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Family In The Feud

Family In The Feud

Auteur: Sarah Osas

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Family In The Feud PDF Free Download


Clifford Savard and Maxwell Trivolta were two inseparables. Maxwell's father; Mr Trivolta, was a business mogul and Clifford's dad was a chef in their home. They were always there together. Mr Trivolta loved Clifford as though he was his son. Years later after Mr Trivolta death, In his will he gave Clifford a 50% share of his property but this was a bugbear by Maxwell. Maxwell took laws into his own hands and demanded more portion of the property from Clifford being the only and true son of Mr Trivolta. A war broke loose between these two families and it led to their deaths and the deaths of some of their family members. This also led to a feud that lasted for almost a century (100 years) between both families. Can these families be reunited? But the main story revolves around Riya Savard , Mr Clifford Savard Great-grandchild. She clocks 21 and all her dreams of becoming Independent finally break through but not until she meets Adonis Trivolta.

Chapter 1

Riya's POV

I woke up to the sounds of cars driving out . I jumped up from my bed immediately and rushed to the big window. I smiled at the cars as they drove off and breathed out.

How I wish I could just get a glimpse of their faces.....

I rested my forehead on the window as I wished.

I turned , returning to my bed but then the door flung open giving me a huge fright.

"Are you out of your mind?" I shouted at them still in shock.

"We are sorry madam" They apologized in unison.

"Why would you open the door like that?" I asked, still angry.

Nanny walked in " Is something wrong?" She asked.

"Nanny nothing is wrong" I replied.

"Then why were you shouting?"

"Well Nanny, the door flung open then I got a fright" I said slowly , feeling really bad for shouting at them.

"Was it right shouting at them?" Nanny asked and I shook my head negatively with my gaze to the floor.

"Then apologize to them" She persuaded.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shout at you" I apologized.


Must I really say that part!!!

"And I was not in the right state of mind," I added.

"Good girl" She praised.

She faced the maids and gave a direct order.

They left the room and quacked, quack, quack my slippers went as I walked up to my bed.

"Those quacks are enough to give someone a fright," Nanny said.

"C'mon Nanny, you really embarrassed me. I had to apologize to my own maids" I grunted.

"My dear" she called and sat next to me.

She caressed my hair as I angrily folded my hands.

"An apology is not rooted by who a person is.... it's by who was hurt by the mistake" She said calmly.

"My dear, you would be turning twenty one in a few days and like that... Slowly... You'll start working.... Then you'll find someone that you love ,then you'll get married and have kids" She said and I hugged her.

"So why all these?" I asked with a smile.

"It's all because an apology will surely help at a time in your life one way or another" She said.

"Thanks Nanny" I appreciated and she pecked my hair.

"You know what the time is?" She asked.

"Emm... Time to freshen up?" I replied to a question.

"Yes and??"

"Come down for breakfast" I answered.

"If you go late you get??"

"Spanked," I replied.

"And if you go early you get??"

"Speared," I replied and laughed.

"C'mon go quickly," She said .

I pecked her and ran into the bathroom.

**** INTRO****

I'm Riya Savard . The last daughter of Mr Aiden Savard. My dad's away and we all live together in this mansion.

I grew up with everyone and I'm quite familiar with them and also my Nanny. She took care of me ever since my childhood, though I had a mom .. Nanny is still my super Mom.

I come from a family of chefs. Everyone in my family are chefs... There might be some other job but cooking is in our blood.

This is all I can say now... You'll know a lot more later.


I stepped out of the bathroom, applied lotion to my skin, make up and dressed up.

I left the room and Immediately I did, I signaled the maids and they went in to clean the room for me.

I walked slowly down the stairs.. from there you can sight the dinning and they weren't really much.

I finally got down the long stairs, walked past the big living room and as I approached the dinning I got a call.

I stopped and checked the caller. It was koyal; my older sister.

" Hello Koyal" I said excitedly over the phone.

" Hey pink panther" She hailed.

" How are you Koyal?" I asked.

Well she got married last year and I miss her a lot.

" I'm very good my Pink panther" she replied and she really sounded happy.

" You sound really happy, what's the occasion?" I asked.

" me at Mom's restaurant today around 12" She said and giggled.

" You are really happy. I can't wait to hear whatever it is you wanna say" I replied.

"Me too.. See you there" She said and hung up.

I wonder what it is she wants to talk about.

I proceeded to the dinning and everyone there seemed to be minding their own business.

"Good morning," I greeted.



"Yeah same"

They gave random replies but at least they answered.

Soon the dinning was full... Grandma came and we all stood up to greet like school kids.

It's a sign of respect because she's the eldest in the family.

We all ate in peace and quiet .


After breakfast I went back up to my room to change cos Koyal's call came unexpectedly.

I did that quickly , took my shoulder bag and left.

With the look of things here, I had to tell someone I was leaving because lies spread in this house as quick as wide fire.

I took an excuse from Nanny and I left. I'm not allowed to drive until I turn 21, which is in a few days' time , so I took a driver with me.

The drive was smooth and quick. I alighted slowly and shut the door. The breeze blew and part of my hair covered my face, but I took it back to its place.

I walked to the front door and I met two hefty guards there.


Did mom hire guards??

They didn't stop me from going into the restaurant.

The restaurant was full of people... I just navigated my way through the crowd to Mom's office on the third floor.

I didn't bother to knock, I just entered and surprisingly I met Koyal there.

"Koyal!!" I shouted excitedly and hugged her.

She looked so happy. She had beaming smiles on her face.

"What happened? Why the urgent call?" I asked.

"Oh Riya," She said and pouted her lips.

"Tell me!!" I said curiously.

"Well you're going to become an aunt soon" She said with her face beaming with smiles.

"Oh My God!!. Really??" I was shocked.

"Yes!!" She screamed.

I swirled her around and screamed.... I haven't heard such good news in a very long time.

I was soooooo happy. My joy knew no bounds. The way I acted, I think I was even more excited.

"Where's mom?. She needs to hear this good news??" I asked with happiness swallowing me up.

"Mom's not here yet. Why don't you go find her?" She suggested.

I really needed to find mom... I want to be the one to break this good news to her.

I skedaddled out of the office and searched every corner of the restaurant but didn't find her.

There was only one place left.. and that was the VIP section.

It was separated from every other part of the restaurant by a long thick red curtain.

I turned back to the place and stopped.

There were noises coming from inside. I also heard mom's voice or something like that.

I placed my ear close to the curtain to hear what was happening properly.

"Mrs Savard, the truth will forever remain the truth. So pls don't push me "The deep voice of a man said.


What is he talking about??

"Don't you dare say any of this to anyone or else..."

"Or else what?" Mom retorted.

He released a wicked laugh " I heard you have a young beautiful daughter and this business is hers in the future so how about I take both your daughter and the business" He threatened.

I gasped immediately and covered my mouth with both my palms.

"Pls... Stay away from my daughter. I would even give you something else but not my daughter and this business" Mom tried to compensate.

"I don't want anything else , I just want this business" He said.

I ran away from that place and out of the restaurant.

I got into the car and we zoomed off. If there's anyone that can help mom, it's Grandma.