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Missing Luna

Missing Luna

Auteur: Precious Love 43.

En cours


Missing Luna PDF Free Download


"Audrey!!!" Noah cried out as she jumped off the cliff. It all began when Audrey was shown to marry Noah, the leading Alpha of the pack. He treated her as a slave and maltreated her every day both in public and in front of his family. Before her mother died, she was given a locket with contains a sacred a gem that see the past and the future. Audrey got fed up when Noah kills their first child because of his anger. She decides to run away from the village and go to the city. She meets Ivan and Kimberly who support her with accommodation. She hides her true identity from them. She was living happily as a human until she is being wanted by Noah and the other alphas.

Chapter 1


"She's missing"Benson said as he was nervous as a mouse.

"What do you mean she's missing? How can my wife which was under your car be missing?"Noah said with frustration.

His heart was pounding and he's face turned red. He folded his fist and gave Benson a punch right as his face. The other alphas stood back when Benson and stared at him. They were speechless. Noah went to were Benson laid and raised his head with his hand. Benson knew he was already angry and best avoided not to look at him.

"Listen to me, if you don't find her before the next full moon, I'll kill you myself. You got that?"Noah said

"Y..Yes Noah"Benson squealed

"Good...Go back to your duty post"He said and dimissed the other werewolves to their duty post.

"Juliana?"Noah yelled her name from the balcony

"Yes sir"she said as she hurried to the balcony

"Clean up this mess"Noah said and pointed to the blood on the coated tiled floor

"Yes sir"she said and went right way.

Noah stood there watched as the villagers go in and out of their homes to their farms and workplace. He could see the blacksmith and his apprentices carrying a heavy pieces of metal that could be a few inches longer than their height. He was still angry because his wife had ran away from home without a trace of where she might be. He wondered endlessly where she could have gone to. He knew she was an orphan and had no relatives to go to. His heart was filled with anxiety. He feared that she could have been captured by the Humans. He decided to retreat back to his Chambers and gets some rest.

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Audrey hid behind the big trees to avoid being seen by Noah's guards. Her heart was beating loudly that one could hear it from afar. Sweats ran down her face and she was scared of what Noah could do to her once he finds her. Her held her locket tightly and prayed that her mother's spirit could help her find a way of out the village. She decided to check whether the coast was clear before she could make her exit. She saw that the guards we heading back to the village and decided to continue her with her plans. She followed the sound of the tweeting birds and the flowing river. Audrey had never seen this part of the forest before let alone the beautiful tulips and daisys. She was locked up in the castle all day as a prisoner and could barely see the sun rise everyday. The sun rays beemed across the river which made it glitter. Audrey felt in paradise. She followed the river till she got to an unknown destination. The place was filled with moving horses but she could see the legs nor the head. She saw alot of stores, bikes and buildings that were taller than her castle back home. People dressed moderately and wore shoes of different color and shape. She wondered around the town like a stranger. She saw people eating in restaurants through the big glass windows.

"Wow! This place is amazing"she said as she admired the streets and its building.

"Excuse me,are you lost?"someone said as he tapped her on the shoulder

"Huh?"she said and stared at the stranger

"Are you Lost?"he repeated

She only nodded positive.

"Where are you going to?"

She stood there and stared at him. She was confused and didn't know what to say

"I... I...."she mumbled

"Ivan?"his wife yelled

"Yes Kim"he replied

"Oh Hi"she said and waved at Audrey

Audrey was confused as to what she was doing

"She's lost but doesn't know where she is heading"he said

"Okay. What's your name?"Kim asked

"Audrey"she replied

"Okay Audrey,I'm Kimberly,Kim for short. This is my hubby Ivan. We what to know where you are from so that we can help go back home"she said

"I don't have a home"she finally admitted

"Awwwwn! That's so sad. Honey, can she please stay with us"she said

"Well she does seem normal and she's loss and homeless. Okay she can stay with us until someone finds her"he said

"Hippy! Thanks honey, you're the best"she said with a kiss

"Shall we?"he said

Audrey felt scared. She wasn't sure if they work Noah. She stood there thinking on whether to take the risk or be stranded in the city. She had no choice and followed the couple.