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Rebirth Of Alpha Jake's Human Luna

Rebirth Of Alpha Jake's Human Luna

Autor: Komal d

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Rebirth Of Alpha Jake's Human Luna PDF Free Download


Love, what a stubborn feeling, the moment, you felt love for someone, there is no going back. Even if you die, you will come back to love again even if after 100-year, Love will never fade away. Bella was drenched in blood, lying in jake’s arms and was smiling, she was trying to touch his face, she fought with all her might and officiate her duty what her Alpha gave to her, that was to save Alpha Jake’s pregnant wife, TARA and her unborn children. Bella looked at Tara and hardly manage to say “Ta…..ra…on….one ……..kiss……ja….jake …..ple…..please........Tara closed her eyes and nodded repeatedly, she looked at Jake and said cryingly “Kiss her jake, please, let her go” Jake shook his head and growl “No, you promised, you will be my friend, my lover to the eternity, how can you leave me, Bella, Bella smiled sadly and shook her head, stammered hardly “ n…not….mate.” A heart-wrenching pain stirred up in Jake’s heart. Yes, he was not her mate, but they both were childhood sweethearts, friends for life, and lovers for eternity. What will happen, When Bella will come back after 19 years, now 40 years old Jack accept a 19-year-old Bela... will they reject each other or embrace their love, what will happen when the moon goddess mate them with each other, how they are going to stop their wolve from mating... You are most welcome to join this journey of Bela and Jack eternal love
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Chapter 1


what a stubborn feeling, the moment you felt love for someone, there is no going back. Even if you die, you will come back to love again, even if after 100-year, Love will never fade away. it never dies.............

A dense part of the forest

In the middle of the war, 19-year-old Bella was drenched in a blood pool, lying in jake’s arms and was smiling, she was trying to touch his face, that bitch Sana stabbed her with her filthy sharp claws and scratched her whole body heavily. She can hardly breathe and was holding on to her life for few moments, although She can’t fight with her because of being a human and doesn’t have wolf strength, but she fought with all her might and officiate her duty what her Alpha gave to her, that was to save Alpha Jake’s pregnant wife, TARA and her unborn children.

Jake was caressing her blood-soaked hair and was looking at her eyes lovingly, while Tara was crying measurably, Bella looked at Tara and hardly manage to say “Ta…..ra…on….one ……..kiss……ja….jake…..ple…..please.

Tara closed her eyes and nodded repeatedly, she looked at Jake and said cryingly “Kiss her jake, please, let her go” Jake shook his head and growl “No, you promised, you will be with me forever, you will love me to eternity, how can you leave me, Bella, hold on, Doctor is on the way, I can save you” Bella smiled sadly and shook her head, stammered hardly “ n…not….mate.”

A heart-wrenching pain stirred up in Jake’s heart. Yes, he was not her mate, but they both were childhood sweethearts, friends for life, and lovers for eternity. Their love was so pure that when everybody got to know that Tara was his Mate, everybody was gasped, Even Tara was ready to break the mate bond for them, but Bela stopped her, she was a human, and she was adopted by a Wolf-Couple. She had seen her dad go mad after her adopted mother died, she understands the value of mate bonds and didn’t let them face the pain and curse of breaking the mate bond.

She, silently stepped back and let them get married, never comes between them, but every time, whenever he and Tara faced any problem, she would be the first person to come to them and help.

Today, Tara went to her 8th month's pre-natal check-up at the pack hospital, Bela was a helper here and her dad was a head doctor. Bela was checking Tara, and Jack was waiting outside. suddenly Jack's beta mind linked with him and informed that one of their trackers find out that his cousin Sana is coming with her army to attack the pack because she wanted to kill Tara’s unborn twins. Sana was his elder cousin. She wanted to be the Alpha of this pack, but Pack has chosen Jack as their Alpha, so now she wanted to kill his children and Tara so that when Jake would be at his weakest moment she can kill him easily.

Jack, rushed to the room and said to Tara, “Tara, Sana’s men attacked our pack, I am going to stop her, you have to protect yourself”

Before he left, he turned around and looked at Bela, Bela smiled at him, He also smiled and said “Bela, please keep safe Tara and my children” after that he left. He had no idea that Sana has sent his 2 killer wolves to the hospital secretly to kill Tara as soon as he came out.

Tara, was a brave girl and she also had learned basic fighting skills like Bela, but she got pregnant at the age of 19 and had twins in her womb, her health was not good, carrying twins at this tender age was not a joke at all, but she got pregnant, when she first time mated with Jake, it was her 19th birthday night, When she and jake both realized that they are mates,

Bella helped Tara to sit on a wheelchair and pushed her to another room which had a secret door, she moved a monitor on the table and the door unlocked, there was a staircase, Bella supported Tara, and let her go down, after the staircase, there was a room, a bed and a couch were there, ample amount of food and water also available, and a C C T V screen. She can watch the whole pack area from here, even the fight which was going on outside.

Tara gasped to see all this and asked “Bela, what is all this, who’s safe room is this?” “Bela opened the fridge and while checking on the food and water supply she said, “it’s mine, mom and dad was worried that being a human, I am no match for werewolves, although I had learned basic fighting still, they were worried, of-course there were various other aspects which bothered them, so they made this room for me. I don’t have werewolves scant, and dad made a portion that can hide me human scant, so it helped me to hide. I usually use this room to detox my mind from the outside world and I hid here for the whole mating season, to be safe from unmated wolves; You stay here, I am going outside to stop them to search you, you have werewolf scent as well as your pregnancy scant is too strong. we must be on guard. Don’t worry, until I am dead, you are safe here”

After that, she turned to leave, but Tara held her hand and said “it’s not safe for you either Bela, Sana knows you are Jake’s love, she will defiantly hurt you, we can stay here together and we will face her together” Bela smiled and said “Jake told me to save you and his children, he didn’t tell me to take care of myself, it’s Alpha’s order too. I can’t neglect it and you are our LUNA; you are carrying our future Alphas; how can I not officiate my duties. Please sit here and take care of yourself. When Jake will come back, call him here. If the mind link doesn't work, use this phone, I am going now”

After that, she didn’t stop and left the room. she came out from the secret room and locked the door properly then set everything as it is before and hide behind the office door.

As soon as she hid, she heard multiple footsteps coming towards her. She felt a shiver in her spine, but she still forced herself to be calm and collected. two men kicked the door and opened it, Sana with her two bodyguards came in. she smelled deep and said “they are here” she searched every corner of the room thru her eyes and stopped at one place, she signaled her bodyguard and he immediately tried to catch Bela. But Bela was ready, she was already in action, she had her back against that bodyguard, as soon as he tried to catch her, she turned back and with a sweep of her hand, she cut his throat with his silver dagger. Seeing this another bodyguard rushed to her and tried to kick her but Bela caught his leg in the air and stabbed the same dagger. her father had given him this Special dagger which has wolfbane concentration coating on it. Just one stab it takes to kill any werewolf. Seeing that she had killed her two best fighters, Sana looked at the rest of the two and shouted “together”