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Love Apprehensions..

Love Apprehensions..

Auteur: Garnet woods

En cours


Love Apprehensions.. PDF Free Download


Arnav , a lawyer , newly married man , is in a mission to catch a killer with the help of his police friend . He got to know that his wife got kidnapped . What will happen next? How will he save his wife ? Who is the killer ? Does Arnav knows him ?

Chapter 1

  Arnav's pov

           And after a long time I was spending some funny time with my fellow friends - Ved , Abeer , Rishi and Arjun . Rishi cracking his lame jokes and then he looked at Ved . I expected it as he never misses a chance to tease . But this time Ved is victim .

  " what about you mr. Ved! Oh sorry.. I mean dr. Ved.. I think you need more food for your 6'8 feet height . So how are you attending patients ? " , said Rishi and Everyone laughed at him .

  " I am not hungry and thats my patients and my problem "

  " ohh.. but you will be happy to have something with dr. Seema right ? She is about 6'2 feet tall " , Ved glared at him and everyone chuckled and Rishi giggled except Abeer .

  " so how do you know her height ? " , Ved asked irritated.

  " just a small observation bro " , he smiled and winked at him.

  " whatever " , Ved said

  Abeer is looking tensed and worried.. why ? Should I ask him ?

  " why are you being serious Abeer ? " , Arjun broke the silence in him

  " what ? Am I looking serious ? No ! I am absolutely cool " , said abeer with fake smile

  " yeah ! I can see that " , said Rishi

  " oh God ! Stop this nonsense- hey... " , abeer looked something behind me and paused . Everyone looked there and froze .

  So what was that ?

  I was curious and turned to the direction . I saw a beautiful girl came running towards us . I stood up , she came near me and hugged me tightly .

  " Arnav... " , my boys said and looked at me wierd

      I was numb . She was hugging me so tightly as if she was scared . I saw a young man approaching us . He came near her and dragged her grabbing her hand . I got angry.

  " ahh.. " , she winced and tried to release her hand from the man's hand

  " why are you hugging him ? "

  " what is your problem ? You wanted to meet him right ? Here he is " , she said to him

  " he is the person I am going to marry . I am in love with him and he does . Dont interfere in my life and my love " , she said again

  What ? What the hell is going on ?

  " what if I do ? I am your maternel uncle's only son . I have the rights to get you " , he said loudly

  " but I dont ! I dont want to be with you . I want to be with him . Not you ! I loved him . Not you ! You wanted to show him right ? I showed you and you Just stay away from me and get lost or otherwise I will create a scene that you will be behind the bars " , she shouted

  " I am going but I will definitely have you " , he glared at her and then me 

  " not even in your dreams " , she smirked at him

       Then he left . Me and my friends were just froze like statues . Just then I heard my friends were hooting and clapping . I came to my sense and looked at the girl who was closing her eyes and exhaling in relief .

  " bro ! When did this too happened ? " , curious moron Rishi said

  " what ? " , I asked him

  " can you please come with me ? " , the girl asked me

    I looked at her . Her eyes were moist . So I think she needs some help .

  " hmm " , I said and that brat hooted again .

  " go.. go.. she is waiting yaar " , arjun said smiling

  " but you didnt even bothered to tell us right ? " , Ved asked

  " arey.. "

  " can you please come with me or not ? " , she asked again

  " fine you go ! Lets talk later " , Arjun said , Rishi literally showed his 32 teeth , Ved and Abeer smiled and nodded

     I went with her . She dragged me to a place where no one can see us from , by taking my hand in hers . I was following her like tamed puppy. Once we reached there , she left my hands and look at me seriously . I was a bit confused .

