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Little Ann's Fate

Little Ann's Fate

Auteur: Goodness Chiamaka

En cours


Little Ann's Fate PDF Free Download


Ann Maverick was traveling with her parents through the thick dense forest, but then, Her parents' vehicle broke down in the middle of the forest path. ''What's wrong Papa?'' Little Ann had asked. ''Nothing. Stay back in the car. The guards would fixed it,'' her father replied, little did her father knew that his only blood brother wanted him dead. The guards escort didn't stop, and drove past them, going to the city. When realization dawn on Ann's father, that he had been betrayed. It clocked 6 p.m, wolf time. Three little Rogues werewolves lurking around the forest could perceived the delicious human's scent. They jumped out, frightening little Ann and her parents. Her parent were killed before her eyes, and her little body shook visibly trembling as the two black wolves attacked her parents, tearing them apart. But when they turned to attack her, wanting to tore her little body apart. One of the three rogues wolves stopped the other two wolves and next the three wolves engaged in a ruthless battle. Ann couldn't remember what happened. But when she woke up, she found herself in a dark room. Would she be able to escape from this room and return to her family. What happens when the Alpha son's fell in love with her? Read to continue.

Chapter 1

Ann's little body ached as she sat up on the bed, and the day had fully broken.

She opened her eyes with the back of her palms, rubbing them and wondering which room she was in, as she had a terrible dream the previous night, and it looked so real and still frightened her.

Ann saw her parents killed by three black wolves, and the one with white fur at its tail had turned to her with green glowing eyes. Next, she saw the three wolves engaged in a ruthless battle, tearing each other apart and howling loudly.

Ann remembered that her mother used to tell her why they never traveled back to her mother's village, the Greshood village, as the village was surrounded by thick black forest, and her mother also told her a folktale about humans that could shapeshift into wolves, also known as werewolves.

Ann sat up on the bed and stretched, staring around the big, dark room as her eyes finally flung open. Fear gripped her, and she immediately jumped down from the bed, wondering where she was.

''Where am I?'' Little Ann asked herself as she stared around the big, dark room, and her eyes also came into contact with a bony skeleton head behind her on a table, making her scream out "Ah!."

Jason Tristan was outside of their mansion when he heard Ann's scream, and his sister and mother immediately stared at him, wondering where the sound came from.

"What was that, Jason?" Chloe asked her son.

"Nothing mom. I will be back," Jason shifted away and, like a flash, darted back into the two-story building mansion, and he made his way upstairs to the third floor, where his multiple rooms were.

They were rich, and Greshood packs were farther separated from the city, and there they formed their packs, where the werewolves lived happily. As his father, Alpha Eli was the current Alpha, and as he was young, he was the next in line to become the next Alpha of Greshood packs.

They plot on taking down the human world, as the humans never believed in their existence, as they secretly kidnapped and fed on some humans. But he plotted to end that when he became the next Alpha of Greshood.

Their kingdom was beautiful, as they never lacked anything, and they shapeshifted freely without having to be bothered about the humans discovering them, as the humans were totally unaware of them.

Some hunters had tried to discover them and their kingdom and even killed some of them in their wolf form, but once the hunters were caught and captured, they were killed.

Jason was only 12-years old when he went farther away from Greshood packs, wanting to hunt with his two best friends, Evan George and Max Weston, who were both his age. As it had been long, they hunted, and he was hungry and eager for that.

Although sometimes they traveled to the human world to shop for all they needed, as the humans were the main dealers and distributors of all kinds of products, wears, and accessories, Jason wished he could just grab one of the humans there and feed on the humans flesh.

His father, Eli Tristan, one of the strongest Alphas, had warned him never to leave Greshood packs again, as he had almost shapeshifted on a broad daylight to devour a little girl he saw in Gold City Palace when they traveled to Gold City Kingdom to visit the ruler.

The little girl was as yellow as the girl he saw in the car with her parents, and his blood boiled hot and hungry to feed on her yellow flesh.

She was chubby with a round cute face and blue sparkling eyes. As she stared at him in shock when Evan and Max had attacked her parents, with horror clearly written in her eyes, and as they were in their wolf forms hunting and hungry to eat her raw.

He had told Evan and Max not to eat her up, but he didn't trust them, as they would reveal his secret of wanting to bring a human into their werewolf kingdom. They didn't bring humans, except humans that were turned into werewolves like them, as they shapeshifted freely both day and night.

