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Mated To The Alpha's Heir

Mated To The Alpha's Heir

Auteur: Bridget ofotokun



Mated To The Alpha's Heir PDF Free Download


BLURB Camilla finally comes of age - her eighteenth birthday. According to what's she's heard, that is the only day she has to find her mate. Finding his scent isn't difficult but it leads her to….her brother? Coming from a line of warriors puts more responsibility on her shoulders. She loves her position in the pack as a soldier. It's what she's always wanted but seems to be more tasking than she could have ever thought. Not only is being a soldier tasking but having her supposed brother as a mate makes her go berserk. This isn't the kind of adulthood she envisioned. She has to choose one problem to solve first. Will it be her responsibility in the army? Or will she choose to sort out her mating life first

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

1: Birthday Girl

Rays of the sun flutter into her room, making her stir. One minute her eyes are closed, and the next, she's up and jumping. Her brain is still fuzzy but she's already doing happy somersaults in her mind.

Her voice can be heard throughout the house as she screams, "Finally!"

Camilla twirls her body in front of the mirror. She's low-key disappointed but there's still some joy left in her voice.

"I thought they said you would feel different, and when you look into the mirror, it's like you're seeing a new you," she whispers while bringing her face closer to the standing mirror. "I don't see anything different about me."

Deciding to relegate the thought to the background, Camilla wants to enjoy her day. It is her eighteenth birthday, after all. In a few minutes, she's standing before the mirror again, gazing at herself in her faded blue jeans, white crop top, and white vans.

The trip to the living room doesn't take time. She stops at the portrait of her parents and a tear slips. "You know, you guys should have been here. Maybe I would feel different about this day," she mutters but cleans her face soon. It's her birthday and she's not about to let anything spoil the little joy she has.

For the first time since she woke up, the day actually feels different. The breeze outside is more refreshing and it almost feels like it wants to tell a story. A smile spreads on her face, making her eyes wrinkle at the ends. While she got ready for the day, she already debated on where to go first. Waylen was obviously not at home. She settled on finding her friends first. The day before, they had all agreed to meet at a restaurant. Without needing to call them, she steers herself in that direction.

Serah and Kylie are already seated and waiting for her. She spots them as soon as she gets into the restaurant.

"Good thing we decided to choose a booth that's close to the entrance," Serah remarks when Camilla joins them. Grins are spread on the faces of her two friends.

"What is it?" Camilla asks, confused.

"Oh, come on. You should know why we're smiling," Kylie replies.

Camilla takes at the two blonde sisters. "Um, I'm serious. I don't know why you're staring at me with beady eyes."

"Camilla, you're eighteen today! You've come of age!" Serah screams, seeing that her friend didn't get the point.

"Ohhh. Yeah, that's true. I'm really happy," Camilla says, putting a tight smile on her face.

"Have you found him yet?" Kylie asks, leaning across the table.

"Don't you think she would be here with him if she found him? First of all, do you even think she'd be here at all if she found him?" Serah scolds her twin.

"Can we order food first?" Camilla pleads with the two. "I'm starving here."

"We're not the ones who told you to leave your house by ten in the morning," the twins fire back.

A waitress struts over when Camilla gives the signal. "I hope this strutting lady doesn't get me angry," she mutters under her breath.

"Good day, ladies. What can I get for you today?" the waitress asks with a smile on her face.

"It seems like she won't be so bad after all," Camilla whispers to herself.

"I'll have fries with ketchup," Serah says.

Kylie drums her fingers on the table. She has always been the one to take her time once food is involved.

"Please, just get me some peppered chicken," Camilla says once she sees Kylie is taking forever to place an order.

"Alright. What about you, Miss?" the waitress says, facing Kylie.

"Oh yeah. I think I'll have a chicken sandwich with a salad by the side and some juice to go with it," Kylie replies. Her fingernail raps her teeth. "I think that's all."

"For now," Serah and Camilla complete for her. The three burst out laughing.

The waitress heads to the kitchen to give them the order.

"So tell us, have you found him yet?" Kylie asks again. There's a mischievous smile on her face.

"Can you keep quiet about this guy for once?" Serah scolds. She turns to Camilla, who isn't paying much attention to the pair of them.

"How come she's not excited?" comes Kylie's voice.

"Hey birthday girl," Serah calls, getting her attention.


"First of all, welcome to adulthood," Serah starts with a broad smile. Camilla scoffs. "Anyway, how do you feel today?"

Camilla shrugs. She briefly glances at the window beside the booth. "I don't know how I feel, to be honest. I'm happy that I'm finally an adult but it doesn't get past that," she admits.

"Why could that be?" Kylie voices.

"You miss them, isn't it? You would have wanted them to be here to celebrate with you and give you their blessing," Serah says.

Camilla nods. Her parents mean the world to her and losing her dad was one of the worst things to happen to her. She still misses him. Thinking about her mom only brings more pain to her heart. 'She could be out there anywhere,' her mind says.

Serah takes her friend's hand in hers from across the table. "It's alright, Camilla. It's alright to cry, it's alright to feel sad from time to time. But don't forget this is your birthday and you deserve to be happy on this day."

"I know. I saw their picture on my way out this morning," she says. "You know, I don't think the rumors are true. I don't feel special today, I don't feel different. I just feel like the same old Camilla."

"You haven't had signs of finding your mate yet?" Kylie asks with a look of confusion on her face.


"That's strange. You should usually get a wif of his scent the moment you step out of your house," Kylie states.

Camilla shrugs. "Maybe I'm just different," she says.