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Love, Fate or Curse

Love, Fate or Curse

Autor: hasnainr_121

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Love, Fate or Curse PDF Free Download


when she lifts her head up, she gasps and looks away immediately. The guy is totally naked, his not-so-little friend is proudly shoved in Tiana's face, and he has all his clothes in his hands. "Take off your undergarments too." ******************************************************** Tiana was just on her way to work. She never thought she would be asked to take off her clothes by a werewolf. What's more, she never expected that she was transferred into a comic book. To make things worse, the werewolf and the vampire price both want her.
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Chapter 1

"Oh my, am so late for the bus." Tiana muttered as she pack up her bags.

She was heading to the bus station, she had gotten a job in one of the hospital in Virginia.

Tiana is a medical doctor, she has always wanted to work in Virginia, she loved the city so much.

Tiana has an uncle who has an hospital in Virginia but she has lost contact with him, her uncle's hospital was her dream hospital to work in, she has heard so many good things about the hospital, but since she finished school she couldn't reach her uncle, so she had to work in Maryland.

Tiana dashed out of the house placing a kiss on her grandma's cheek who was sitting outside. Tiana lost her parents at a tender age.

"Call me when you get to the city of your dreams." yes, Tiana's grandma knows Tiana loves Virginia so much.

"OK grandma." Tiana replied as she waved at her.

Tiana got to the bus station and luckily there was only one seat left, she entered the bus and occupied the seat, the bus left in 10minuite after security check.

The journey was smooth, she got to the city at about 5pm. She had already paid for an apartment.

Tiana's apartment was a stone through from the bus stop, she took the elevator to the 13floor, the door of her apartment was beside the elevator, room 131, Tiana walked out from the elevator and stood there for a while, the hallway was quite, all she could hear was the sound of cars passing by.

Tiana smiled and walked to her door, opened the door and walked in, the apartment was already furnished, it was a serviced apartment, Tiana placed her bag on the bed as she walked to the window, she opened it up and looked out.

"Finally!!" Tiana screamed at the top of her voice.

"Keep It down mrs, this is not your village." said an unknown female.

Tiana quickly closed her window and walked back to the bed and sat down. She began to unpack her things.

It was already midnight, Tiana had fallen asleep while reading her employment letter.

She woke up and went to take her bath, Tiana turned on the shower, she shut her eyes as the water from the shower hit her body.

After like 10 minutes of bathing Tiana walked out from the bathroom dried herself and wore her pyjams and went to bed.


The next morning Tiana woke up quite early, she was excited about resuming at the hospital, Tiana got up from the bed, got ready and head out. She was wearing a red wine top with black pencil skirt.

Tiana got to the hospital in less than 45 minutes, she stood at the entrance and adjust herself, this was a new beginning for her, a new environment a new work space.

Just when she was about pushing the front door open, an earthreal looking guy bombed into her.

"Watch it !" He said sassily and walked pass her.

"So sorry." Tiana bow and walked in, Tiana walked straight to the reception.

"Hello welcome." said a beautiful looking girl.

"Hi, my name is Tiana Smith and I am to resume today." Tiana said.

"OK please have a seat." she gesture her hand showing Tiana where to sit.

"Thanks." Tiana sat down and waited for her.

She made some calls, after like 2 minutes she walked to where Tiana was sitting.

"Well the senior doctor is not on duty today but you can submit your letter to the junior doctor." she said.


"Let me take you to his office, please come with me."

Tiana followed her behind as she lead the way, they got to the office and she knocked and pushed the door open.

"Come in." said a voice from inside the office.

Tiana walked in and sat down, the girl closed the door and walked away. After some minutes Tiana walked out with the junior doctor.

"Let me show you to your office, by the way my name is Caleb."

"Nice Name." Tiana said as he follows Caleb behind.

They walked into a large office with several table.

"This is your office and this table is yours, do not sit on another doctor's table or even eat on it, you see that table the one with flower." Caleb said pointing at a particular table.

"Yes, what about it?" Tiana asked.

"Don't make friend with that person."

"Why?" Tiana asked as she show case a faint smile.

"Just don't make friend with that person, if possible avoid that person" Mr. Caleb warned.

"So... Where is she?" Tiana asked.

"Off duty, it's a he not a she, anyways you will be handling emergencies, you must always be on the floor at all times." Mr. Caleb tells.

"OK sir." Tiana answered.

"It's Caleb not sir."

"My bad, Caleb." Tiana smiled.

"Will be in my office, let me know if you need anything."

"OK sir, sorry Caleb." Tiana smiled.

"Whatever, bye."

Caleb walked out of the large office. Tiana sat on her chair and placed her hands on her table as she looked around the office, there was a doctor uniform by the side of her desk with her name on it,"how cool" Tiana said to herself..

The day went smoothly, Tiana got home at about 10pm, she took her bath eat the noodles she got on her way home and slept off.


The next morning, Tiana got to work a bit late, she was to resume for 7:30am, Tiana totally forgot she was no longer in Maryland, back in Maryland, she was the Senior doctor so she gets to work at her own time and closed before everyone.

"Am so fucked, it 9:30, shit!" Tiana dashed into the bath room, had her bath in about 30 minutes she was done.

She was running to the bus stop as she was late. Suddenly, she got teleported to a forest.

It was dark in the forest. She heard howls of wolves. She began to run again to save her life. She saw a shadowy figure chasing her. She noticed red eyes.

She ran on the top of lungs without looking behind. She stopped at near of a tree when she thought the wolves are no longer behind.

Suddenly, she felt presence of something, something not natural behind her.

She turned around to see a gigantic wolf standing on her two feet howling at Tiana.

The wolf jumped towards Tiana. When a figure appeared. The figure bit wolf on his neck and kicked him so hard that the wolf fell away.

The wolf ran away limping. Tiana knew now it's her time to get caught or worse:

