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Auteur: sagacious

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Marriage PDF Free Download


general knowledge needed to be known before jumping into marriage, so as not to jump out of marriage with regrets and a wish someone has taught you about things you never know about. this book is a must read for anyone that is not yet married and praying and hoping for a good marriage as you will get to know what marriage is really about before entering.

Chapter 1

Why do most marriages break up, why is divorce often the last point for most marriages? Why is most marriages sweet only for some years and the rest of the years full with pain and sorrows, tears and regrets like prisoners that has no other option

MARRIAGE: marriage is a bound, sealed and covenanted union between a man and a woman. If this is so why do we still have people breaking the bounds, why do we have people endure in marriage instead of enjoying, why is the prayer point of most family about unity in marriage, why do we have different wrong view about marriage.

Marriage in the real sense is the acceptance of a new status with a new set of obligations recognized by other people. Wedding ceremonies are held for the tie of marriage. Marriage is a socially recognized universal institution which is found is every society. It is a social contract of two opposite sexes for the satisfaction of physical, biological, social, psychological and spiritual needs of males and females. It leads to the formation of family and the procreation of children. Sexual relationship and production of children are the basic aim of marriage. It is a Latin word which means the connection of two opposite human sexes for the satisfaction of basic needs.

The major problem in marriages is that many prepare for wedding and not for marriage.

A lot of young people prepare the type of gown to wear , the shoes, honeymoon and so on


forgetting that wedding is just for some hours and they fail to prepare for marriage which last till death do them part.

One of my lessons tells me "that once you marry the wrong wife you are qualified for hell." This is both emotionally, spiritually, mentally and in every possible part of human life you are doomed for hell.

We as young ones fail to prepare for marriage in the name that we are not of age or don't have a serious guy or girl or still broke or still schooling. "As a student of life, you don’t need to be writing any exam before you begin to prepare for it." The issue of marriage is something everyone needs to prepare from the early age of our life.

If I should say, the perfect time to prepare for marriage or relationship is when we think we are not of age for it. This is because when we feel we are of age, pressure begins to disturb this leads to making wrong decision.

Parents you should be the ones to teach your children the right things to do before the world teach them the wrong things.

Financial preparation is very essential in marriage but the first thing in marriage or relationship is the preparation of the mind.

One of the greatest mistakes we do make is we choose the wrong things in life and make them our basic desired qualities for the decision of who to and not to love or be in relationship with.

Why are women always the ones suffering in marriage when they are also always the ones to be over happy in weddings? Knowledge is power I believe but power is power I also know.

One thing that surprises me is the way we go into finding solution for our problems or should I say the problem of the country from the wrong way.

To build a peaceful place and a good nation we need to settle with the foundation which is family. This runs down to marriage.

I believe God made Adam the husband and eve the wife because he knows that only family can solve the problem of the world that's why he gave us that opportunity to make the decision of who to marry.

Marriage is not a church thing because the church didn't institute marriage. If it was the church I think the pastors and other spiritual leaders should have a perfect home but what we see today among spiritual leaders are stories that even the ones they call sinners would never try to have. Neither is it a traditional thing if it was the traditional leaders should have a better family. This is why no one has the key and formula to a good marriage because no one instituted marriage except only God.

A times I begin to wonder why was JESUS first miracle in a marriage ceremony, why was it that he turned water to wine. I begin to look into the mystery of water and what wine means and used for. Water is a natural free gift of life, which is a universal solvent and has no enemy just flowing freely, it moves everything that comes into it and rejects anything that comes to subdue it. Water in my own view calms any testy living thing both movable and none moveable.

Why was it what Jesus chooses to turn to wine and what do wine represent? The wine is used as a sweet drink to make people enjoy on special times and days. If God can turn a natural free flow thing to a sweet thing this means that he wants every marriage to be a free flowing sweet thing which should have no enemy. But in today’s marriages and relationships, worldly philosophy will tell you a lot of fake things to believe in relationships and marriages. Things like, if he loves you he/she will be so jealous, he /she will always quarrel with you and many more. All these are not biblical and so should not be accepted and should not be believed. Most times we confuse our individual characters and how we respond to things to love and relate them to relationship are a jealous type doesn't mean lovers are all jealous in nature, you quarrel doesn't mean its nice and general.

In marriage people fail to do the right things necessary for marriage and at the end they blame devil and start looking for a marriage councilor to help rebuild the marriage again, whereas if one have the right knowledge about marriage, marriage crisis will be very minimal but lack of it destroys the whole nation.