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Autor: Okonkwo blessing

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Before I could talk her out from my house. She fell on her knees, tears rushing out from her eyes This time, I was moved by her tears “Please Eva, save my sister... I hope you know how it feels to loose the one you love ... My sister is the only one I have in this life... I don't want to loose her." she cried out. Her words really touched my heart... I remember how shattered I was when I lost my parents, I feel my whole world crashing. Should I help her or not, my heart still don't accept all these but since it will save a life, maybe I should play along. "Please Eva, I'm begging you... I promise you won't regret it, no one will find out."she cries on. I shut my eyes and breath in heavily "Okay, I accept to act like Mitchell. I speaks up. She quickly glance at me. I nod slowly. She stands up, wiping her tears with continuous thanking. Did Eva made the right choice by choosing to impersonate Mitchell. after Mitchel's mysterious death on her wedding day, her mother fell seriously ill and the doctor said that the only person who can save her is Mitchel. but wait, how is that possible... Mitchel is already dead. Nora who loves her sister so much decides to do everything in her power to save her. one day she found a girl who looks like Eva... and that is how the story begins. Eva took the position of Mitchel and only Nora knows that secret will Eva be able to cope with the fake life and of course she has to live with Mitchel's husband, it was so difficult for her. Is Mitchel really dead and if yes, who killed her? Are they really magical twins? there are lots of mystery and secrets, so read and find out.
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Chapter 1

     Episode one

Mitchel pov

I smile at my reflection on the mirror, I can't believe I'm getting married to the man of my dreams, the man that made me feel and know love

Mum walks in beaming in smile dressing elegantly

I saw her through the mirror, I smiled back and face her

"Are you ready honey?" she ask still maintaining the smile and the mixed happiness

"yes mum but I'm nervous" I replied holding her palms

She ran her palm through my face and they settle on my cheeks

"I know, that's how it usually feels, but know that mum loves you and she is always with you, she will miss you too " she mutters sobering

I threw my self on her, she hugs me warmly. I sniff back

"Don't cry honey, you may ruin your makeup "she tease. I smile

I love mum so much, she is my best friend, my first love, my world, my queen in fact my everything

Mum means a lot to me, so as I mean a lot to her.... She never plays with me, I'm her all in all, I don't think mum can live without me

I love dad too but I love mum most, I shared an intense relationship with mum which I never did with dad cos he is always busy and have less time for me

Mom is always there for me from the beginning, she skips work because of me... She can't see me in pain

I'm the only child of my parents, I'm living without lacking

I was born with a silver spoon, my parents really spoiled me with wealth

Today is my happiest day apart from other days with mum

Any moment with mum is full of happiness

Jeff is the love of my life, he made me feel and know love

I met him three years ago at Spain

We thought the relationship won't work cos of the way it starts

But we were wrong, it turns out the best

Love and trust made it to work, he proposed to me two months ago

Today, we are going to seal our love and nothing can break us apart

We will show the world how much we love our self and fulfil the last ritual

We slowly disengage from the  hug, I will so much miss mum

"Always visit time to time dear" mum whimpers

"Of course mum, I won't miss that" I cut in smiling in tears. Mum smiles back

"Here wear this, is my gift to you" she said bringing out a diamond necklace from her silvery purse

She fixed it on my neck

"It's beautiful mum" I mouthed cheerfully

"That's how much I love you honey, mum love you so much " she add and hug me once more


I walk down the aisle with dad holding my left arm

I sight mum, she is smiling at me, I do smile back

I can't believe I'm leaving mum's care, I will really miss it

Father left my hand, I walk fully in front of the alter

Jeff took my palm and stands me close to him self

We smile at each other... This is a marriage that I will never forget

I know Jeff is waiting eagerly for our wedding night

I've denied him of s*x between our three years relationship

I'm still a virgin at twenty four, though no one will believe it, I will only give out my virginity to a man that I call my husband and that will be Jeff

Tonight he will have me all to himself, I won't think twice giving it to him

"Miss Mitchell Howells, will you take Jeff Robinson as your husband... In wealth, in poor, in sickness, in hardship until death do you apart" the priest voiced out

Do I even need that question, my answer is always yes

"yes" I replied and slide the ring into jeffs third fore fingers

He ask Jeff the same question, he never hesitate to say yes

He slide the ring into my third fore finger

We stare at each other passionately

" if any one is against the marriage, speak up or forever hold your peace" the priest hollered

But no one decline, who will even object the marriage... They are all happy to see this day

"I join you both in this blessed matrimony as husband and wife" the priest announced

"You can now kiss your bride" he and

Jeff slowly take my veil off as he reveal my smiling and shy face, he then slowly took my lips and kiss me so smoothly

The congregation arouse in clapping and cheering

Guess the happiest person today... Well I'm the one


Jeff and I book a hotel to celebrate the day out and make it a more memorable day with our family and friends

Jeff was raised by his single aunt who has a daughter,  his parents died at his tender age

Aunt Beatrice, Jeff's aunt, is such a kind, generous and loving lady loved by all

He took Jeff as her own son and raised him up with love and care making sure he lacks nothing

Everyone was in a merriment, enjoying themselves.... There is lot to eat and drink

"I'm so happy for you honey, but I will miss you too" aunt Nora, my mum's younger sister glitted in smile

Aunt Nora is not just my aunt but my best friend, she is one in a million... She is just like my mum, she doesn't play with me

"Honey" dad join us, he is a happy and proud father today

He kiss my cheeks and pull them softly

"I will miss you baby, never forget to visit always. Even though you get married today, you will still be my little princess" he said in those glimmering smiles

