogant billionaire Noah Lennart popularly known by everybody, they are both enemies who think they hate each other a lot but they never understand it is love they are both best friends at a dating site where both chat and tell each other their secrets not knowing they are the two people who hate each other gut Janice. and her grandmother were determined to make the two people confess their feelings to each other no matter what what happens when they both find out about their friendship on a dating site Will they accept their feelings for each other
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Chapter 1


Olive Davis POV

“You are fired”. My boss shouted at me, and it is as if my world fell apart in minutes.

“ What…what.....did you just say” I struggle to ask him, refusing to believe what I just heard.

“I said you are fired, and you have only 5 seconds to leave my office” he announced one more time with more seriousness.

“But…sir, I have been good to you all the time” I managed to say with my shaking voice.

“When I said you are fired, it means you are fired, so get the fuck out of here, you are a curse to this company,” he said voicing out all his anger on me

“With due respect sir, I am not a curse, and it is not my fault that we lost that contract” I fire back at him, even though my voice is betraying me right now.

“Who's fault it is then, leave my office and never return, irresponsible idiot,” he said as he turned his back and then walked away.

I hold back my tears, then pack my things and walk out of the office with no destination, mum will be so mad at me for losing my job, her business is falling apart, and our house rent is due in no time, my only means of making money have just be crushed, where do I start from.

Beck Smith POV

“What the hell do you think you are doing, you idiot” I shout at the driver, who suddenly stops driving, though my focus is still on my phone, I had a meeting to attend by 10:am and don't want to run late at all.

“Sir, I think there is….there is…” he stammered repeatedly.

“How dare you, are you dumb or don't pedestrians have any right to walk anymore” I heard a lady voice, splitting so many words at a time, with anger in her, she tapped on the car, waiting for the driver to say something.

“I am sorry ma, it was not intentional” my driver's apologized, she then hit my car with her hands repeatedly.

“How dare she do that,” I said angrily, walking out of the car.

“Oh, and the boss is finally out of the car,” she said angrily.

I hate the fact that people are now gathering all because of her, they keep murmuring and calling my names repeatedly, yet she still rants rubbish about me

“And who are you, you must be a fool to ask me a question, despite the damage you have cause” she said harshly.

“How dare you speak to me in such manners” I fired back at her.

“How dare you, ask such a question, sorry would not hurt” she replied

“Oh. I know your type, I will be right back” I walk back into my car and bring out some money, then throw it at her.

“Here is a whopping sum of 500 dollars, go get yourself a new dress and stop bordering my life you slut”.

“Typical example, of a spoiled brat” she mumbled as she took the money then throw it at my face and give me a resounding slap unexpectedly every one gap at her actions.

“ You splash water on me and all you could do is give me your useless money, you good for nothing dude,” she said in anger as I touch my cheek in surprise.

“How dare you, you daughter of a whole”

“Call my mother names again, and you will receive another slap” she fires back at me

“boss sir” my driver called, I turn to look at him angrily.

“Meet your mum to teach you manners, arrogant fool,” she said as she takes her bag and then left, everyone was still standing there staring at the Almighty Beck smith who just received a slap from a lady for the first time.

I walk into my car angrily as the driver turns to take me home immediately.