  " so , who are you and what do you want ? " , I asked

  " hmm.. that doesn't matter now.. by chance are you single ? " , she asked

  " ofcourse yes ! But why were you telling the man that I am your boyfriend "

  " did it sounded like that ? "

  " no.. I mean that you said I am your love.. "

  " yeah.. did my act looked believable ? "

  " no.. I mean I can't believe that but that man and my friends looked convinced.. ofcourse they believed that its true.. "

  " it is true ! " , she said

  " what ? "

  " I mean this is a mere truth for him and your friends. We only know its fake "

  " oh no.. I cant understand.. just clear me something "

  " ahh.. you are neither my love nor me to you.. we have to put up with this drama.. can you help me ? "

  " what ? Why ? How ? "

      She said me something serious . She told her problems everything . She was almost broke into tears . Oh God ! She is in a great trouble . I can help her but not this way . This is not right .

  " can you help me ? "

  " hey.. I can but not in this way ! I am a working as junior lawyer of the greatest lawyer in the city.. I can talk to him and I can definitely help you "

  " you can't ! I tried that too.. are you mentioning mr. Balakrishnan ? "

  " yeah.. how do you know him "

  " I asked him to help me but he left unconvinced because my uncle has a financial contact with him.. so he was scared to oppose him.. " , she started crying

  " hey.. stop crying ! I will definitely help you.. dont cry then my friends will kill me for making a beautiful girl cry " , I said and she laughed cutely

      She wiped her tears and smiled . I smiled back . I gave her a friendly hug to relief her . She too hugged me back in a friendly manner . I broke the hug .

  " hey.. can I know your name ? As I am faking to be your boyfriend.. I mean your lover.. if my friends ask me what is your name , how can I say I am not aware of it ? They will find it right ? " , I said . She smiled .

  " you could have asked me my name and that's enough ! No need to explain . I am karthika Agarwal " ,  she said

  " and I am- "

  " Arnav " , she said

  " how do you know ? "

  " your friends mentioned it just before "

  " oh yeah.. " , I grinned

  " so.. lets go ! Your friends must be waiting " , she said

  " hmm " , I said

            We moved to the table where my friends were sitting . We were in an outdoor restaurant which was our favourite one . But not here to eat , just to spend hours after a longtime .

  " hey guys.. they are coming " , said arjun smiling

       All looked at us . I am embarrassed and so dod she. She was looking down . What an awkward situating ? Just because of this girl.. oh no.. I should not think like this she needs my help !

  " so.. what were you both discussing ? " , asked Rishi . He was grinning like I can count his whole teeth . I want to break it mercilessly . Ahhh !!! They are  teasing me like anything now .

  All credits to her and that idiot Rishi . They were looking at the new girl . Oh sorry.. yeah ! Karthika Agarwal.. just sweet like her . Oops! What am I thinking about ?

      We both sat with them . They were questioning her like arresting her with words . They literally attacked me with the questions . She smiled reluctantly.

  " are you feeling uncomfortable with us ? " , Abeer asked and she was shocked and nodded lightly

  " oh come on yaar.. you are in love with our friend and we are like a friend to you ! We Just be with that.. you just be comfortable around us too.. " , said arjun

  " yeah ! You can take it cool.. we are decent guys from decent families.. are we looking like flirtious with you ? Just ignore this fellow Rishi and think " , said Ved with point

  " hey.. I can be flirtious with everyone otherthan her . Now she is my best friend's lover.. how can I be ? Maybe I should've tried before him.. " , he said and winked at her

       I just wanted to punch him but why ? He is my friend and she is no one to me . So why should I punch him for her . Whatever ! I am just here to help her .

  " are you still uncomfortable with us around you ? "

  " No ! I am more than comfortable now. I didn't had any boys in our friends gang . So this is new to me " , she said

  " so you practice to it . Morever we will be getting to meet regularly " , Rishi said

  " why ? " , I jumped up with the question which shocked all

  " hey.. just chill ! We are not going to woo your love away from you ! possessive idiot " , said Rishi

  " shut up " , I said but he ignored and lookedcay her

  " so.. how did you fell for this moron ? " , he asked and others laughed .

    Is it so ? Am I looking like a stupid to you ? Moreover you are ! I am leaving you because I dont want her to be scared . Or otherwise I will punch you that you will not open your mouth again . Idiot !