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The Cursed Luna Queen

The Cursed Luna Queen

Auteur: Love_Sprinkler

En cours


The Cursed Luna Queen PDF Free Download


"I am cursed, I am unwanted, I am a failure. Then why are you still waiting for me to accept you?" I yell while tears fall out of my eyes. "You are not any of these. Do you hear me?" He says cupping my face in his hands. "Then what am I?" I ask in a broken tone. "You are the Luna Queen and it's high time to show the world what your capable of doing." He replies determinedly looking at me with eyes full of love and.....pride? Rosalind Leigh is the Queen of the werewolves, making her superior after the Alpha King. She used to be a great warrior but after the sudden death of the Alpha King during their coronation ceremony , she has become numb to everything around her. Not only that, she's being called 'cursed' after that incident by the Royals as well as other werewolves. However, the sudden entry of the mysterious alpha of the Forbidden Rogue Pack is going to change her life more than she can think of.

Chapter 1

Today is a very big day for the werewolves as today they will be introduced to their new Luna Queen as well as the mate of their Alpha King Jackson Adam Leigh. The royal ballroom has been decorated quite beautifully on this precious occasion and every guests have worn their best clothes to impress the royal family.

Usually, the coronation ceremony is done one week after the king find their mate. But this time, the coronation ceremony has taken three months to be held as the new queen wanted to get to know everything about her duties. Although the former queen isn't very happy with this decision but she can't go against the current king.

Suddenly, the light turn off making everyone present in the ballroom excited knowing that they are finally going to meet their new queen. The clink of the heels can be heard as well as the sound of polish shoes heating the floor. After some time, the light gets turn on and everyone gasps seeing the woman beside their king.

"Isn't she the daughter of the royal warrior?"

"She is very beautiful."

"Look at their mating marks. I think they have completed the mating process."

"She will birth very good looking babies."

"Alpha King is surely a lucky man to have such a strong mate."

"I have heard she is more powerful than the male warriors."

A lot of conversations can be heard but when the Alpha King raises his hand, everyone shuts their mouth not wanting to get punished. Alpha King Jackson turns towards his mate Rosalind Moulin who is looking very elegant in her Golden gown.

"I know that everyone of you is very eager to meet your new queen so I won't take much time and would like to introduce my lovely mate, Rosalind Moulin." Alpha King Jackson lets out looking at the crowd who cheers making Rosalind smile and wave her hand at them.

"I am very glad to be here with you all. It will be my greatest pleasure to protect you with all my might." Rosalind says confidently.

Both walk towards the stage where the new queen will take oath as well as vows to be the one to look after the werewolves besides the king. Upon arriving in the stage, they shake hands with the elders and take their seats. One of the elders come to the front and start chanting some holy words, then asks Rosalind to stand up from her place. When she does, she asks to recite after the elder.

After chanting the holy words, the elder takes Rosalind's right hand and make a slight cut in the middle of the palm. The blood from the cut being gathers in a small gold bowl which starts shining brightly after a few seconds making the elder smile in satisfaction.

"The shining of this bowl is indicating that the new queen is very powerful and is a trueborn to be a queen." The elder declares happily looking at the crowd who cheers in delight before turning to face Rosalind.

"Do you, Rosalind Moulin, vow to protect your people from the enemy?Do you vow to stand by the King in happiness as well as in misery? Do you vow to solve any problems that will occur in the future? Do you vow to die while saving your people?" The elder asks.

"I do." Rosalind replies without hesitation.

"With that being said, I now pronounce you as the new Luna Queen of the werewolves." The elder declares while putting a gorgeous crown on top of Rosalind's head.

Alpha King Jackson stands from his place and walks towards his mate before engulfing her in a loving hug. Both then turn their heads towards the crowd and wave their hands before declaring that everyone should enjoy the party.

"Congratulations dear." Damian, the former alpha king says looking proud.

"Thank you, Damian." Rosalind replies politely.

"I hope you will be at least a little bit good queen like me." Catherine, the former luna queen comments clearly showing her displeasure.

"I will try my best." Rosalind replies politely not wanting to behave rudely with her mate's mother.

"Father, Mother why don't you guys go and chat with your friends?" Jackson suggests making his mother glared at him.

"I fully understand why you want us to go away from here. But remember one thing, she may be your mate but that doesn't mean she will gain my respect because at the end of the day she is still the daughter of an omega." Catherine snaps before walking away from there.

"I am sorry for my Catherine's behavior. You guys enjoy and I will go try to talk to her." Damian says and goes out of there.

"I really don't understand why mother is behaving so badly with you just because your father is an omega." Jackson utters looking guilty.

"It's alright Jackson. Not everyone has the same perspective towards omega and you know that. Don't worry, we will work together and make the world better for the omegas." Rosalind replies with a gentle smile.

Before Jackson can reply, an arrow comes out of nowhere and sticks in his neck making him drop down to his knees. Rosalind looks at her mate in horror but gets on her knees to take out the arrow. Just as she touches the arrow, her hand gets burned. Still, she gently pulls out the arrow not caring about her pain.

"Jackson, please stay with me." Rosalind says when she notices that Jackson is trying hard not to close his eyes.

"Ta-k-e ca-re of o-u-r pe-opl-e." Jackson utters painfully while blood oozing out of the wound on his neck.

"No, please don't say this. We will take care of everyone together." Rosalind cries holding her mate's head on her lap.

"I lo-v-e y-ou." This is the last thing Jackson says before closing his eyes for eternity.

"Jackson!" Rosalind cries out and starts shaking her mate's lifeless body trying to make him wake up. But everything is vain because nothing can bring back her dead mate anymore.