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Loving You Untimely

Loving You Untimely

Autor: MisterYoos_06

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Loving You Untimely PDF Free Download


Ji Ren grew up wondering why his father would always teach him different martial arts and archery. Everytime he would ask his father about it, he would always get the same answer. "You will now when the right time comes." Though he has always been confused, he learned everything his father taught him. On his eighteenth birthday, he experienced some unordinary things from and behavior from his father. His father introduced a strange man to him, named Jie Yu Shi, whom his father claimed to be his friend. Ji Ren was surprised that his father finally had a friend to introduce. Little did he know that meeting this person will be the beginning of his pain and sorrow. He didn't know that meeting this man will also reveal some unbelievable things he thought would only exist in novels. Meeting this strange guy will also make him understand why he needs to practice martial arts instead of living a normal life. Meeting this person, would make him lose someone too important to him. He would get some answers that would only make him have to question more. Would Ji Ren be able to accept the truth behind his identity? What would he do once he found out the secret that lies behind his identity?
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Chapter 1


Kai Hua Kingdom, Xingguang Dalu

  Blood is all over the palace. Walls and floors are painted red. The place that was once filled with joy and laughter is now in dead silence. Dead bodies and corpse are scattered everywhere. Blood were dripping from the swords and arrows.

  Meanwhile, in a small and hidden room of the vast palace, a group of five people could be found. The king and queen, Captain, Guo Yang and the King's right hand, Jie Yu Shi. The Queen's personal maid and her son.

  The Queen's pregnant and was about to deliver her child soon.

  "My king, I can't take it anymore," the queen panted, sweat all over her face.

  The king embraced his wife. He has never felt this useless before. They could do nothing but conceal themselves in the four sides of the room. They are feeling weak already because of exhaustion and the cold night was even worsening it. 

  "Just hold on tight, my queen. You can do it, I'm just here, I won't leave you." The king embraced his wife, giving her strength.

  Captain Guo Yang is looking very manly and physically built but he can't avoid the feeling of hopelessness.While Jie Yu Shi, the king's right hand feels the same as the Captain.

  "I can't take the pain anymore, my king," the queen mumbled, feeling exhausted. The maid went near the queen and wipe her forehead.

  "Your Majesty, the queen is going to give birth soon," said the maid, Lu An.

  Although feeling worried, the king can't help but to feel the excitement and joy knowing that he could finally see his first born at any moment. But in this kind of situation, his fear is greater than any of his emotions.

  "My king, I really can't take it anymore..."

  "Hurry up, Lu An, help the queen to deliver the heir safely," commanded Guo Yang. The maid did as she was said.

  "Your Majesty queen, breath deeply and try to relax so you can deliver you child easily," Lu An instructed the queen, she did as he maid said.


  "One more time, my queen, you're almost there!" uttered Lu An, the queen followed the maid's word.

  "AHHHHH! I can't take it anymore!"

  "My dearest queen, you need to be strong for our child, you need to deliver our child safely." 

  "I could see the child's head now, you have to try harder, my queen, you have to try harder," the maid smiled causing the queen to gain strength.


  Captain Guo Yang was attentively guarding the door for he knows that only one mistake could lead them all in danger. His wounds were bleeding heavily but he swore that he will give his life to protect the king. He was clutching his sword tightly, pointing it at the door.


  A smile curved on their faces after hearing the newborn's cry.

  Happiness is seen on his face as tears dropped from his eyes. But as the infant gave his loud cry the queen's strength was slowly leaving her body. 

  "It's a Prince! Hail to the Majesties," Lu An greeted happily.

  "We congratulate you, our king," said Lu An, Guo Yang and Jie Yu Shi while kowtowing as an act of respect.

  "My queen, we have a Prince, you gave birth to a son," The king said with teary eyes, the 

  queen smiled with her eyes open halfway.

  With all the strength she has left, she managed to utter. "Chunhua...I want to name him Han Chunhua, for he has the scent of a blooming flower in spring..." The 

  queen stretched her hand and hold the little Prince's tiny hand. "...Guo Yang, I want you to bestow our son his courtesy name..." the queen turned to Captain Guo Yang. 

  "Han Haoxin...Han Haoxin will be the courtesy name of the crown prince, your Majesty," Guo Yang kowtowed. The king gave him a smile as he watch the little angel sticking his tongue.