The humans hunted for them, and some werewolves too had been killed in their wolf form.

Jason quickly made his way upstairs to the third floor and arrived at his chamber door. He slowly pushed the door open after removing the padlock to reveal the frightening little human female standing in his view.

He could have tied her little mouth shut to prevent her screams, as she almost alerted his parents, and they could hear her from afar as she was a human. And humans were forbidden to be kept in their wolf packs to avoid exposing their shapeshifting secrets.

Ann shivered and moved backwards away in fear as Jason walked into his dark room and shut the room door closed behind him.

"Who are you?" Little Ann asked in her shaking voice, staring at the black boy with long, curly black hair that was standing in front of her. She had never seen a boy with such long black hair before, and his chest was bare with him wearing a brown skirt.

Ann stared down at his waistline, and seeing him wearing a brown skirt, Ann burst out laughing, but Jason's dark face, matching the dark room, was non-smiling to her.

Jason stared at his little prey, and he wanted to tear her little body apart as she laughed and looked so cute in his eyes, making him remain silent and not laugh with her. As he slowly pushed the door to lock behind him, locking his room door properly, he sauntered to meet her, making Ann take some steps backwards.

"Why're you wearing a skirt?" Ann blurted out,

"And why's this room so dark?" She asked Jason, as she stammered, making Jason to pause, and he chuckled out darkly and walked to his bed, and he climbed on it and stood there like an animal on his four limbs, staring at Ann like his prey, who was shaking and staring at his dark image, as little light illuminated in the slightly dark room through the little space on the closed windows.

"Do you remember me?" Jason finally asked her, and Ann shivered, not knowing him and not remembering whom he was, as she couldn't even see his face clearly.

"I don't know you. Who are you? And open the window at once!" Ann commanded him, and Jason's nerves flinched as his green eyes immediately glowed at her and narrowed, making his sharp claws and fingersnails grow out longer, and he jumped down from his bed to Ann, making Ann scream out, "Ah!."

Ann fell backwards to her buttocks as the black boy looked like those three wolves that had killed her parents—only that he was a human, but he was scaring the life out of her.

"You don't command me next time!. I am not your servant, but you're my prey, and I will eat you up when you have grown bigger." Jason spoke, and Ann shivered, not understanding what he meant by eating her up.

Ann kept staring at him as he stood on his four limbs, placing his hands and knees on the floor, and he crawled up to meet her, like a dog, while she stayed on the floor. He approached her shaky body and stared at her round, cute face that was beneath him as he towered over her and walked around her in a circle.

Jason paused, and he finally stood upright on his legs. He walked back to the door, and in a blink, he unlocked it and exited his room.

Ann sat up back on the floor, and she thought she was probably still dreaming, but she subtly pinched her little body to wake up from the terrifying nightmare and to run back into her mother's arms for her mother to console her.

Ann missed her elder brother, Samuel Maverick, who was 11 years old, and her younger sister, Mia Maverick, who was 6 years old. She curled up to a corner in the slightly dark room and sobbed as it was no dream, and her parents were attacked by the wild dogs that looked like wolves. She also didn't know how she got into the house or who the black boy was.

"Where's mama?" Ann cried out, as she couldn't stand up to escape. As she was young, she was also frightened by the boy who behaved like a wolf, rightly in her view and reminding her of the three wild wolves that had broken her father's car glasses and dragged them out.

Ann stared at her underarm, and she saw the scratched marks there, from the claw scratches, and she knew it was no dream. But how did she get into the house?.

Ann was frightened, and she waited for her savior to come rescue her from the horrible reality that she was in.

Her stomach grumbled out loudly in hunger as she sat on the tiled floor crying, and she didn't know what to do next.

Jason stepped out of his room, and he remembered Ann laughing at him as he wore a brown short skirt.

They were wolves, and only when they wanted to visit the human world did they mostly dress like humans.

She was cute in his eyes, and he wasn't going to kill her yet nor release her, as she was his special food that he had hunted for.

He killed Evan and Max, his two best friends, and he knew their parents would soon come searching for them. He reported the matter to his father, who was the Alpha, but he killed them so as not to leak his secret of wanting to keep the human in their packs as his pet and to nurture her so she grew up and became his personal meal.

He was angered at Max, who scratched her arms and dragged her roughly after eating her mother, and Evan also ate her father, but the moment he saw her, he lost interest in her parents and was only focused on taking her away.