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The Ceo Is My Husband

The Ceo Is My Husband

Auteur: Flowerr22

En cours


The Ceo Is My Husband PDF Free Download


He is feared by many and loved by few. He's so wealthy that he could buy the entire street of new york. He's cold like and ice and fears no one. But what made him that way was still unknown till he found his betrothed. Will she able to handle him or is she gonna leave?

Chapter 1

Celine's POV

"Miss Blake, we have limited time!" He paused and checked a file, then shakes his head.

He takes off his eyeglass and wipes it softly before wearing it back.

He pushes his eyeglasses up and balances it on his nose.

I adjust myself on the chair and lean on the table, worry clearly written in my face.

"What do you mean, doc?" I asked in a scared voice.

I'm scared of what he's gonna say, I wish he won't say it but he must say it.

"You must prepare yourself, because the medications aren't working effectively any longer. We need to carry out the operation soon!"

"Soon? How soon?" I asked.

Doctor Christopher stares at me briefly and sighed.

"Maximum of 40 days, or you should get yourself ready for a funeral"

Funeral?! I shake my head, funeral is out of the options! It's not an option!

"Doc, last time you told me that there's a donor... what happened now? Why can't we use it?"

Doctor Christopher opens a drawer behind him and rampages through it.

He takes out a file and drops it on his table, pushing it to me.

I pick it up and opens it, I don't understand a thing... I'm just staring at it cluelessly.

"Before we do any transplant, we carry out series of test to make sure everything is ok with the donor...."

He trails off and stares at me to know if I'm actually listening to him, which of course I am!

"... we did bunch of test on Mr Jacob.."

"Mr Jacob?" I interrupt him.

"Yes, the donor!"

"Oh.. ok" I gesture him to continue.

He clears his throat and leans back on his chair.

"We found out Mr Jacob isn't as healthy as he claimed to be...."

Not as healthy as he claimed? Did he catch a strange disease? But that shouldn't affect his....

".... He was a smoker, he started smoking since twelve.. so, his lungs are damaged which kinda affected his kidneys..."

I look at him anxiously, praying he won't say what I dreaded most.

"... Hence we couldn't use his kidney anymore. We'll look for someone healthy and you'll buy one of his kidneys"

"How much?" I asked.

Doctor Christopher shuts his eyes briefly, he takes a deep breath and smiles encouragingly at me.



My mouths hangs open unable to complete my sentence. Right now, my head is growing bigger.. getting too heavier for my neck to carry.

9 million?! Where on earth will I get 9 million?!

"Miss Blake?" Doctor Christopher waves his hand across my face.

I blinked and stare at him blankly.

"Doctor, ca..can't we find another alternative?"

"I'm afraid not, we've tried all alternatives already. The operation can't be delayed any longer!"

I leans back on my chair and rub my forehead.. this 9million has given me a sudden headache.

"But I don't have such money, can't we get a cheaper one?"

"No! I estimated 9million, because we are trying to look into some charity organizations.. to see if we can find a donor!"

I sighed. 9million is a very huge amount of money, my account is currently reading $700 and that's my life's saving!

"Miss Blake, I'd advise you start planning on how to get the money ready..."

I rolled my eyes inwardly, tell me something I don't know!

"... that boy really can't wait. But we'll still try to keep him alive in as much as the medications are still working... just hurry up a little bit!"

"Thank you, doctor!"

He takes Mr Jacob's file from the table and keeps it back in the drawer.

I get up, pick my jacket and bag, I stretch out my hand and shake hands with doctor Christopher

"Thank you, doc. I should go see my brother before I leave!"

"Ok! Oh... tell your aunt to go home and get some rest sometimes, staying up all night isn't too good for her health at her age!"

I nod and head out.

Standing outside my brother's ward, I took a deep breath and wipe away my sad expression.

I put on my most happiest expression and wear a very wide and bright smile... I knock the door lightly before opening it.

"Is there any Jack here?" O asked playfully.

Jack raises his head and a smile appears on his face.

He wanted to hop off the bed but I quickly rush to him and stop him before he could.

"Easy, boy!" I told him.. you can't blame me for being careful.

His arms encircles my neck and he rests his head on my shoulder.

"Celine, you're here!" He said.

"Yeah, and I brought mangoes!"

He removes his arms from me and sits on his bed in anticipation.

I bring out five mangoes from my bag and puts them on a plate on the table.. he reaches for one but I lightly hit his hand.

"Hey, wait until they're washed!"

"Awwwn!" He whines and I laugh at him.

I raffles his hair and hold his face in my palms."So... how is handsome Jack doing today?"

"I'm fine! Here...."

He reaches for a drawing book next to him on the bed and shows me a page where drew....

Ah! I don't even know what he drew! But I guess it's some cartoons.

"... Look, Celine, I drew hulk and captain America!"

"Oh... "

I take a closer look and frown, why doesn't they look like the hulk and captain America I know?

Anyway, I give him a big thumbs up.

"... Beautiful, awesome!" I smile overly sweet at him.

He narrows his eyes and folds his arms on his chest, he points his tiny finger at my face.

"You're lying! My drawing is bad!" He said.

I shake my head, keeping a serious expression.

He monitors my expression a few more minutes then breaks into a bright smile.

Actually, his artistic skills are so darn poor but I can't let him know that... you can't get Jack back in a good mood after making him sad.

"Tomorrow I'll draw our family album!" He said.

"Good, but please don't make me look like a monkey this time"

He pause and studies my face with a raised eyebrow.

"But you look like a monkey!"

I bared my teeth at him and he laughs. I look around and notice my aunt is not here.

As if he read my thoughts, he said.

"Aunt went to get some hot water!"

I sighed and nod, a moment of silence falls on us and lasted a little longer.

Jack leans on me and rests his head on my chest.

"Celine, doctor Christopher visited me earlier this morning!"

"He did?"

He nods.

"What did he say?"

"Hmm, he said I'm getting better and I'll soon go back home and resume school"

He's getting better?! I wish it's true.. doctor Christopher told him the exact opposite of his situation.

"... is that true?"

His question pulled me back to reality.

"Is what true?"

"Is it true that I'm gonna go home soon? Did you visit him? Did he tell you I'm getting better too? Did he tell you how strong I am?"

His questions suddenly makes me emotional, I feel tears brimming in my eyes.. but I quickly blink them away.

He's really strong.. very strong. It's not easy for a 9years old to be suffering from kidney disease and still be as lively as him.



He raises his head and stares at me with a cute, inquisitive frown.

"Why are you not answering me"

"Sorry, I was thinking about an interview I have by 10am!"

"Oh.. but is it true?" He asked again.

I guess he's referring to his question from earlier.

"Yes, he said you're getting a lot better but you shouldn't stress yourself too much or...." I trail off.

"Or what?"

"He might extend your stay here!"

He scoffs unbelievably.

"That's not true, Celine. He said he'll let me go home if I continue to be a good boy.. and aunt said I've been quite good!"

I almost laugh out loud. If only he knew doctor Christopher is just saying that to make him happy.

"Hmm.. well, then, continue to be a good boy and don't run about ok!"

He nods and lets out a yawn.

"Can I lean more on you, I wanna sleep!" I nod and he leans more and closes his eyes.

Few minutes later, he's fallen asleep on me. I gently lays him on his bed and covers him with a blanket.

I stare at his carefree face and smile...I wish he wasn't so unlucky to have caught this disease.

I lean down and kisses his cheek... don't worry, Jack.. I'll work hard to save money for you...even if I have to sell myself!