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Rebirth Of The Luna

Rebirth Of The Luna

Autor: Oyin Aduke

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In the heart of the werewolf pack, Luna Elara and Alpha Aiden's love is put to the ultimate test when Elara struggles to conceive, threatening the pack's future. With the survival of their lineage at stake, Aiden reluctantly agrees to a second marriage, plunging Elara into a world of betrayal orchestrated by her closest friend, Caden. Amidst secrets and hidden agendas, Elara finds herself exiled and reborn, fighting to reclaim her identity and the love she thought she had lost forever. a miracle that renews her hope happen. But old enemies lurk in the shadows, and Elara must uncover the truth to reclaim her rightful place.
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Chapter 1

"We need to talk, Elara."

Glancing up from her perusal of the old books in the pack, Elara's green eyes met Aiden's anxious stare.

Her heart hurt for him because she could see how much leadership weight was bearing down on his shoulders.

She was incredibly in love with Aiden, but their pack had high expectations for him as well.

"What's wrong, Aiden?" Her voice remained steady as she asked, discomfort seething inside of her.

Even though she was expecting this talk, facing it still wasn't any easier.

Taking a deep breath, Aiden sat down next to her, his hands around hers.

"The council has decided what to do. To secure the future of the pack, they are insisting that I accept another mate. They think it's our only hope, they say.

His remarks broke Elara's heart. Even though she had expected this, it still hurt her deeply to hear it out loud.

"Who?" she muttered, trying not to cry.

Aiden's hold grew more firm. "Caden has been selected. They think she's the finest choice.

Elara's head spun. Her closest confidant and buddy, Caden, was going to be her opponent.

"Why does it have to be Caden, my best friend?" she responded.

"The council made that decision. She is a strong mate, and I am unable to turn them down at this time.

"I'm so sorry to have wounded you, Aiden said.

She faked a grin, trying to hide her anguish through her tears.

"We must act if it is in the best interests of the pack," she stated, her voice revealing her inner turmoil.

Aiden's eyes softened, filled with regret.

"Elara, I wish things were different. I never wanted to put you through this. You've always been my only choice, my heart's true mate."

Elara swallowed hard, trying to keep her emotions in check.

She knew the future of the pack was at stake, but the betrayal felt like a knife to her heart.

"I understand, Aiden. Our duty to the pack comes first."

He pulled her into an embrace, his voice barely a whisper.

"I promise you, this doesn't change my love for you. You are and always will be my Luna."

Elara nodded against his chest, but a cold resolve began to form within her.

She had always put the pack first, but now, she wondered if the cost was too high. "We’ll get through this, Aiden. Somehow, we will."

As they held each other, the future loomed uncertain and dark, and Elara knew that the real test of their love and her strength was just beginning.

The next several days were a blur of last-minute planning and hushed discussions.

Elara attempted to remain calm, but every time she looked at her once-reliable buddy Caden, it was like a fresh cut.

In Caden's gaze, she saw not just her own determination but also a hint of shame.

The pack convened beneath the full moon on the evening of the bonding ceremony.

Anticipation permeated the air as Elara stood next to Aiden, her hand securely clasped in his.

The shifting shadows created by the ceremonial fire highlighted the features of anxiety on their faces.

Caden came closer, her steps tentative but determined. She bent her head in a mute request for Elara to comprehend.

Elara forced a nod even though grief and treachery were weighing heavily on her heart.

Chanting ancient words that united Aiden and Caden in a sacred union, the Elder initiated the process.

As she watched, Elara felt a piece of herself break with every pledge that was said.

Determined not to reveal a vulnerability in front of her flock, she maintained a proud demeanor.

Aiden turned to Elara as the ceremony came to an end, an apology welling up in his eyes that he was unable to articulate.

She smiled at him slightly, her love for him fighting against the hurt of their reality.

Elara needed time alone to reflect, so she strolled to the forest's edge that evening.

Breathing became difficult for her as the demands of the pack and her own pain weighed heavily on her.

Gazing up at the celestial bodies, she looked for solutions in their far-off radiance.

"Elara," a quiet voice called.

She looked over and saw Caden a few feet away, her face displaying a mixture of regret and resolve.

Elara's heart became tight.

"Caden, what are you doing here?"

Caden moved closer, but cautiously.

"I had to speak with you. You have to trust me when I say that I never wanted this to occur."

Elara let out a deep, honest sigh. "Caden, it really did happen.

You used to be my closest friend, but now you're his mate."

Tears filled Caden's eyes. "I am aware. And seeing you hurt breaks my heart.

However, I can assure you that I will exert every effort to uphold our relationship and your position in Aiden's heart.

Elara nodded slowly, her frigid resolve hardening even further inside her chest.

"Thank you for that, Caden. Nonetheless, nothing will ever be the same.”

Elara sensed a change in herself as Caden left. She realized she couldn't continue to watch as her life fell apart.

If it meant abandoning all she had ever known, she had to find a way to regain her strength.

Elara took a deep breath and silently promised herself. Even if her path took her far from the pack she had always considered home, she would overcome this suffering, endure this treachery, and find her way.

A few months later, Elara woke up on her birthday feeling abnormally weak and dizzy. At first, she wrote it off, blaming it on the stress and emotional upheaval she had lately experienced.

However, the weakness remained throughout the morning, so she thought it would be prudent to give the doctor a call.

"Mira," she said, her weariness evident in her voice.

Mira, her maid, ran to her side. "Yes, Luna?" With anxiety visible in her eyes, Mira enquired.

"I need you to get the doctor for me. Elara said, "I don't feel well," clutching the side of the bed with a shaky palm.

With a swift nod, Mira left the room to locate the physician.

Elara reclined against her pillows, attempting to quiet her racing mind.

She didn't want to concern Aiden, so she hadn't disclosed how she was feeling.

Today was meant to be a happy occasion, a loving and sincere act from Aiden.

She was having trouble keeping her eyes open, though.

Soon after, the physician showed up. The man was old and kind-looking, and he got to work right once, looking over Elara with a level of detail that came from years of experience.

His hands were calm and warm as he inquired, kindly, "How have you been feeling, Luna?"

"Weak and dizzy," Elara said in a scarcely audible voice.

The physician nodded and carried on with his assessment.

After a short while, he gave her a startled and happy face.

"Luna Elara, it seems you are pregnant."

Elara’s heart soared with joy and disbelief. She placed a hand on her stomach, tears of happiness welling up in her eyes.

"Thank you, doctor," she whispered, already imagining Aiden's reaction.

She decided to keep the news a secret until the evening party, wanting to surprise him.