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  • Summer Shimmer

    Summer Shimmer

    I have already read this book it has such a perfect ending

    2021-03-04 23:25:23
  • Apple08


    Wow! This Edric guy is the perfect example of an asshole ex-husband. He cheated and divorced her without giving anything then call her slut. What a jerk!

    2021-03-05 22:54:48
  • Geraldine Wall-Ursal

    Geraldine Wall-Ursal

    I would hate it they get back together. He was not able to protect her in the past from those cunning people around which led to their divorce. Useless man.

    2021-03-11 14:22:46
  • Ma Elaine Ersando

    Ma Elaine Ersando

    i love the story but only love it but can't continue reading it. pls unlocked and let us read for free pls....

    2021-04-07 13:59:02
  • trisha reyes_1

    trisha reyes_1

    a simple honest communication would have cleared this misunderstanding a long time cliche!!! duhhhh

    2021-03-05 23:01:31
  • Leia Phoebe

    Leia Phoebe


    2021-05-26 20:40:20
  • Dawn Kim_2

    Dawn Kim_2

    You need to keep track of your characters. You have Executive Assistant David that is with Jordan changed to John who is supposed to be with with Edric. You also need to watch you grammar.

    2021-03-03 15:29:14
  • Djaneri Ruiz

    Djaneri Ruiz

    Waste of time. Endless and expensive.

    2021-03-28 03:20:52
  • Franzcine Espanto

    Franzcine Espanto

    Please please please please be the male lead Jordan

    2021-03-10 14:16:45
  • Sumaiya Begum_1

    Sumaiya Begum_1

    Before judging her ask yourself did you give her a chance to explain??? You believed what you saw or heard and she did the same....

    2021-03-02 03:49:18
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