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Autor: ShaHono

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After being a slave for so long she can finally run. Aurora unlike other she-wolves she has a male wolf, an ancient at that. She has been forced to hide him until she was free. She is strong and with a don't care attitude especially after she finds out that her mate sleeps with anything with a hole. She won't force him and she won't bother, she has a plan and a path made just for her. Will she ever give her mate another chance or move on?
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Chapter 1

Third’s person pov

Life in the Gold worth pack is beautiful. This pack is known for mining gold and making jewels and ornaments. They are the fifth biggest pack in the world, leading in gold mining.

Their alpha just came back from war and, by the cheers and whistles all over the pack land, you can guess which pack won. David Gold was a ruthless man and jealous of other alphas, he was obnoxious and a filthy man at heart and mouth. His only son, Daniel, grew up to be like him, though three times worse than his father. He was only eight years old but that boy could curse a sailor to death.

In their last war, they attacked a peaceful pack known for breeding white and black wolves. They slaughtered every living and breathing thing, be it wolf or cow or child or an elderly person, they slaughtered and had fun doing it. Now you wonder why their goddess is not intervening but she saw this and she saved and blessed a child. When David saw the child he took it and branded it a slave. The child saw everything and the pain caused her wolf to awaken.

David was blinded by the child’s beauty, but he wasn’t a pedophile. No, he will patiently wait until she turns eighteen, then take her and claim her. He would wait, what he didn’t see was his son taking a liking to the same child. All Daniel had to do was wait until he was sixteen to kill his father so that he could have this beautiful child to himself. The pack held parties to welcome their alpha and the child slave.

The child slave was put to work immediately. At only seven years old she was quick at understanding things and her duties. “ What is your name child?” Daniel asked, for he had never seen such a beauty. “ Aurora,” she said with such a soft velvet voice. Daniel felt his heart beating like it wanted out, so he held it tight and left the girl's room. He swore Aurora would be his mate when he took over the pack, he would just have to be patient.

Eleven years later.

Aurora’s pov

Tomorrow is my birthday. I know I should be happy and all, but I just don’t care. This is what life served me! My pack was massacred when I was seven and the stupid former late alpha took me in to be his slave and later his bride. I mean, was he stupid or what? He was so old he could pass for my ancestor. Anyway, after his son challenged him for the title, because the old tortoise still wanted to be alpha and he was literally checking in with his ancestors. So the old story is his son won and killed him, nobody mourned him, no burial, nothing! His life just ended like it was a joke, ha!

So here I am cleaning the kitchen so that I can go to sleep on my hard bed. Yes, obviously it's a hard bed in the basement. That’s been my life for as long as I can remember, but I’ve been planning my escape ever since I heard Daniel telling one of his sluts that he would mate me and keep me for his entertainment. Yes, the bastard is like his father, but worse, I know for a fact that I am not his mate because my wolf, Devon, already said he is not our mate.

Unlike other wolves, I got mine when I was seven. I think the pain of losing all the people I love and my pack made him appear earlier. It’s still weird because I am a girl and my wolf is male. He is a really old wolf, strong and powerful. We have been hiding our aura for so long. Since we are turning eighteen, our aura will be intensified, that’s why I have to run away tonight. I know all the pack’s ground plan and the guards' routine, so I just pack some extra bread and head down to rest.

At midnight, my wolf Devon wakes me up. He is the strongest when the moon is at it’s peak. So I wake up and tie the bread to a makeshift pocket in my dress, I creep out the small window where my small figure slides smoothly. I look up to the moon and say a little prayer. I will need strength, Luna knows how much. I run to the border and knock out all the guards and take off in a random direction. I know how stupid it is. I’ve got a plan but I won’t tell you. So I ran towards a stream. I know Daniel loves to come here with his sluts, I leave my letter there knowing very well he will find it and not come after me.

After bathing in the stream and rejecting that stupid pack, I give Devon the reign and he takes off, heading to the Redwolf pack where I have some family left. If I’m not wrong, my cousin Thomas is the current alpha. Tim

Thomas’ dad

was my mother’s brother and they were really close. So we run all our troubles away, we know what life has served us is just cruel. I was broken and ruined. I worked through all that, now I just don’t care anymore. What life serves I will eat because that is just how life is.

Daniel’s pov

I am busy fucking through my last conquest. I don’t really know their names, but this one is Victoria. I think so. Eh, who am I kidding? I can’t remember the slut’s name, so long as it's got a pussy I will sink General Daniel in. A wave of pain hit me and I almost lost my balance, I said almost. It didn’t hit me what just happened, but after my millionth orgasm and second slut, I came back to my senses. Someone left the pack. Nobody leaves my pack unless I banish or kill you!

‘Who the fuck left this pack!’ I shouted through the pack’s link and poured my aura through. I could see everybody rolling on the ground and I smirked. I love this power. Damn Luna, you really outdid yourself. Giving alphas such power is amazing. What a rush! The head warrior burst into my room and bowed, “Alpha, it’s Aurora, she knocked out all the guards and went to the stream.” He says, shaking and I add just a bit of power to make him sweat. “ Okay get guards to go after her, I want her back because she is to be your luna.” I order him and throw him out of my room, I can’t stand weak wolves. I turn towards my bed and another slut was waiting. Well, I can’t complain because General Daniel wants to play sink in the hole.

In the afternoon, the warriors came back without my luna and I was totally mad, but they had a hand written letter that said to never look for her because she would kill us all like we killed her pack. Well, that did it. My interest in her vanished and was replaced with fear and dread. I know that is not a threat but a promise. I have to train my pack twice as much because she is a force to be reckoned with or vice versa.

Third person’s pov

Aurora had been running for hours through the dense forest not afraid of the darkness. She is their worst nightmare and they know it, they can feel it, all the power she is oozing is choking them to death. Devon has been resting from all the power surge that hit them. Apparently, he is still growing, he is now bigger than a male horse and his fur is pure white with black paws and a crescent moon on both ears. Yes, he is an ancient wolf and no, he doesn’t have any magical powers.

He is Luna’s son and he was blessed to this girl to show that any gender can hold power and not misuse it. He was still growing, faster and stronger than any alpha wolf. He is the alpha of alphas. They call him the supreme alpha. Why was he given to a girl? He won’t ask Luna about it, he is grateful for another chance to find happiness and a mate, but he won’t lower himself for a pathetic used mate. Anyway, as we all know how Luna thinks she never gives us our heart desires, for some reason they have this feeling that their mate is just shit!

So Devon and Aurora run towards the red wolf pack. When they see the boarder, they reign in their power and let it leak a little bit so that they may think they are omega, the weakest and a rouge. Their size reduces to a tiny wolf the size of a pony and they trot as they cross the border.