"I love you so much dad" I mumble In a teary smile and hug him, in as much dad spends less time with me due to his work.... I never cease to love him cos he always use the little chance he has to make it up to me

To summarize it, my family is the best... Guess the best in the whole world, they showered me with nothing but love, I'm blessed to be have them in my life

"May your happiness never ceases baby, mum love you so much" mum said and hug me, she just can't get enough of hugging me. I know she missses me already so do I

Aunt Beatrice is not left out, she wished me happy married life. She wouldn't wish for Jeff to marry anyone else if not me

Today is such a memorable day for me. I sight Jeff greeting his friends, he looks so happy. I love him so much, I won't regret accepting to spend the rest of my life with him 

As everyone was enjoying themselves, I excused my self to the rest room cos I feel pressed

Mum wanted to follow me but I urged her to stay

She sometimes acts like my bodyguard

I was in the rest room when something strange happened

The room was suddenly filled with smoke and started burning immediately

I could not find my way to the door cos I was blinded by the smoke

I fell down coughing profusely loosing my breath

Screaming for help but my tiny voice failed me, I feel the fire allover me

         Angela pov

We are in the middle of the celebration, every where dominated by people all helding pleasing faces

The hotel suddenly exploded in fire, it was like a flash to everyone, none see it coming... It acted just too fast, the fire extinguishers arrives at once

People were already trooping out from the hotel, coarse filled the environment

The hotel compound was illuminated by people on run

I ran out with my husband and my kid Sister, then something hits my mind

My daughter! Yes my daughter!

Where is my daughter! I scream out rushing towards the burning building with a skin pain flame leaving my husband and my kid sister who are calling me back

The extinguishers blocked my part preventing me from invading into the building

"Out of my way! My daughter is in there, I need to save her! I shrieked totally going crazy

There is no way I can live if I loose my daughter.... The one that brought light into my life, the one that took my barren sorrow away, the one that made me feel like a mother

My daughter is everything to me and I can't loose her

"You can't go in MA, is too dangerous" one of the extinguishers said blocking me with the other two

Nora, my kid sister and others rush rush to the spot

"please sir, do something, my wife, my newly married wife is in there" Jeff yell out, loosing his mind already

Everyone keep on urging the extinguishers to do something not that they are not doing anything but no one was able to hold him or her self back

Mitchell is a loving girl, who do not deserve pain... The family favorite

To me, the extinguisher's attempt to save her is not enough... I want to go in and save her my self but they won't allow me

After twenty minutes of impatience waiting, the extinguishers came out with a burnt dead body

They were also carrying other dead bodies, some people were injured badly... They also helped them out

My heart flew at once beating faster, my body shaking

I wave the thought off, there is no way that body belong to my daughter but that doesn't stop my heart from beating fast

They move more closer to us, everyone eagerly waiting for their speech, I can see different scared expression on each faces

" We were only able to find this burnt body in the rest room and this necklace was lying beside it, if you confirm is not your daughter's, you can check other dead bodies" one of the extinguishers said swagging the necklace

My heart skipped at once, that's the necklace I gave Mitchell as her wedding gift and Mitchell mentioned going to the rest room before this incident happened

I hold my chest trying to breath well, the pain was too much.... No she can't be my daughter... My daughter can't be dead!" I scream out in anguish and fainted




     Ten months later

        Nora pov

"Doctor what exactly is wrong with my sister, she is getting worse day by day" I ask the Doctor Who just examined on my sister Angela

"Tell us doc, my wife has been mute and moody for Ten months now, she hardly eat... We only force her to eat" Jorge, Angela's husband cut in

Angela has been turning from bad to worst after Mitchell death ten months ago

It was such a painful day for everyone, it was hard to let go of Mitchell's death

The most painful part of it was that she died on her wedding day... A day that supposed to be a memorable and joyous day for everyone turns out to be the sour and most painful day for all

Jeff acted like a mad guy the moment the burnt body was confirmed to be Mitchell's body

He so much love Mitchell, I don't think any woman will be able to replace Mitchell in his life

Mitchell's death bring sorrow and darkness into everyone's life

Mitchell's death affected Angela so much... She totally changed and hardly talk to people, she sometimes behaves mad and strange

Seeing her those ways hurts my heart so much.... Angela is everything to me and I'm willing to do anything to make sure she returns back to her normal self

She raised me up like a mother after our parents death, she suffered to see me happy. I love her so much

I know how much Mitchell means to her, her death really messed her up

"Her condition is critical, and if care is not taken, she might die" the doctor speaks up

My heart skipped immediately I heard my sister can't die, I won't bear it

"Then tell us what to do doctor" Jorge urged. I nod in affirmation with curiously for his reply

"The only thing or I must say, the only one that can save her is her daughter, she became this way because she missed her daughter so much and her absent brought a great trauma to her" the doctor stated

"But Mitchell is dead... How can she be the one that will save her" Jorge snap in

"Please do something to save my sister doctor, I don't want to loose  her" I peads soberly

"There is nothing I can do, no medication can cure her, she needs her daughter in her life to be cured... This is the same thing any qualified doctor can tell you, I will be on my way now" he add before walking out with his brief case

We are now left in a strong dillema... There is no way what the doctor said can be possible because Mitchell is dead

Is this how am going to loose my sister ...  Oh! No, I can't bear to loose her

"please Angela come back to your senses please, Mitchell is dead and gone, there is no way she will come back into our life" I cried out shaking her profusely

Jorge just stood starring pitiful at his wife, trying to fight back the tears

"Mitchell is not dead, she will come back to me" that's the only word she used to mutter out, she is not her self anymore

She is already pale and week, she eats less

The tears were rushing down in full speed, I can't stop them... the pain is too much

I must do everything in my powers to save my sister... No matter what it cost