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Made For The Mafia Boss

Made For The Mafia Boss

Auteur: Authoress Ti Fe



Made For The Mafia Boss PDF Free Download


The most wanted… The most feared… A criminal in the making… He is Roberto Galante… A 30 years old man, who has been on the wanted list for ten years. Yes, he has been the mafia boss since he was 20. The police tries to apprehend him but all to no avail, he is too good and smart in his ways to be caught by the police. But will this continue when a beautiful woman Martina is placed in his path by the police? Will he keep being the strong man with no weaknesses?!

Chapter 1

“…Please don’t kill me, I promise to pay up. I just need two more weeks. Two more weeks and you have the money right on your table.” Marco cried out as he was dragged into the building. He could perceive dust as they threw him to the ground. He had a blindfold on, and suddenly he felt someone loose the blindfold from behind.

As soon as it was off, he opened his eyes in fear and looked around to see he was dragged into an abandoned building, it had furnitures and stuffs covered with clothes and it was pretty dusty.

He looked up and saw a man sitting on a chair, he couldn’t see his face because he was backing him.

“Please don’t hurt me, I would bring your money in two weeks.” He said and he heard the man sitting on the chair chuckle. He stood up all of a sudden and turned to face him.

Marco’s breath ceased as he saw the person that was in front of him. The great Roberto.

Marco fell to the ground on his face immediately like he worshipped him. He knew there was nothing he could say to Roberto, he was going to kill him.

Roberto walked up to where Marco laid on his chest, adjusting the fitted suit he wore. He stood right in front of Marco, he was so close that his shoe touched Marco’s head.

“Please. Don’t do this.” Marcos muttered shivering and weeping bitterly. He cried like an hungry baby, he knew very well he was doomed.

Without saying a word Roberto pulled out his pistol and pointed it that Marco.

With a straight face, he pulled the trigger and the bullet hit Marco right on his head causing a great hole on his head, where his blood gushed out from.

Marco’s blood splashed on Roberto’s shoe and one of his men quickly pulled out an handkerchief from his pants and cleaned it off.

Roberto kept his gun and still not saying a word, he walked out of the building with his escorts. Five of his men waited behind to clean up the body.

Roberto got to his car and his men had opened the door before he even got close to the car. He stretched out his two hands and two of his men pulled his suit off him carefully. After it was off, he hopped into the car and they shut the door.

The driver ignited the engine and drove off, All these while Roberto uttered no words. He picked his iPad from inside the seat of the car and started operating it.

He was always current with the news. Why would he be? If he doesn’t know what is going on in town, he wouldn’t know when the cops would catch up with him.

“I can’t be careless.”

His driver passed the route they always pass, the route leading to where his private jet was parked.

They got to the jet in seven minutes. Thanks to the great speed of his driver.

The rest of his men arrived behind them and Roberto waited for them to come and open the door before stepping out. They opened the door and he stepped out of the car.

He walked to his jet with more than seven of his men around him, all armed with dangerous guns. He didn’t also leave out his best snipers who are always on the watch anywhere he goes to operate.

He got to the jet safely and immediately the pilot started the jet and picked up from the land. Four of his most trusted men went with him into the jet, while the rest waited behind for their helicopter to arrive. The helicopter is meant to arrive after Roberto was on his way back to his residence.


“Mr. Alberto, the woman is here.” A cop said to Alberto and he looked at him and nodded.

“Let her in, Thank you.” He said to the cop and he gave a salute before walking out of the office. After seconds, the door opened and she came in.

“Alberto.” She called and he smiled widely standing up and walking up to her. He stretched out his hands and pulled her into a hug.

“Martina.” He called and they both laughed hugging themselves very tight.

“How have you been?” She asked as they disengaged from the hug.

“Great, and I don’t need to ask you that. You look as beautiful as ever.” He said pointing to the chair and she sat on it.

“It’s been five years since I saw you, that’s a very long time.” She stated and he bobbed giggling.

“Yes, a very long time. How has America been treating you?” He asked and she scoffed.

“Not so good, but I am pushing.I am happy you called out for me, was tired of my environment already, needed a change of environment and here I am.” She told and he nodded.

