
Allons Lire Le Monde

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Auteur: Noorie____





Emily Willson. A dedicated, hard-working and determined teenager, got kicked out of the orphanage at the age of eighteen due to not for once being chosen by the foster parents. The Brooks took her in as a full time maid, after learning her magnificent skills of cooking. Three years of working with the Brooks, she had heard a lot of stories about their one and only, son-heir but had never laid eyes on him. What happen when their paths cross?

Chapter 1

  Upon hearing her name being called, she groaned in displeasure, before making her way to the parlour. Working for the Brook's is hella of work, but she sure gets paid enough.

  It's been exactly three years since she started working with them. At first, things weren't easy but after some time, she started to adjust just fine.

  Mrs. Brook's is a no mess with kinda lady, she takes no excuses and always want things to be done as perfect as possible. Nona, Mr. Brook's mother is the definition of kind and friendly. Even after being old, she still acts as sassy as a teen.

  Nona is the only person, apart from her co-worker Maddie, who she gets along with in the humongous mansion. Mr. Brook is not always present in the house, so she hardly sees him, but whenever they cross paths, he's nothing but sweet to her.

  Upon reaching the couch where Mrs. Brook was comfortably seated, she stumbled and landed to ground "Ouch!" She mumbled in pain, quickly getting up.

  If looks could kill, she'd be six inches under the grown, chilling with Satan, due to how hard the glare Mrs. Brooks sent her way. "I'm sor--" She stopped mid sentence.

  "Hold it to yourself" She hissed in annoyance, adjusting herself on the couch. "Are you aware that Bryan is arriving today?" She asked.

  His name being called never fails to send shivers down her spin. She wonders why, but anytime Maddie is feeding her with his stories, she gets this nagging feeling.

  Not that she has laid her eyes on him before, but she felt though as she had known him all her life. She has always wanted to see him, but never got the chance to. So hopefully, she'd be seeing him around onward.

  "Emily!" Mrs. Brook snapped her out of her revive. "Y-yes Ma'am. Yes I have" She stuttered, fidgeting with the hem of her apron.

  "Good. Hope all the requirements have been done?" She asked, daring her to say otherwise. She shook her head in a yes sign, before saying "Yes, Ma'am"

  "Very well. You may leave" She gestured to her too leave, to which she did so, rolling her eyes as she walked out of the parlour.

  She heaved a sigh out, just as she got into the kitchen. "Thank God Emily. Where the f*ck have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere" Maddie said, with annoyance lased in her voice.

  Emily rolled her eyes. Yeah! She does that  a lot, which gets Maddie annoyed most of the time, to the extent she smacks her to feel much better. "She summoned for me"

  Yeap! They're both not a fan of Mrs. Brooks. She's always on both of their necks, though as if they are the only employees of the house.

  "Oh! What for?"

  She made bunny ears with both arms, air quoting "Their son"

  Maddie burst into fits of laughter, forgetting the reason why she was in search of her friend for the first place. "Ha ha! Very funny. Why were you even looking for me?" Emily asked, assembling the dumplings in the cooler.

  Soon her laughing session ended. "It's about Mike"

  Emily's face turned into a frown, as his name was mentioned. Mike happens to be Maddie's cousin brother who is madly in love with Emily. He has been trying to court her since they met at Maddie's aunt's birthday party, but Emily didn't for once give him a chance.

  She had no time to waste in love. Her main aim is, getting as lots of money as she could, to afford her college fee. She had this aspiring dream to become a doctor, Cardiologist to be precise. But due to how low her income is, she had no chance.

  From her own perspective, Love is a complicated affair that had lots and lots of heartbreaks that she's no where ready to feel.

  Maddie called her name for the fifth time but got no response due to how deeply lost she was, so she pinched her on her chin. "Ouch! What was that for?" She pouted like a four year old.

  "Come on Em! Just give you guys a try and see how it" Maddie pleaded, hoping for a yes."Let's not talk about this Mads"

  They always end up arguing. So Maddie brushed it off, and continued helping her with the food items. After what seemed like forever, they were finally done.

