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Divorced By My Big Shot Luna

Divorced By My Big Shot Luna

Auteur: Toneewrites

En cours


Divorced By My Big Shot Luna PDF Free Download


Emily, the only daughter of Alpha Lancers, hid her true identity in order to marry Xander Burtons. When Xander's first love returns, their bond shatters, leading to a heart-wrenching divorce. Unveiling secrets, Emily's hidden identity as an Alpha's heir comes to light, while fate reveals Xander as her fated mate. As their paths diverge, Xander battles to mend what he broke, while Emily embraces her strength to reclaim her life. In this clash of love and destiny, who will triumph? Can Xander prove their bond is unbreakable, or will Emily redefine her worth beyond their past?

Chapter 1

She hissed, a small but painful sound escaping her lips as the knife's edge found her skin. Blood welled up from the shallow cut, mingling with the ingredients she was trying to chop.

She paused, her breathing becoming labored, her body rebelling against her efforts. She wasn't well – feverish, weak – but she also knew that she needed to do this like she didn’t have a choice.

She set the knife down, her hand trembling, and leaned against the counter. Her thoughts swirled, a whirlwind of emotions clashing within her.

A Luna shouldn't be doing this, but she was trapped by circumstances. Married to Xander, the future alpha, her life was no longer solely her own.

In her elegant attire meant for the upcoming succession ceremony, Emily was busy in the kitchen, trying to help everyone just to make sure everything was in order.

If my father and my twin brothers see me right now, they would surely be shocked and disappointed.

Emily couldn’t help but think how opposite her life was right now. She was the pride of her father’s pack and her family. She was treated as a princess, and she didn’t even need to lift a finger when she needed to do something because she had so many people around her who would do it for her.

Here, in the Silverback Pack, she was unseen, her true worth buried beneath expectations. Even as her fever raged, her loyalty to Xander drove her forward, the fever's fire mirrored by her determination.

"Emily, I've been watching you." A loud voice cut through the air.

Lena Burtons, Xander's mother, materialized like a menace, her words icy and sharp, accusing Emily of negligence during this crucial time.

"You should be preparing for the banquet, not slacking off."

Emily's heart sank, the reality that not all appreciated her sacrifices striking her like a blade. Lena's reprimand stung, but she persisted, unyielding in her role.

"I'm sorry. I just finished chopping vegetables. I'm feeling a bit dizzy," Emily's words were strained.

Lena's tone turned harsh, her words a whip lashing at Emily's resolve. "Stop making excuses. Just because Xander's becoming Alpha doesn't mean you can be lazy. Know your place."

Fearful yet determined, Emily pressed on. "You don't need to worry. Everything will be in order."

Lena's raised eyebrow was a silent challenge. "I still don't understand why Xander chose a worthless wolf like you. You don't make him stronger. You're worthless."

It’s okay, Emily. You can do this for Xander…

Lena's words were a flurry of daggers, slicing into Emily's heart. She bit back her retort, her history of sacrifices for Xander silencing her. Love bound them beyond matehood, a force she held close.

Lena departed, leaving Emily to her tasks. Finally, the chores were done, yet weariness clung to her like a heavy blanket. Seeking a breather, she sought out Xander, longing for comfort.

Just the thought of talking to him after a grueling day brought warmth to her chest.

“I just need to see him and all will be fine…” she whispers to herself.

She was very excited. The pain on her body, the dizziness, she knows all that wouldn’t matter once she is in his arms. He was her solace, her comfort.

The truth is, ever since she married Xander, his family had treated her like she was a worthless being. No matter how much she serves them, it feels like she will never be enough like she will never be accepted.

There were moments when she was starting to wonder if all this was worth it or if the best thing to do was to divorce him, but she loved Xander so much that she was willing to accept everything even the way his family treated her.

But reality shattered her hopes as she saw Xander standing with another woman, Natalie Blakewood, wrapped in an intimate embrace.

Emily's heart shattered as she heard their whispered exchange.