  "What a beautiful name. Han means good heart, am I right, Guo Yang?"

  "Yes, Your Majesty."

  "He is my light in this time of darkness, he's title would be Han Liang...I love you so much, my son." After uttering those words, the queen finally closed her eyes and rest for eternity. 

  "My queen? My queen!" the king swallowed as he called for his wife but even though how much he calls for her, the queen never opened her eyes again. "My love!!!" on that very moment, the king shred in tears.

  "My love!! Yang Xiao!"

  The maid also started to cry as she kneel and bowed. Jie Yu Shi and Guo Yang also bowed to honor the Queen's passing. They could feel the lamentation and pain of the king upon his beloved queen's death. There is one life that has been added but one life was also deducted. 

  "What? Have you found them?"

  "Not yet!"

  "They aren't here!"

  "Search all over the place, even if you have to turn this palace upside down, do it! I'm sure they'll never get far!"

  "Understood leader!"

  Guo Yang became alert again after glancing at the deceased queen as he soon heard the assassins' voices just outside the room where they're hiding.

  "Your Majesty, we have to leave here and seek for a safer place. I'm pretty sure that it won't be long and those people would soon find us," Guo Yang suggested but the king didn't even move a hair while hugging the queen's body and his newly born son.

  Because of the queen's death, it seems like half of the king's world fell into an avalanche, though his son is serving as his light. He was aware that protecting the little prince would be hard if they will escape together from that place. He also know that Jie Yu Shi's enchantment won't be enough to let them escape from those devil outside. In his mind, after losing his wife, he wanted to make sure that his son is safe.

  Guo Yang may not be aware of what was running in the king's mind but he doesn't feel good about the way he was staring at his son.

  "Guo Yang," the king soon called him. He walked towards Guo Yang and handed him the infant, he took the prince with confusion. " and Shi, I treat you both as my confidant and 

  only you two aside from my queen are the people I trusted the most in this lifetime," the looked two 

  in their eyes. "...I want you to protect my son by all means and never let him be in danger,"a tear dropped from the king's eyes.

  "Your highness—"

  "Listen to me, Guo Yang! Whatever happens, take good care of my son! Promise me!"

  "Your highness, why do you talk like that?"

  "I want you to promise me, Guo Yang!"

  "I promise, Your Majesty, I'll give my life to protect and take care of the crown prince!"

  The king took Guo Yang's sword.

  "Your highness!"

  "Both of you, listen to me carefully, save my son. Yang, go with Shi, he'll bring you to a place where no one has ever been. Take care of my son, teach him everything you knew. You are the greatest swordsman in Xingguang Dalu and I know that he will be safe in your care," stated the king and then he walked towards the door opening it. "My friend, I know that you will never neglect my son, watch him grow for me and tell him everything when the right time comes."

  The king smiled but he couldn't do anything but feel sad.

  "If I survive and you'll have the chance to go back here, I'll be happy to be with my son. But if not, I'm still happy that I got to see my little angel's face for the last time. Shi, bring them now!" The king shouted as he walk outside and fought with his life.


  Before Guo Yang could catch up, he was grabbed by Shi immediately. Using his chuansong mofa or teleportation magic he was able to bring Guo Yang and the baby into the innermost part of the Forest of Mystery. Shi immediately bring out his necklace and positioned it upright facing a big tree. Guo Yang stood in place just watching what the other is doing.

  "Enchanted door that connects the future and the past, I am entreating for you to open up for us!" after uttering those words, a beam of light appeared from the tree and a portal opened up. 

  "Hurry up! Go in now, Captain Guo!"

  "But I can't leave the king just like that, Shi!"

  "The safety of the heir is very important. You need to bring the prince in a safe place, Captain 



  "Don't worry, I'll be back for his Majesty's rescue. You need to hurry up now so I can return immediately to where he is," Guo Yang hesitated for a while.

  "Brother Shi, don't let His Highness be in danger or in peril," Guo Yang lastly pleaded his friend, Shi nodded in assurance.

  "I promise with all my life that the little prince will have his father on his return,"

  "I will risk my life for the king's safety, that's why you should also do everything for the crown prince, Captain Guo Yang!" shouted Jie Yu Shi.