  They went to their respective rooms, and took a shower, and retiring for day, as they were both exhausted.


  She woke up in the middle of the night, thirsty and decided to get some water. She walk as careful and quite as she can, just to not cause any sound. Just as she got to the kitchen, she stopped dead in track as she noticed a figure, though the figure wasn't facing her, she gulped in fear.

  Tip toeing and graping the glass vase that was kept on the kitchen counter. She walked towards the fridge were he stood, just about to brake it on his head, he turned. The look he gave her, made her let go of the vase, but luckily he was fast to catch it, so as not to alarm anyone.

  "Were you trying to kill me?" He asked, his eyebrows arching up. She struggled to find the exact words to say to him and his grip on her wrist isn't helping matters.

  Tears of fear, accumulated in the brim of her eyes, as her lips tremble. He was too lost in her onyx eyes that he didn't notice he was hurting her. He quickly let go of her wrist, just as a lone tear slipped from Emily's eyes. "Hey! I'm sorry"

  His voice was lased with utmost sincerity. She was just about to wipe off the tear that slipped, but he bit her to it. Her lips parted in shock, unable to comprehend what had just happened.

  Who gave him the rights to touch her? Who does he even think he is? Just because he saw her in fear and tears just a minute ago, doesn't mean she's weak. One thing was for sure, he had to pay for scaring the life out of her.

  She hit him hard on the chest, her shock face turning into a frown. "Ouch! What was that for?" He asked.

  "Who do you think you are? Why are you here? And what do you want?" She synchronically asked, making him more amused.

  He cleared his throat, folding his hands to his chest. "And who might you be Miss fiesty?"

  She shot him a glare that all his life he had never received, making him let out a so laugh, getting Emily more and more annoyed, to the extent that she felt like tearing him apart.

  "Don't call me that and you still haven't answered my question. So you better start talking before I call the security on you and trust me, you wouldn't want that" She said, smirking.

  "Or would I?"

  "Okay I've had enou---" She stopped at  mid sentence, as she noticed Maddie's figure standing by the door, with a shocked expression.

  He wonder why she kept quite all of sudden so he also turned to have a look at what stopped. A smirk played on his lips, when he saw Maddie.

  "Young master" Maddie blurted out, bowing her head down. No! Hell no! Please don't tell me his the young master, she thought. Could this day get any worse. For sure she was loosing her job.

  "Maddie right?" He asked, to which she nodded in response. "And who might this be?" He asked, pointing at Emily's figure.

  "I'm sorry for behavior sir. She's a new intake" Maddie apologized on behalf of her friend. He wanted to say more, but decided against it, and exited the kitchen.

  Maddie rushed to Emily, giving her a small slap before pulling her by the ear to Emily's room. "What the hell is wrong with you? Do you have any idea what you've done?" Maddie scold in utmost annoyance.

  "Trust me Mads, I had no idea it was him Not that I've ever seen him or his photo before, so don't see my fault" She defended.

  Maddie faced palmed herself and just decided to brush off he topic, so as not to cause any argument between the two of them. "You know what, just go to bed, we would discuss about this to morning.


  She took slow steps further into the room, holding tighter on the coffee mug, like her life depended on it. She spotted his sleeping figure, just as she got closer, trying hard not to wake him, she kept the mug on the side stole, not far from the bed.

  Mrs. Brook's made the coffee especially for him and had told her to take it to him and make sure he take it, but since he was asleep, it's better she just let him be. Maybe he must have been tired of yesterday's trip.

  But it seemed luck wasn't on her side, he cut her already yesterday's swollen wrist, pulling her down on to him. "Samantha, is that you. Oh! Geezzz! You always scent exquisite" he mumbled nozzling his nose into her neck, taking in more of her scent.

  Her heart beat raggedly, though as if it was escaping from her rib cage. She used as much energy as possible to get up, but all in vain. His grip on her waist was to tight. Like yesterday's event wasn't enough, now this.