"Don't worry, Natalie. You're safe here. I will always protect you, no matter what," Xander's voice, a balm to Natalie's pain, grated against Emily's ears.

"Stay with me, Xander. I need you," Natalie's plea stabbed at Emily's soul.

“I’m here, Natalie. I promised you I won’t let anyone hurt you,”

Natalie, a figure from their past, had returned. A storm brewed within Emily as old wounds resurfaced. She had given up her identity and birthright for Xander, and now, her love felt fragile.

Emily took a deep breath.

She was so tired. All she wanted was a hug from Xander but what she saw made her state even worse.

Xander didn’t notice that Emily had come, Natalie smiled viciously at Emily while resting her head on Xander’s shoulder.

But they are not lovers anymore, she believes Xander will not betray her, and now is not the time to inquire about her. As the new Luna of the pack, she decides to put all her energy into the Alpha succession ceremony.

Emily showed a perfect Luna smile to Natalie and left when she saw Natalie’s face turned gloomy.

She will let Natalie know who is the winner.

The succession of Alpha's title was perfectly ended, but as Emily was about to go on stage and accept her Luna title, a proclamation shattered Emily's world: Natalie was declared the true Luna.

“Natalie is the only rightful Luna that could help our pack. There’s no one who could help him lead us and help our pack be stronger other than Natalie!” Monica declared.

“Monica, what are you doing? I am the fcking legal wife of your brother!” Emily said.

She couldn’t help looking at her husband, but Xander wasn’t even saying anything.

It was like everything was crashing down in front of her. Her vision is blurry and the betrayal seeped into her.

After all that I did for this family, this is what I get?

Natalie faked a smile but Emily could see right through it.

“Emily, maybe we could talk somewhere private. I don’t want to cause a mess in this event. This event was for Xander,”

Emily knew Natalie was trying to look good in front of everyone. Right now, it was as if she was trying to make this about her. And by the way, everyone was looking at her makes her even more hurt and disappointed.

Natalie walked towards the kitchen and nobody followed. But the moment it was just the two of them, the smile that was showing on Natalie’s face vanished.

“I’m only taking back what’s mine, Emily. You know I was the love of his life first and we both knew he still loves me,” Natalie nonchalantly stated.

"I won't let you take this from me," Emily's fists clenched, her voice quivering. "Xander and I fought for this love."

"Xander loves me. He was mine before you."

“I am his wife now! No matter what you were in his life before, it was long over when he married me!”

“But I am back again and you know that no one here wants you to be Xander’s Luna! No pack would accept an ordinary werewolf as their Luna! It was evident earlier and you are not blind! You should know your place and that is not by Xander’s side!”

An ordinary werewolf? Emily muttered ironically. She was no ordinary wolf. After all, she is the only daughter of Alpha Lancers. She hid her identity to come here and had to endure all the mocking and insulting of pack members for her love for Xander. She believed that she could make the pack stronger with her ability, but in the end, she never thought her rank was the problem she lost the game.

Tensions escalated, emotions boiling over. But Natalie's actions took a sinister turn.

"Stay away from Xander," Natalie's voice dripped venom. "I will let him exile you and make you a rogue! "

The blade gleamed as Natalie pointed it at herself, Emily's heart pounding.

“What are you doing?!” Emily was confused about what Natalie was trying to do.

Instinctively, she lunged to stop the self-inflicted harm, only to wound herself in the process.

“I wanted to know how Xander would react!” Natalie hissed and screamed immediately. “Xander! Help!”

Maybe it was the fever and the exhaustion, or perhaps the betrayal and overwhelming emotions that she had been feeling but everything started to feel blurry for Emily.

She tried to stay conscious, but her body was weak and she couldn't stop Natalie from hurting herself with a knife. Someone shoved her from Natalie with great strength.

Before she knew it, her body fell to the ground, her vision blurry. Her love was strong, but her body was weak. For a second, her eyes saw Xander holding Natalie, something that had been etched into her mind.

Emily's gaze held his for a fleeting moment, the world slipping through her grasp.

The heartache surged as her vision faded, a love slipping through her fingers like grains of sand.