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If Only I Knew You

If Only I Knew You

Autor: Ecrin Bera



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A story about an innocent girl, a girl who only knew how to spread love. She has the eyes of innocence, the face of an angel and a personality of a dreamer but her smile....her smile is so beautiful but what people don't see, is a smile that hides more pain than you can ever imagine. A story about a boy, a boy who was forced to grow up into a cold heartless monster. Every girl wanted to be with him and there wasn't a single girl in the campus who had not slept with him except for those who were the outcasts. He was a playboy, not caring about anyone's feelings except his friends and his sister. His sister was his world, he would destroy anyone who even dared hurt his beloved sister. What will happen when he gets trapped in misunderstandings, vowing to take revenge from the girl who caused his sister pain? What will happen when he breaks her beyond repair? What will happen when she loses her purpose in life and becomes lifeless? What will happen when he finds out the truth and regrets immensely for what he did to the girl he madly fell in love with? What will happen when he gets separated from her? What will happen when he goes insane in her love, yearning and craving for her attention....for her that he abused for something that she never did but rather saved? Will she forgive him or will he lose her forever? After all, the things he had done to her were unforgivable and beyond words..... "P...please don't leave me. Come back to me.... P...please...please Eyshana.... I... I love you" I pleaded and cried as I cradled her lifeless body.
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Chapter 1

I threw my head back as a bitter laugh left my lips. I tilted my head and stared at the quivering girl in front of me. "You really think I would fall in love with a weak and filthy girl like you?.... You think my standards are so low that I would fall for some ugly trash like you?" I laughed in her face.

I didn't know why her tears pricked my heart but nother or less I shrugged the feeling off. I will never forgive this bitch for hurting my sister. She will beg me everyday for death and I will gladly give it her through my merciless ways. I smirked at the thought of having fun with her. Oh how fun it will be, my friends and I punishing this piece of shit for hurting my princess.

"H-h-how c-c-ould you?" her voice trembled in disbelief, tears sliding down her cheeks. I mentally scoffed.


I stalked towards her as she weakly moved back in fear. My blood boiled as I saw my sister's bloody body filled with injuries flash in front of my eyes. I glared at the bitch in front of me with rage. Her back hit the wall as she shook when I moved closer to her.

"You will regret messing with me. You will regret messing with Ezhil Mital" I clenched my jaw. "P-please...p-please" she folded her hands as she begged. "Good....beg like that you fucking whore" I growled.

She screamed as I fisted her hair in my palm harshly, dragging her to an empty room where my friends were waiting. She screamed and begged for me to let go but I ignored her. "I-I didn't d-do a-anything...I did-"

"SHUT UP" I shouted making her cry even louder. I rolled my eyes and kicked open the door. I pushed her to the ground making her fall on her face. My friends around me laughed as they watched her crying.

She hugged her body, crawling backwards making me smirk. "OH, where are you going my sweet girlfriend....I still need to have my fun with you" I laughed with a menacing voice.

"P-please l-let m-me go...p-please" she begged and pleaded. "Not before you beg me for your death" and with that said I fisted her hair and pulled her on her feet. She was about to open her mouth to speak until I backhanded her on her cheek making her fall to the ground. I kicked her on her stomach and sat on her hips.

I smirked as my eyes trailed down her body. I licked my lips as I stared at her chest. She was gripping onto her dupatta


to cover herself but I grabbed it and threw it across the room.

"Let's see what's under these clothes shall we?" I asked bitterly.



A grown man was shown laying in a foetus position on the floor of his bedroom, darkness surrounding him with broken glass and ripped papers scattered all over the floor. He was in a mess....his hair were messed up like he had not brushed them for many years. His clothes had stains on them, his body was stinking like he hadn't washed up for a long time. His eyes, they were dull, dead, empty. He had dark eye-bags like he had no sleep at all. He had grown out a beard, not shaven for a long time. His face was hidden in his arms as he silently cried, his tears wetting his arm.

"I can't see him like this.....I just can't. I'm dying everyday by seeing him in this state Sunny....I just wish....I just wish I....we all had the power to go back in time and change everything" Vicky said with tears as he closed the door of the grown man's room.

Sunny walked back into the living room with an emotionless face. There in the living room sat an elder looking Sona, Farhan and Aliya who were looking all empty, sad and just broken. The only person missing was Sargar. Vicky sat next to Sona who started to cry in his arms as he hugged her.

