
Allons Lire Le Monde

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Auteur: Precious vi

En cours




Freya a young orphan with the hope of love falls in love with a rich blind boy. She gave him her eyes on his sixteen birthday but found herself in despair when he left with all promises of marriage broken. Year later and his back as the rich cruel CEO desperately looking for her, will he ever find her, or will she take him back

Chapter 1

  Love they say is an intense feeling with deep attraction, but what if the person you are attracted to doesn't love you back. My name is Freya and currently I'm blind, I wasn't blind at birth, I was just a Long strange story which started at me being abandoned by my mom.

  The nun that works at the orphanage home told me I was found outside on a raining day, it was her last check on the house when she notice a woman all drenched by the window, she looked scared and was shivering. It's seems she left something and hurried up, the nun was going to blush it off, but then her mind and curiosity didn't let her, so she decided to go check.

  She found me by the door, crying and soak in the rain, and that was it, no one ever claim me and that how I started leaving in the orphanage.

  Everything was plain, I was used to the works, the activities we carried out, we were often look down upon like beggars, laughed out, infact we were referred to as wedlock. But it never stopped me from being optimistic, I would tell them that my mother would soon come back, and she only left me for a while, I would write letters to Santa asking him to bring my Mom back, I remember writing a letter to my mom telling her that she should come quick and show those other kids that made fun of me that I'm not born out of wedlock. But days after days I realised that I have been left here for good, and no one will probably find me, so I gave up on my mom, on all hope of she coming back.

  My spare time, I usually use it to draw. Passing the lonely road one morning, i bumped into a boy. Looking at his dress, I could instantly sense that he was from a rich family.

  Can't you see where you are going to I instantly fired back at him. I'm sorry I can't see he responds. I'm really sorry, I was distracted a bit with my thoughts and failed to watch where I was going, I didn't mean to bump into you he explained with a remorseful tone. I felt bad for overreacting, so while he turned to leave I quickly held his hand. It not your fault either, I should have watched my part, I was also distracted I explained to him and he smiled warmly at me. That was the beginning of our friendship and maybe my ever most mistake, meeting him change everything, everything I hope for, or to be.

  Freya, Freya I heard my name being called, it brought me out of my subconscious, realising that it was my adoptive mother that was calling, I tried tracing her voice to the leaving room.

  You called me i said getting there, happy twenty fourth birthday dear, she said with a rather Happy tune. Thank you so much I said but she held my mouth, go in and wear this before you say anything else she instructed. With a simple nod, I went up with the aid of my stick and change.

  The dress was rather short and I could feel it revealing a lot of my skins, i wonder if this dress is what people wear to celebrate their twenty four years old birthday. I could hear the door open and footstep.

  Isn't it beautiful mom spoke out,I realise then she was the one who entered the room..Yes mom but I think it's a bit too short I respond. Nonsense my daring, it not too short, now be a good girl and go to my room, a sweet surprise await you she said touching my cheek.

  With a grin, my naive self went to her room, a maid came with a tray of cookies and warm milk, she said Mother sent her and I quickly ate not feeling hungry but at the same time I don't want to disappoint her since she said my gift is coming.

  I don't know if it was the milk or the long wait, but I drift to sleep and only woke up when a hand caressed my body. Mom is that you I called out, but no response.

  The hand was manly, and from my lap it began to move up ward. I hit the hand to hear a Man groan.

  Beautiful, blind and yet spicy I like you already he said with a rather seductive tone. Who are you I asked but he didn't answer and rather moved upward to kiss me.

  I bite him which led him to slap me, stay girl my patience is running low and I paid for you so let me enjoy what I paid for.

  I shook my head and tried to free myself but his grip was strong, holding on tight to me. Get off I said throwing my legs anywhere till I think it hit in between his legs. It caused another loud groaned and an opportunity for me to run. I ran all the way down stairs to bump into my mother.

  What are you doing downstairs, don't you like the gift I sent to you she asked in a rather devilish manner. I was waiting and while waiting I slept off but then a man came in wanting to sleep with me I explained. I guess you found your gift now go meet him and satisfy him she said.

  What, you sent him mother but why I asked and I'm not going back there. You rather ungrateful thing, I picked you up from the orphanage, feed you, cloth you, send you to school for the blind and this is how you want to repay me, let me tell you something, I run a brothel and you better go inside and satisfy him so I can get at least some of the money I spent on you and you will keep working here till you pay it all she said.

  She pulled my hair and drag me up, I never imagined that this sweet Woman could be like this, so when she stop to answer a call I ran. Staying in the house for years, I know everything, the whole place, but I never knew the road outside because I never went out, she Never allowed me to go outside. So I was a bit confused when I step out, in which directions to go, I decided to stop to listen, to the place with the most noise and I followed there, it seem busy because I kept bumping into people. I didn't stop running, I kept running.

  A loud horn came from my side, the chasing footsteps had stop. Freya leave the road I could hear my mom called, but it was too late, the car hit me, lifting me up and causing me to roll on the car before landing. Thick like surround me, as I closed my eyes drifting to sleep. At least, I don't have to sleep with him anymore was my only words of hope