“And you haven’t changed a bit! Still the sweet and super smart Martina I know.” He complimented and they both laughed again.

“How is your new working place?” She asked looking around the station, she seemed a little impressed with the looks of it.

“Honestly, It’s tiring. And I am yet to even start working at all. I joined them a week ago and all they have been talking about this is man that has been on their most wanted list for ten years now.” He said and her eyes widened.

“For ten years? That is a very long time. What have they been doing for ten years?” She asked in surprise and he sighed.

“They have been trying to arrest him but all to no avail. They claim he is too smart and doesn’t leave trails behind. They almost caught up with him one time but it turned into a massacre of people that were around. So this time, they need to be very careful so people won’t lose lives.” He told.

“No information on his place of residence?” She asked and he shook his head.

“No, he changed that frequent. Most times, it’s not always in Italy. He travels outside to stay.” He told and Martina nodded.

“I don’t need anyone to tell me what I am here for.” She said and Alberto sighed.

“I am sorry Martina, I know you said you gave up on operations like this already because your fiancée doesn’t like it. But can’t you please explain to him that this is very important? He is a threat to everyone.” Alberto said and he saw her countenance change.

“He left. On our wedding day, three years ago he left for my best friend.” She said and Alberto felt so bad for her.

“Oh my God, I am so sorry about that Martina. I never knew that happened, he is a bastard that needs to be hung for the vultures to devour.” Alberto said out of annoyance and Martina smiled faintly.

“It was all my fault. I could see the signs but I refused to believe it. I just wanted to get married so badly and I regret it now. But it’s fine, I am over it now. How is your wife?” She asked smiling and he smiled.

“She is fine, she put to bed two weeks ago. I am a father of two children, a boy and a girl.” He said and Martina smiled widely.

“I am so happy for you Alberto, at least my best friend isn’t single anymore. He could help me out with my messed up love life.” She said and he chuckled.

“Of course I will.” He said and they both went silent for some minutes.

“I would do it. What you want me to do, I would do it. That would keep me busy again, I miss my work too.” She said and Alberto’s face brightened. He sprang to his feet happily and she laughed.

“You don’t know how happy I am!!! You just made me the happiest detective on earth!” He yelled and Martina laughed very hard.

“Your wife shouldn’t hear that. So tell me more about this guy.” She said standing up and they both walked to the wall where he had some paper works about him, his workers and his movements.

“His name is Roberto Galante, 30 years old. Definitely Italian, crazy man. He doesn’t have any weaknesses.” He said and Martina scoffed.

“That is a big lie, drinking? Women? Pets?” She asked and he shook his head.

“None. We have made thorough investigations and he has none.” He said and she furrowed her brows.

“He must be a real beast. How dangerous is he?” She asked and He sighed.

“100%. He kills without thinking, has no family that can be used to get to him. He is a real monster.” He said and Martina nodded.

“Quite obvious.” She said walking back to the chair and having her sit.

“Can you do this? If you can’t do this we can find another way to get him.” He said and she stood up again and walked to here the papers were pasted.

She stared at his picture and sighed.

“I would do it.” She said and turned to look at Alberto.

“Martina if you need time to think about it, you can. I don’t want to force you into this, this isn’t like any other you have done. He is the most wanted, number one. You would have to be very careful with him.” He said and she nodded.

“I know, you want me to seduce him? Make him fall hard for me right? And then bring him in.” She said and he nodded.

“But that maybe hard to do. You can go in as a worker. A cook.” He said and Martina chuckled.

“I don’t even cook. Where can I find him?” She asked.

“There is this bar he goes to every Friday. He is always in there with other people and his men. They are always armed, so going in there to catch him isn’t a good idea, more innocent people will die.” He told and she bobbed.

“So you need me so that you can catch him somewhere nobody would get hurt.” She uttered and he nodded.

“Yes.”He responded.

“I am in.” She said smiling widely.

“So what are you going to do first?” He asked and she exhaled staring at the ceiling.

“Go to the party, try to catch his attention.” She responded and Alberto nodded.

“I’d go with you then.” He said and she shook her head.

“I’d go alone and I’d be fine okay?” Martina affirmed and Alberto stared at her for seconds. He wasn’t sure he would want to let her go on her own.