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Lost And Found

Lost And Found

Auteur: GreyTidesGoodbyes



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This is a story of healing. Alpha Adrian finds his mate in a very poor state. She’s been through more than most could handle, and she’s barely hanging on. He’s determined to show her that she’s worthy of love and happiness, but will she be able to let him in?

Chapter 1

Adrian POV

Patrols have always been my favorite. There was nothing better than running under the moonlight, the feeling of crisp snow giving way under my paws. I had never felt so free as I did when running through the trees in the middle of the night. Compared to being holed up inside all day on alpha duties, patrols were my opportunity to have some one on one time with the home I held so dear. 

This land had been in my family for generations. This forest, the lakes and the streams, we had grown together. My ancestors had been the ones to plant the very first seeds that would become our safe haven. Our roots went down just as deep as the trees did. We nourished this land and in turn it kept us safe and strong. As I dug my paws into the dirt, building on my forward momentum, I could almost feel the life teeming below me. I lived for nights like these.

However I still had a job to do, so I made my rounds and kept my ears sharp, paying close attention to anything that might feel out of place. As I was coming to a close on the first lap of our territory my nose caught the smallest hint of something off. But instead of being put on edge, I felt oddly calmed. It was faint, but there was an alluring scent in the air. Something that felt so familiar, but yet it was impossible to nail down. I followed my nose and as I got closer, the smell became clearer. Pomegranates?

Pomegranates and the ocean. It was heavenly, but it was out of place. What was a smell like that doing in the middle of these frozen woods? I shifted into human form, dressing myself with one of many nearby clothing reserves hidden in the trees, and crept forward to investigate.

That's when I saw her. Her small, naked body, half buried in the snow. My heart plummeted out of my chest as I ran to her and checked for a pulse. My confusion as to why she felt so familiar, and the heart stopping fear I felt at finding her in this state, suddenly made sense when I felt sparks racing up my fingers as I made contact with her skin.

This was my mate. My wolf was whimpering in pain as I searched in vain for a pulse. I had waited so long. I had finally found her, and yet, it seemed we were doomed to be over before we even had a chance to start.

I growled in anger. No. No one could take her from me. Not if I could help it. I immediately started doing CPR, as I linked my beta for backup. "EMERGENCY, up by the ridge, bring medical supplies and a warm blanket." I continued my compressions, tears streaming down my face, and finally my efforts were rewarded. 

I heard two weak thumps, followed slowly be two more. Her heart was beating. I checked her neck again to feel her pulse. It was there, but it was faint. I shook her but I got no response. I quickly scanned her up and down for injuries. Her lips were blue. Bruises and scrapes covered her body. How long had she been out here like this?? I tore off my coat and wrapped her in it as I linked my beta again, "Meet me at the lodge, I'll be there faster than you can reach me out here. Have medical ready"

I picked her up in my arms, held her tight to my chest, and took off running back to my pack. As I ran, all I could think of was how perfect her small frame felt in my arms, and how terrified I was that we wouldn't get back in time. "Please hold on" I kept repeating, more for myself than anything. "Hold on, we're almost home, just a little longer."