"What shall we do Vicky?....what do we do?. We all getting punished for our sins and we deserved it but it has been 10 years...10 years since she disappeared, 10 years since Sargar left us. He will die Vicky...he will die without her" Sona cried as she covered her face with her hands. Vicky bit his lip as tears rolled down his face.

Aliya who was sitting further away from the group had her head in her hands as she cried with guilt and regret. "I'm so sorry Eyshana...I'm so sorry Ezhil" she whispered to herself, tears rolling out of her eyes non stop.

Farhan just sat there with a blank face but he also had tears welled up in his eyes yet didn't allow them to fall. "She was an angel" Farhan suddenly spoke causing everyone to look at him with utter sadness and regret. "She helped us all....she helped Sona from getting molested and raped...she helped Sunny to reconcile with his father.....she....she became my sister....she helped Sona and Vicky to become one.....she became Sargar's partner in crime....she.....she changed Ezhil into a better man but....but what did we do?" Farhan furiously wiped his tears that were now rolling down his cheeks.

"We fucking betrayed her....we fucking abused her....we fucking broke her....we killed her, for what?" he snapped his head towards Aliya in anger making her flinch "for a fucking misunderstanding and jealousy?" he said with disgust, his eyes blood shot red.

"He doesn't deserve to see her, neither do we. Let him suffer like this....let him break like we broke her....he deserves all this....we deserve all this" Farhan said with anger. Sona gasped "But....but it's been 10 years Farhan....don't....don't you think he suffered a enough?" Sona said with sadness. "'s nothing compared to what what we did to her" Farhan snapped and stood up as he stormed out of the room.

Aliya broke down in tears, falling onto her knees. "It's all my fault....if only....if only I-"

"Shut your fucking mouth" Sunny spat in anger, speaking for the first time, making Aliya jump as she cried even more. "S-sunny" a woman called out making him look at her. Preeti stood there looking a little older yet still very beautiful. She had tears glistening in her eyes as she made her way towards the group. "Ezhil...he....he-" her voice shook in pain and fear.

Everyone suddenly stood up in worry and concern. "What happened to Ezhil Preeti?" Sunny asked in worry. He held her shoulders and looked at her...."What happened?" he gritted his teeth. "He....he i-is g-going insane....he-" she broke down in tears not wanting to complete her sentence.

Vicky, Sona, Sunny and Aliya rushed towards Ezhil's room and stood there in shock, frozen at seeing their friend's state. Their hearts broke into pieces at the scene shown in front of them "I'm sorry.....I'm sorry....I-I'm sorry...I-I'm sorry....I'm sorry" Ezhil kept muttering as he whipped himself with a belt continuously on his back not wanting to stop. Vicky and Sunny quickly barged in and snatched the belt away from him only for Ezhil to grow angry and push the boys back as he snatched the belt back from them. He was about to strike himself again until Sunny punched Ezhil on the face.

"WHAT THE FUCK MAN?....WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TRYING TO DO HUH?...GIVING YOURSELF PAIN WON'T FUCKING BRING HER BACK" Sunny screamed in Ezhil's face who just stood there looking broken, his face filled with no expressions whatsoever.

"Tell....tell her to come back-" he looked at Sunny with tears, "Please....tell her to come back to me....tell her she is my love...tell her to come back please Sunny....I want her to punish me Sunny....I want her to scream at me....hit me....curse at me....please bring her back Sunny p-please" Ezhil broke down making the group cry in regret and sadness. Sunny wrapped his arms around Ezhil giving him a tight hug.

"I didn't mean to hurt her Sunny....I didn't want to hurt her....I-I love her.....she left me Sunny....she left me....she.....she doesn't want me....Sunny I hurt her....I hit her....Sunny I.....I...."

"Ezhil" Sunny said in concern as Ezhil lost his conscious, becoming limp in Sunny's arms.

"Shit" Vicky muttered as he helped Sunny place Ezhil on the bed. "Sona call the doctor....quickly" Vicky demanded and Sona obeyed running out of the room to call the doctor. Aliya stood there, her hand over her mouth as she silently cried. Preeti rushed into the room in tears, running towards Ezhil's wounded body. "My brother....oh my Ezhil" she cried as she caressed his hair, giving him a kiss on his forehead.

"I can't bear with this anymore....I can't see him like this....I will die" Preeti cried on her brother's chest.

Sunny's face went blank as he touched the watch he was wearing which was gifted by someone who was very important to him, who meant the world to him.

"He will stop.......the day he meets her again"